Presentation materials for IR meeting
November 11, 2020
President & Chief Executive Officer
Kazuhiro Ikebe
Section 1 Performance Highlights
Section 2 Business Topics
Attachment: Financial Results for The 2nd Quarter of FY2020
Section 1 Performance Highlights134(Table of Contents)
Financial Results for FY2019 (Consolidated)
Forecasts of Financial Results for FY2020
Dividend policy
Financial Results for FY 2020 2Q (Consolidated) 1
 Sales and profits increased compared to the same period of the previous year.
 There were the negative impacts of the COVID-19 and the temporary
shutdown of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station, which was caused by the
installation work of the Specific Safety Facilities. On the other hand,
depreciation costs and the loss in LNG trade decreased, and the retail
electricity sales volume outside the Kyushu region increased.
FY2020 2Q FY2019 2Q DifferenceRateof Change
Ordinary Revenues 1,067.9 1,028.7 39.1 +3.8%
Sales (Figures are included above)
1,060.5 1,020.2 40.2 +3.9%
Ordinary Expenses 985.3 1,011.6 -26.2 -2.6%
Ordinary Income 82.5 17.0 65.4 +382.8%
Net Income attributable to
owners of the parent
63.0 7.1 55.8 +777.7%
(Billion of Yen) 2 Total amount of electricity sales volume increased by 6.5%.
 Mainly due to an increase in electricity sales volume outside the Kyushu
region, as sales increased of the group company Kyuden Mirai Energy, and
due to higher temperatures in August compared to the previous year. In
addition, wholesale sales increased.
 Impact of COVID-19: -1.5 billion kWh.
FY2020 2Q FY2019 2Q DifferenceRateof Change
(Kyuden Mirai Energy included in the
top figure)
Wholesale 4.70 3.11 1.59 +51.1%
Total 42.17 39.58 2.59 +6.5%
Consolidated electricity sales volume (Billion kWh)
Note1: Some rounding errors may be observed.
Note2: The figures represent our company and consolidated subsidiaries (Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co.,
Inc. and Kyuden Mirai Energy Co.,Inc.) (internal transactions have been eliminated).
Forecasts of Financial Results for FY2020 3
 Consolidated Ordinary Income: 45.0 billion of yen (+5 billion of yen)
 Impact of COVID-19: -2.0 billion kWh
* Although the economic impact of the COVID-19 seems to be subsiding and the economy is
showing signs of improvement, it has not fully recovered yet. Therefore, the electricity sales volume
has been calculated on the assumption that this situation will continue until the end of the fiscal year.
FY2020 FY2019 DifferenceRateof Change
Sales 2,060.0 2,013.0 47.0 +2.3%
Operating Income 70.0 63.8 6.2 +9.7%
Ordinary Income 45.0 40.0 5.0 +12.4%
Net Income/Loss attributable to
owners of the parent
30.0 -0.4 30.4 -
FY2020 FY2019 DifferenceRateof Change
Retail 751 732 19 +2.6%
Wholesale 103 75 28 +37.8%
Total 854 807 47 +5.8%
(Billion of Yen)
Note: Electricity sales volume represent our company and consolidated subsidiaries (Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc. and Kyuden Mirai
Energy Co.,Inc.) (internal transactions have been eliminated).
(Billion kWh)
Forecast of electricity sales volume 500 0 0 515203035 35
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Dividend policy 4
Dividend trends
 The 2020 dividend forecast is 35 yen/share (interim 17.5 yen, year-end 17.5 yen).
 From 2015 to 2019 we achieved a dividend increase for five consecutive years.
 We will restore our dividend of 50 yen when we are confident that our equity
ratio will recover to around 20%.50(yen/share)(FY)・・・
Promoting electrification 7
Expanding electricity sales 8
Group Management Vision - performance targets for 2030 5
Decarbonizing Power Generation
Safe and stable operation of nuclear power
Expanding renewable energy power 1213Growth business initiatives1115
Efforts to improve productivity and profitability using ICT9Our management strategy and ESG initiatives 6
Section 2 Business Topics
(Table of Contents)
Group Management Vision - performance targets for 2030 5
Consolidated ordinary income: 150 billion yen
Total electricity sales volume: 120 TWh
Contributing to reducing Kyushu’s CO2 emissions
(As for shareholder return)
We are currently aiming to achieve the same level of dividends as before the earthquake (around 50円 per
share). We will then, with a basic policy of maintaining a stable dividend, work to provide even greater
shareholder returns by adjusting our dividends in the light of growth in other businesses.
