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  5. Minister Kajiyama and State Ministers Nagasaka and Ejima Attend the Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting and Mission Innovation Ministerial Meeting (via Video Conference)

Minister Kajiyama and State Ministers Nagasaka and Ejima Attend the Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting and Mission Innovation Ministerial Meeting (via Video Conference)


June 4, 2021

Energy and Environment Policy

From May 31 to June 6, the twelfth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) meeting and the sixth Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-6) meeting were held via video conference. The events were organized by the Chilean government. Mr. Kajiyama Hiroshi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), attended the MI Innovating to Net Zero Summit on June 2nd, Mr. Nagasaka Yasumasa, METI State Minister, attended the MI Ministerial Roundtable on May 31st, and Mr. Ejima Kiyoshi, METI State Minister, attended the CEM Plenary Session and the side event Net Zero Emissions Pathways with Nuclear Innovationon June 3rd.

1. The Sixth Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-6) meeting

  • Launched in 2016 after proposal from like-minded participating countries at COP21 in 2015, Mission Innovation is a global initiative to further stimulate public-private investment in research and development (R&D) in the field of clean energy. Japan has been a member since its inauguration. With the five years of activities from 2016 to 2021 as the first phase, the second phase of activities was launched at this meeting. Mission Innovation's members are the EU and other 22 countries. These include the seven main countries involved (the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan), as well as India, Australia, and four Nordic countries.

  • In the MI Innovating to Net Zero Summit held on June 2nd, ministers from the attending countries expressed their intention by posting their video messages to participate in the second phase of Mission Innovation that has just been launched.

  • Minister Kajiyama commented that in order to become carbon neutral by 2050 and achieve global decarbonization, efforts by all (governments, companies, academia, and individuals) will be essential. He then referred to the development of a Green Innovation Fund, and expressed the Japanese government's intention to continue strengthening public investments in the clean energy field, and to promote the development and social implementation of innovative technologies through public-private cooperation. He also expressed Japan's commitment to leading the global moves toward a virtuous cycle of economic growth and environmental protection, and stated that it will participate in Mission Innovation 2.0.

  • At the Ministerial Roundtable held on May 31st, the participants had lively discussions on topics such as achieving each country's vision regarding climate change issues and measures to accelerate activities toward achieving the Paris Agreement goals.

  • State Minister Nagasaka said that there is a need for a mechanism that can expand non-consecutive innovation, and bring together by political leadership the collective power of industry, government, and academia. He then announced that Japan will work toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 on the basis of the Green Growth Strategy. He also called for international collaboration, stressing the necessity of pooling the world's wisdom.

2. The Twelfth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) meeting

  • The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a meeting that brings together ministers and officials in the field of clean energy (renewable energy, energy efficiency, nuclear power, hydrogen, CCUS, etc.) from 28 major developed countries and emerging countries and European Union, including the United States, European countries, China, and India, with the aim of disseminating and promoting technologies in the field of clean energy worldwide. In the twelfth meeting, the participants agreed on a new program over the next five years (CEM3.0) containing strengthened international cooperation toward more widespread use of clean energy.

  • Participating in the Plenary Session held on June 3 (Thu.), State Minister Ejima expressed the Japanese government's intention to work on promoting innovation toward achievingcarbon neutrality by 2050, to promote international cooperation toward clean energy transitions worldwide, and to contribute to new CEM activities, including through additional funding. He also participated by posting a video message in the side event, "Net Zero Emissions Pathways with Nuclear Innovation" held on the same day. He spoke about Japan's efforts toward reconstruction of Fukushima, and about international cooperation in research and development in the field of nuclear power.

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Related websites

Division in Charge

  • About MI-6

    International Affairs Office, Policy Planning and Coordination Division, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau

  • About CEM12

    International Affairs Division, Commissioner's Secretariat, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

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