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  5. METI Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi Visits South America (Chile, Colombia and Brazil)

METI Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi Visits South America (Chile, Colombia and Brazil)


July 20, 2023

External Economic Policy

From July 9 (Sun.) to 18 (Tue.), 2023, Mr. Satomi Ryuji, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, visited the Republic of Chile, the Republic of Colombia, and the Federative Republic of Brazil.

In the Republic of Chile, he conducted diplomacy and held discussions with economic ministers. He presented requests about and exchanged views on certain issues, including the enhancement of bilateral and regional economic collaboration, cooperation on the energy transition to hydrogen, ammonia, etc., and the impacts of mining taxation on Japanese mining companies. In the Republic of Colombia, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia concluded a memorandum of cooperation (MOC) on the establishment of a Joint Committee between Japan and the Republic of Colombia on Cooperation in Trade, Investment, and Industry and the two sides held discussions on certain issues, including cooperation on design policies. In the Federative Republic of Brazil, Japan held meetings with major economic ministers in order to establish relationships with the new Lula administration. Japan requested Brazil to improve the business environment to assist Japanese companies, and the two sides exchanged views on the potential for cooperation in the field of energy.

1. The Republic of Chile

(1) Exchanging views with H.E. Mr. Diego Gonzalo Pardow Lorenzo, Minister of Energy

On July 10 (Mon.), at a meeting with Minister Pardow, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi invited him to a Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting to be hosted by Japan in September 2023. He confirmed that Japanese companies are highly interested in Chile’s hydrogen and ammonia and that Japan and Chile would be able to cooperate by taking advantage of Japan’s technologies and Chile’s potential. He also stated that Japan intends to advance the MOC on the bilateral energy transition signed in April 2023. In addition, the two sides appraised the progress made in project formation under the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM).

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Exchanging views with Minister Pardow

(2) Exchanging views with H.E. Ms. Claudia Sanhueza Riveros, Minister of Trade

On July 10 (Mon.), at a meeting with Minister Sanhueza (as well as Undersecretary for International Economic Relations), Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi stated that a Japan-Chile Economic Committee is scheduled to hold a meeting in November 2023 to support Japanese companies in business development. He also pointed out the importance of approaches to encouraging such exchange efforts in the private sector. Chile expressed its commitment to these efforts as well. Concerning the field of minerals, Japan conveyed Japanese companies’ concerns over the moves to establish a state-owned lithium company and taxation on mines and it requested Chile to ensure safety in the investment environment. In response, Chile stated that it would strive to enhance the transparency of the rules and systems for the investment environment.

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Exchanging views with Minister Sanhueza

(3) Exchanging views with H.E. Ms. Marcela Ximena Hernando Pérez, Minister of Mining

On July 10 (Mon.), at a meeting with Minister Hernando, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi stated the importance of enhancing Japan’s relationship with Chile, a supplier of mineral resources, and requested a stable supply thereof. In addition, Japan conveyed Japanese companies’ concerns over the moves to establish a state-owned lithium company and taxation on mines and it requested Chile to ensure safety in the investment environment. In response, Chile stated that it would strive to enhance the transparency of the rules and systems for the investment environment. Moreover, Chile stated that it would like to promote cooperation with Japan in technological and other fields, such as lithium extraction.

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Exchanging views with Minister Hernando

(4) Exchanging views with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Chile

On July 10 (Mon.), at a meeting with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Chile, the two sides exchanged views on challenges in the business environment and management in the mining, forestry and fisheries industries in which Japanese companies are making significant investments.

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Exchanging views with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Chile

2. The Republic of Colombia

(1) Signing ceremony for an MOC on the establishment of a Joint Committee between Japan and the Republic of Colombia on Cooperation in Trade, Investment, and Industry

On July 12 (Wed.), Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi and H.E. Soraya Stella Caro Vargas, Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism (responsible for Business Development ), signed an MOC to establish a Joint Committee between Japan and the Republic of Colombia on Cooperation in Trade, Investment, and Industry . The two sides confirmed that Japan and Colombia will enrich discussions on the promotion of bilateral trade and investments and industrial cooperation through the committee.


