
FileRun on Linode

You may want to set up a file server like FileRun for any number of reasons. The main reason, I would think, would be so you can have your own Google Drive alternative that is under your control instead of Google's. So let's take a look at it.

Getting Started with Docker Semi-Self-Hosting on Linode

With the evolution of technology, we find ourselves needing to be even more vigilant with our online security every day. Our browsing and shopping behaviors are also being continuously tracked online via tracking cookies being dropped on our browsers that we allow by clicking the "I Accept" button next to deliberately long agreements on websites before we can get the full benefit of said site. Watch this article:

Build a Versatile OpenStack Lab with Kolla

Hone your OpenStack skills with a full deployment in a single virtual machine. It's hard to go anywhere these days without hearing something about the urgent need to deploy on-premises cloud environments that are agile, flexible and don't cost an arm and a leg to build and maintain, but getting your hands on a real OpenStack cluster—the de facto standard—can be downright impossible.

Sharing Docker Containers across DevOps Environments

Docker provides a powerful tool for creating lightweight images and containerized processes, but did you know it can make your development environment part of the DevOps pipeline too? Whether you're managing tens of thousands of servers in the cloud or are a software engineer looking to incorporate Docker containers into the software development life cycle, this article has a little something for everyone with a passion for Linux and Docker.

FOSS Project Spotlight: Pydio Cells, an Enterprise-Focused File-Sharing Solution

Pydio Cells is a brand-new product focused on the needs of enterprises and large organizations, brought to you from the people who launched the concept of the open-source file sharing and synchronization solution in 2008. The concept behind Pydio Cells is challenging: to be to file sharing what Slack has been to chats—that is, a revolution in terms of the number of features, power and ease of use.

Managing Docker Instances with Puppet

In a previous article, "Provisioning Docker with Puppet", in the December 2016 issue, I covered one of the ways you can install the Docker service onto a new system with Puppet. By contrast, this article focuses on how to manage Docker images and containers with Puppet.

Applied Expert Systems, Inc.'s CleverView for TCP/IP on Linux

The contemporary data center is typified by an ever-increasing amount of traffic occurring between servers, observes Applied Expert Systems, Inc. (AES), sagely. Fulfilling the logical need to facilitate improved server-to-server communications, AES created CleverView for TCP/IP on Linux, now at v2.7. CleverView provides IT staff access to current and

AWS Quickstart for Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source cluster manager that makes it easy to run Docker and other containers in production environments of all types (on-premises or in the public cloud). What is now an open community project came from development and operations patterns pioneered at Google to manage complex systems at internet scale.

SQL Server on Linux

When Wim Coekaerts, Microsoft's vice president for open source, took the stage at LinuxCon 2016 in Toronto last summer, he came not as an adversary, but as a longtime Linux enthusiast promising to bring the power of Linux to Microsoft and vice versa. With the recent launch of SQL Server for Linux, Coekaerts is clearly having an impact.

Make Your Containers Transparent with Puppet's Lumogon

As development and IT shops look for ways to more quickly test and deploy software or scale out their environments, containers have become a go-to solution. With Docker and similar tools, you can spin up dev and production containerized platforms that are fast, lightweight and consistent.

Let's Automate Let's Encrypt

HTTPS is a small island of security in this insecure world, and in this day and age, there is absolutely no reason not to have it on every Web site you host. Up until last year, there was just a single last excuse: purchasing certificates was kind of pricey.

An IT megatrend in progress involves the shift from legacy monolithic apps running on enterprise storage to systems of engagement that interact with users, collect real-time data from many sources and store it in elastic and shared data services.

Concerning Containers' Connections: on Docker Networking

Containers can be considered the third wave in service provision after physical boxes (the first wave) and virtual machines (the second wave). Instead of working with complete servers (hardware or virtual), you have virtual operating systems, which are far more lightweight.