Match to email address of the sender
Match to email addresses in the body of the message
Search for new contacts
Gain actionable intelligence on people in your email

Match contacts whose email addresses appear as the Sender, CC, To, or in the body of your message to their profiles in Leadership Connect.

View full contact information, location, other roles, education, and career history.

Find who’s in the seat

Easy searching, color photos, and hierarchy help you understand an organization and find the person you want to contact.

Access any time, any place

Just authenticate with your email address once and you can access people intelligence any time.

Outlook desktop or on the web.
No technical resources needed!

Add new people to your Outlook contacts

Add a person’s full name, phone number, email, title, and organization to your contacts with just one click.

Get the Add-In

Your Outlook administrator can install this add-in via centralized deployment

Or you can search in Microsoft AppSource for Leadership Connect

Click the Add button to get the add-in

How to Login

Click the Leadership Connect icon in the menu to display the sidebar

Pin the sidebar so it doesn't disappear

You can always unpin and display other add-ins after initial login

Login to Leadership Connect

If you are not a current subscriber, please contact us

A verification code will be sent to the email address entered in the previous step

If you do not receive an email, please contact us

Enter the verification code in the sidebar

You're in!

Now your email address is authenticated, and you can use the add-in any time

Who We Help

Busy Leaders, Including:

Government Affairs
Public Relations
And More