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  5. Declaration Form Released for Businesses Agreeing to the Disclosure of Information in the Periodic Report Under the Act Rationalizing Energy Use

Declaration Form Released for Businesses Agreeing to the Disclosure of Information in the Periodic Report Under the Act Rationalizing Energy Use


March 3, 2023

Energy and Environment Policy
The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) has released a declaration form for businesses agreeing to the disclosure of information in periodic reports which are required to be submitted by large-scale users under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use.

1. Outline of the system

The Act on Rationalizing Energy Use designates businesses with a total energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) of 1,500 kl or more per year as those required to report on their energy consumption every year.
Given the increased focus in recent years on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investment and demand for the disclosure of corporate information on sustainability, a framework (optional disclosure system) will be established for disclosing information in the periodic reports under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use based on disclosure declarations from designated businesses, taking into consideration discussions by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Subcommittee under the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy.
This is expected to increase the communication of information from companies to their stakeholders including ESG investors. It will also allow ESG investors to obtain highly reliable information, and allow energy service providers to analyze disclosed data and develop improved services.
We have released a disclosure declaration form to indicate the intention to participate in the optional disclosure system on the energy efficiency and conservation portal site外部リンク of the ANRE's website. Prior to its full-scale operation in FY2024 (disclosure of FY2023 results), the system will begin as a trial operation in FY2023 (disclosure of FY2022 results).
A list of the companies that make a declaration will be published on the ANRE website, and the companies will receive extra points when applying for subsidies related to energy efficiency and conservation.

2. Application deadline

Applications for the FY2023 trial operation will close around November 2023 for companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Prime Market. When the full-scale operation begins in FY2024, applications will be open to all designated businesses, and will close around November 2024.

3. Timing of release of disclosed information

The information for the FY2023 trial operation is scheduled to be released in the first half of FY2024, and that for the full-scale operation beginning in FY2024 is scheduled to be disclosed in the first half of FY2025. In both cases, disclosures will be made as soon as the results are processed.

Optional disclosure system Eligible companies *1 Declaration application Timing of publication *2
・ Trial operation Companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Prime Market Until November 2023 First half of 2024
・ Full-scale operation All designated businesses Until November 2024 First half of 2025
Note 1: Designated businesses under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use who submit periodic reports are eligible.
Note 2: Disclosures will be made as soon as the results are processed.

4. A tentative format of the disclosure sheet

We are planning to release the disclosure sheet in a tentative format as shown below. The disclosure items are also indicated therein, but we will review and adjust the structure and layout to make it easier for stakeholders to comprehend by the time a version for the trial operation is released.

Division in Charge

Energy Efficiency Division, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

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