GPAI Summit 2022 Held


November 24, 2022

Joint Press Release with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

External Economic Policy

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) held the GPAI Summit 2022, the annual meeting of the multi-stakeholder initiative Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo from November 21 (Mon.) to 22 (Tue.), 2022.

1. Date

November 21 (Mon.) to 22 (Tue.), 2022

2. Outline of the event

The GPAI Summit is an annual meeting of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), a multi-stakeholder international organization established with the founding goal of guiding the responsible and human-centric development and use of AI. The GPAI Summit 2022 is the partnership's third annual meeting and was held in Japan, marking its first meeting in Asia.
Japan also serves as the chair for one year, starting in November 2022.

3. Outcomes of the GPAI Summit 2022

In his opening remarks, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Nagamine spoke about the importance of the role fulfilled by AI technologies in today's society and his hopes for cooperation between experts and the government of each country toward the establishment of responsible and human-centric development and use of AI.
The GPAI member countries (24 countries and the EU) participated in the ministerial meeting and adopted a ministerial declaration for the first time in the GPAI Summit, confirming that each country welcomes the promotion of a resilient and peaceful society through the social implementation of AI and empowerment of citizens.
In addition, the Working Groups of experts participating in the GPAI as part of the Working Groups on (1) Responsible AI, (2) Data governance, (3) Future of work, and (4) Innovation and commercialization announced various outcomes during expert meetings, and there were many side events centered around people working in AI from Japan and abroad.

4. Meeting with the Senior Minister of State of Singapore

Parliamentary Vice-Minister Nagamine met with Dr. Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State of Singapore, with whom he exchanged views on topics such as cooperation in the GPAI and Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT).

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