
About Kyushu Business Environment in Kyushu

Support Regimes

General reception for direct investment in Japan 〜 Invest Japan Office 〜

We offer a one-stop service providing useful information and practical advice on direct investment in Japan.Please feel free to contact the office for reference.

しかくAvailable services

The available services for private business operations etcetera provided by this service window include the following:

  • *Advice on investment
  • *Provision of information on investment
  • *Support with application procedures for licensing concerning investment
しかくInquiry methods
Methods such as telephone, facsimile, e-mail, visiting the window, etcetera are all acceptable. Agents may also inquire on your behalf. However, in all cases, it is necessary for the person making the inquire to provide his/her name and address (in the case of companies, the company's name and location of offices etcetera), as well as details of the inquiry and the reason for this.
しかくReply to inquiries
All inquirers will receive a reply within 10 days of their inquiry. (However, in some cases, such as those which involve application procedures for licensing etcetera with a separate stipulated standard processing period and those which require a greater level of prudence, the time frame for the reply may be extended.)
Office for reference
Intemational Investment Promotion Division, International Affaira Department, Kyushu Bureau of METI
2-11-1 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8546, Japan
TEL:+81-92-482-5426/FAX:+81-92-482-5321 / E-mail:invest-japan-kyushu@meti.go.jp

Invest Japan Business Support Center(IBSC)

Invest Japan Business Support Centers(IBSC)

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) operates six Invest Japan Business Support Centers (IBSCs) across Japan to provide one-stop support and service to foreign firms seeking to set-up business in Japan. The centers, linked into relevant government ministries and agencies, provide free temporary office space, consultation with expert advisors and access to a wealth of business information. (【Source】JETRO website) http://www.jetro.go.jp/en/invest/


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