A B C D (Company name)
Kyuden Kyushu
Permanent pursuit of a reasonable price for
Our management strategy and ESG initiatives 6
Building a sustainable community
 Contribute to the resolution of various issues affecting
communities and wider society by creating markets through new
businesses and services.
Developing the energy service
 Increase non-fossil fuel power use through renewable and
nuclear energy, and promote electricity usage in many fields,
contributing to a sustainable low-carbon society.
Strengthening our business
 Strengthen the business foundations that support the growth of
the Kyuden Group.
 Our management strategy to achieve the 2030 target and ESG initiatives are
 Promotion of electrification and low carbonization of power sources are key to
our growth.
Promoting electrification 7
rate in Kyushu
Our main efforts
 Electrification contributes to electricity sales and CO2 reduction.
 The electrification rate in Kyushu is about 20% and there is potential to increase this.
 We promote electrification in all sectors such as home, business, transport, and industry.
 Promotion of "all electrification" such as IH
and EcoCute
 Promotion of electrified kitchens and heat
pump air conditioning
 EV conversion of passenger cars and buses
- EV sharing service for condominiums "Weev"
- Development of large-capacity charger /
discharger for large EVs
 Promotion of agricultural electrification of
plant factories
FY201678%Japan’s electrification
rate per sector
rate (%)
Home 49
Business 54
Industry 20
tation2Total 26
* 2017 value
Source: Agency for Natural Resources and
Energy "Comprehensive Energy Statistics"
Image of the world's largest next-generation plant factory
(under consideration for commercialization)
* Percentage of final energy consumption
Source: Estimated by the Company based
on the Agency for Natural Resources and
Energy "Energy Consumption Statistics by
Expanding electricity sales
Market share of new entrants in Kyushu
* based on kWh. Dotted lines shows national average (excluding Okinawa)
All sectors (Kyushu)
High voltage sector
High voltage sector (Japan)
All sectors (Japan)
(100 million kWh)
Kyuden Mirai Energy electricity sales development817.9%
 In Kyushu area, we try to increase the
number of customers by offering a selection
of electricity plans, that are suited to our
customers’ needs.
 Outside of Kyushu, Kyuden Mirai Energy is
expanding retail sales quickly.
Examples of our plans for low-voltage customers
・Smart family plan (for residential customers)
・Smart business plan (for commercial businesses)
・Residential lightning time of use (offers affordable night-time
and weekend rates)
・Plan for families with children under the age of 3
・Plan for people who have relocated to Kyushu
・Heatstroke prevention plan for people older than 75 years
・Renewable energy virtual storage service (page 17)
Lower than the
national average
Ranking among new entrants
No. 5in Japan
(as of June 2020)
2017 2018 2019 2020
(Based on data from Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission)
1st half 2nd half 1st half 2nd half 1st half 2nd half 1st half
Zero emission power ratio
58% (including FIT electricity)(*4)Decarbonizing Power Generation 9
Power sources (kWh) in FY2019 Comparison of zero emission power ratio
 Due to the utilization of renewable energy and nuclear power, our zero emission power
source ratio is 58%, which is the highest ratio in Japan’s power sector (this includes FIT
Comparison of eight main domestic power companies
* The value of EPCO F is the value in FY2018, other companies’ value are in FY2019
(latest value announced as of 2020.9)
Source: Created from each company’s website
* The target for the zero-emission power source ratio in the national energy mix for 2030 is about 44%.44%(excluding FIT power)FITpower14%(*1)
The diagram above shows the power sources for energy supplied to those customers who have not specified a service using only
renewable energy sources (hydroelectric, geothermal power). Calculated and announced based on "The Guidelines Concerning the
Management of the Electricity Retail Business" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. *Calculated on the basis of power
generated by Kyushu Electric Power and volume of power purchased from other companies (excluding remote islands).
