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  5. Certificates of Origin are shifted to issuance in PDF format under EPAs for India and Malaysia

Certificates of Origin are shifted to issuance in PDF format under EPAs for India and Malaysia


April 14, 2023

External Economic Policy

Certificates of origin (CO) will be shifted to issuance in PDF format for India under the Japan-India Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and those for Malaysia under the Japan-Malaysia EPA and the Japan-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Agreement.

Simplifying and speeding up origin certification procedures will increase use of the EPA, which is also expected to promote agricultural exports.

1. Procedures for issuing COs under EPAs

When exporting a product from Japan using the third-party certification system under the EPA, an exporter must apply for the issuance of a CO, after submitting documents to the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI)—the designated issuing body—to prove that the exporting product is of Japanese origin under the EPA and receiving JCCI’s certification.

2. Shifting to issuance of COs in PDF files

Aiming to enhance convenience for businesses, the Government of Japan has been promoting digitalization of COs. As part of this, it has achieved issuance of COs in PDF files for those under the Japan-Thailand EPA and those under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement. Moreover, it is scheduled to introduce the exchange of data on COs under the Japan-Indonesia EPA by the end of June 2023.

In addition, from July 18, 2023, COs will be shifted to issuance in PDF format for India under the Japan-India EPA and also those for Malaysia under the Japan-Malaysia EPA and the AJCEP Agreement. Those making any import declarations at customs in India or Malaysia may need to submit a self-printed CO or satisfy other requirements. Please make sure of the procedures of your destination country.

3. EPA Info Desk

A consultation desk dedicated to the use of the EPAs has been established to handle various concerns, questions, and feedback regarding their use, as many of them have come into effect with differing rules of origin and other aspects. Please feel free to use the EPA Info Desk.

To access the EPA Info Desk, visit here
Email address: epa-desk★epa-info.go.jp (Note: Please change the star (★) to (@).)
Contact office: Origin Certification Policy Office, Trade Control Department, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, METI

Divisions in Charge

  • Economic Partnership Division, Trade Policy Bureau
  • Origin Certification Policy Office, Trade Control Department, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau
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