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  5. List of Companies Taking on the Zero-Emission Challenge Updated and Enhanced

List of Companies Taking on the Zero-Emission Challenge Updated and Enhanced

- Supporting Companies' Efforts to Pave the Way to a Decarbonized Society through Innovations -


October 5, 2021

Energy and Environment Policy

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is working on a Zero-Emission Challenge project in partnership with Keidanren, NEDO, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The project maintains a list of companies that are striving toward innovation in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and provides investors and other stakeholders with useful information about them. At the TCFD Summit 2021 today, METI spoke about 600 Companies Taking on the Zero-Emission Challenge, both listed and unlisted. Going forward, the ministry will further promote the efforts of Companies Taking on the Zero-Emission Challenge by establishing a forum for dialog between them and investors, etc.

METI lists companies that are tirelessly pursuing innovation toward a decarbonized society as "Companies Taking on the Zero-Emission Challenge." It created the first list last year, naming 320 companies. With a view toward carbon neutrality by 2050, METI drew up a list of 624 companies for this year, and announced it today at the TCFD Summit 2021. The list of companies covers programs run by METI and MAFF tied to the Zero Emission Innovation Strategy, and 45 projects run by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). It contains 624 companies supporting the cause of Zero-Emission Challenge.

The specific system design was deliberated on last fiscal year by the Study Group on Environmental Innovation Finance (chaired by Dr. Ito Kunio, Professor at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University) which gathered together investors, financial institutions, experts, and other relevant parties. Based on the group's conclusions, METI then formulated the criteria to ensure that companies will be put on the list objectively and exhaustively. It also discussed with investors, etc. how to announce the list for actual use, and applied the results to the design.

METI has also created a logo that can only be used by Companies Taking on the Zero-Emission Challenge, in order to appeal to investors.

Related links

Zero Emission logo

You can download the Zero Emission logo here.

Division in Charge

Environmental Economy Office, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau
Energy and Environment Innovation Strategy Office

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