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  5. Minister Nishimura Holds Meeting with the Hon. Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development of Canada

Minister Nishimura Holds Meeting with the Hon. Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development of Canada


December 7, 2022

External Economic Policy

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Mr. Nishimura Yasutoshi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, held a meeting with the Hon. Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development of Canada, who was visiting Japan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Nishimura welcomed Canada's active engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Indo-Pacific Strategy announced by Canada last month. He pointed out that Japan and Canada are important partners who can cooperate based on common values to address challenges to the international order and economic coercion by authoritarian states.
He also noted that Canada is a partner in strengthening supply chains as a stable supplier of energy resources, including important minerals, and that he hopes to continuously deepen cooperation with Canada.

In addition, they exchanged views on cooperation in the area of trade, including the WTO and CPTPP, as well as cooperation in the 2023 G7, chaired by Japan. In response to Minister Ng’s remarks, they also exchanged views on Canada's interest in participating in the IPEF.

Division in Charge

Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau
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