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Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions Held


May 16, 2023

Joint press release with the Ministry of the Environment

Energy and Environment Policy

From May 1 to 12, 2023, in Geneva, Switzerland, the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm Convention), the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Basel Convention), and the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (Rotterdam Convention) were jointly held. These three conventions all relate to chemical substances and waste, and attendees discussed technical and operational topics related to each convention. In addition, they discussed how to strengthen cooperation on the technology shared by the three conventions and enhance collaboration between them in order to implement effective measures.

1. Key results from the meetings

The parties adopted the addition of dechlorane plus, UV-328, and methoxychlor to Annex A of the Stockholm Convention. They also held deliberations on a review of the specific exemptions and the acceptable purposes of decabromodiphenyl ether, short-chain chlorinated paraffins, etc.

Concerning the Basel Convention, the parties adopted technical guidelines on POPs waste, on electrical and electronic waste (e-waste), and on plastic waste, and held deliberations on the improvement of the Prior Informed Consent procedure (PIC procedure) in which state of export shall send a notice to state of export destination in advance and receive an agreement from the state of import.

The parties decided to add terbufos to the substances subject to the Rotterdam Convention.

2. Outline of each Meeting of the Conferences of the Parties

(1) Location and dates

Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Dates: From May 1 (Mon.) to 12 (Fri.), 2023

(2) Main agenda items

<Stockholm Convention>

  • Adding new POPs to Annex A of the convention
    • Dechlorane plus (flame retardant)
    • UV-328 (UV absorber)
    • Methoxychlor (pesticide)
  • Review of the specific exemptions and the acceptable purposes
    • Decabromodiphenyl ether (flame retardant)
    • Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (flame retardant)
  • Evaluating the convention’s effectiveness

<Basel Convention>

  • Adopting technical guidelines on POPs waste, on electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) on interim basis, and on plastic waste
  • Holding discussions on the improvement of the PIC procedure

<Rotterdam Convention>

  • Adding subject chemical substances to Annex III (terbufos)

<Joint Session of the Conferences of the Parties>

  • Matters related to the implementation of the conventions (technical assistance, budgets, etc.)
  • Coordination between the three conventions
  • Cooperation with the Minamata Convention on Mercury

(3) Attendees from Japan

A government delegation comprised of representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry attended from Japan.

(4) Next meeting

The next meeting will be held in Geneva from April 28 to May 9, 2025. The meetings of the three Conferences of the Parties will once again be held in succession, with issues common to all three Conventions discussed in a joint session.

Reference materials: Webpages related to the Conventions

Divisions in Charge

  • Information on the Stockholm Convention and the Rotterdam Convention:

    Chemical Management Policy Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau
  • Information on the Basel Convention:

    Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Division, Industrial Science, Technology and Environment Policy Bureau
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