Signing ceremony for an MOC on the establishment of a Joint Committee between Japan and the Republic of Colombia on Cooperation in Trade, Investment, and Industry

(2) Exchanging views with H.E. Mr. Luis Felipe Quintero Suárez, Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism (responsible for commerce) and Vice Minister Caro

On July 12 (Wed.), at a meeting with Vice Minister Quintero and Vice Minister Caro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi conveyed that Japanese companies developing business in Colombia are interested in cooperation in the field of hydrogen and also stated that the introduction of Japan’s Good Design Award program to Colombia would contribute to solving social challenges, etc. in the country and also that, to this end, the support from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism is important. In addition, the two sides exchanged views on the potential for bilateral cooperation in the field of startups.


Exchanging views with Vice Minister Quintero and Vice Minister Caro

(3) Exchanging views with H.E.Yesenia Olaya Requene Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation

On July 12 (Wed.), at a meeting with Minister Olaya, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi stated that the introduction of Japan’s Good Design Award program to Colombia would contribute to solving social challenges, etc. in the country and requested her cooperation in this. In addition, the two sides exchanged views on the potential for bilateral cooperation in the field of startups, deliberations on the establishment of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), and other issues.

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Exchanging views with Minister Olaya

(4) Exchanging views with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Colombia

On July 12 (Wed.), at a meeting with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Colombia, the two sides exchanged views on challenges in the business environment, management, and other matters under the Petro administration.


Exchanging views with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Colombia

3. The Federative Republic of Brazil

(1) Exchanging views with H.E. Ms. Tatiana Prazeres, Vice Minister for Foreign Trade, Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services

On July 14 (Fri.), at a meeting with Vice Minister Prazeres, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi mentioned the economic contributions to Brazil by Japanese companies developing business in the country and requested the Lula administration to further develop the business environment. Japan proposed the convening of meetings of the Japan-Brazil Joint Committee on Trade and Investment Promotion and Industry Cooperation to further enhance Japan-Brazil economic ties, and Brazil agreed. In addition, the two sides exchanged views on the potential for expanding cooperation in the field of startups as part of the efforts for the transition to a digital economy.

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Exchanging views with Vice Minister Prazeres

(2) Exchanging views with H.E. Mr. Alexandre Silveira de Oliveira, Minister of Mines and Energy

On July 14 (Fri.), at a meeting with Minister Silveira, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi explained Japan’s cooperation in the field of energy conservation, while referring to the economic contributions to Brazil by Japanese companies developing business in the country. Moreover, the two sides exchanged views on the potential for cooperation in the fields of the environment and energy toward decarbonization.

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Exchanging views with Minister Silveira

(3) Exchanging views with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Brazil

On July 14 (Fri.), at a meeting with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Brazil, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi expressed his expectations for the companies’ further success in view of the market scale in Brazil. In light of this, the two sides exchanged views on challenges in the business environment, management, and other matters. The stakeholders of the companies requested the commencement of negotiations on a Japan Mercosur EPA.


Exchanging views with the representatives of Japanese companies developing business in Brazil

(4) Exchanging views with the Centro de Informação e Apoio ao Trabalhador no Exterior (CIATE)

On July 15 (Sat.), at a meeting with CIATE, the two sides exchanged views on collaboration with the society of local people of Japanese descent and their employment, and other issues.

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Exchanging views with the CIATE

(5) Touring Japan House São Paulo

On July 15 (Sat.), Parliamentary Vice-Minister Satomi visited Japan House São Paulo and toured the facility to see displays, etc. while being guided by the presidente of the house.

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Touring Japan House São Paulo

Division in Charge

Latin America and Caribbean Office, Trade Policy Bureau

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