(*1) Feed-in tariff (FIT) system for renewable energy Kyushu Electric Power’s electricity procurement costs are partially financed by a
surcharge on all electricity users, including non-customers. As a result, these CO2 emissions from electricity are regarded as the
national average of CO2 emissions from electricity, including that generated through sources such as thermal power.
*Subject to powers generated by solar, wind, hydroelectric (below 30 MW), geothermal, and biomass.
(*2) Power procured from wholesale power exchanges This electric power includes hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, FIT, and
renewable energy power.
(*3) Others Includes power procured from other companies for which the power station cannot be specified.
(*4) Numbers differ from those in achievement plans under the Act on the Promotion of Use of Non-fossil Energy Sources and
Effective Use of Fossil Energy Materials by Energy Suppliers.  CO2 emissions decreased by 51% compared to FY2013 due to the expansion of
zero-emission power sources.
 While considering the S+3E(*) perspective, we will expand renewable energy,
maintain stable operation of nuclear power, and improve the efficiency of
thermal power plants.
* S+3E refers to the four pillars of Japan’s basic energy policy, which aims to simultaneously achieve Energy
security, Economic efficiency, and preservation of the Environment, while maintaining Safety.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 201910Changes in CO2 emissions(FY)(10,000 metric tons-CO2)
- 51%
* The national CO2 reduction target is - 26% in 2030 (compared to 2013)
Sendai nuclear power plant
 We have shortened the period of regular inspections for the installation of SSF by
1 month (announced on October 1, 2020).
Safe and stable operation of nuclear power
 Approvals for a change in reactor installation were
acquired in April 2019. Construction plan approval
was acquired in August 2020.
 By applying the knowledge gained at Sendai nuclear
power plant, we aim to complete installation of the
facilities within the deadline while ensuring safety.
Genkai nuclear power plant11Before change After change
Unit 1 16 Mar 2020 - 26 Dec 2020 16 Mar 2020 - 26 Nov 2020
Unit 2 20 May 2020 - 26 Jan 2021 20 May 2020 - 26 Dec 2020
SSF deadline
Unit 3 Aug 24, 2022
Unit 4 Sep 13, 2022
 We aim for the early completion of Specific Safety Facilities (SSF) while ensuring safety.
Expanding renewable energy power
 For 2030 we have set a target of 5 GW of electricity generation output from renewables.
 We will expand renewable energy development not only in Kyushu, but also outside Kyushu and
overseas. In addition to the development of geothermal and hydropower, which are the strengths
of the Kyuden Group, we will work on offshore wind power and biomass power generation.12Output target 2030
 Operation of Kushima Wind Farm (Oct)
- Largest wind farm in Kyushu: 64.8 MW
 Considering commercialization of
Yurihonjo Offshore Wind Project (May)
- Preparing for the public offering in
collaboration with RWE Renewables Japan
 Renovation of Otake geothermal plant
- Replacing equipment to increase the output is
the first of its kind in Japan: 12.5MW→14.5 MW
 Starting operation of Fukuoka biomass
power plant (May)
- The first wood biomass power plant in
Fukuoka Prefecture that exclusively uses
domestic timber as fuel: 5.7MW
 Starting operation of Soyano Wood Power
Power Plant (October)
- The largest biomass power plant in Nagano
Prefecture that uses domestically produced
wood: 14.5 MW
Key new initiatives in 2020
Development volume of renewable energy ( as of the end of October 2020)
2014.3 2020.10 2030
1.69 GW
2.2 GW
Target5 GWEquity output:
2.5 GW
Solar 94 MW Wind 179 MW Hydro 1,286 MW
(excluding pumped storage)
Geothermal 553 MW
Biomass 185 MW
Participating in the operation
of the world's largest
geothermal power plant,
Sarulla, Indonesia (330 MW)
Growth business initiatives
 We aim to expand overseas power generation equity output of 5 GW by 2030 in Europe
and Africa, in addition to our current projects in Asia, America and Middle East.
 We aim to expand into new fields such as microgrid business and power transmission and
distribution business.
 When investing, we perform appropriate risk assessments and expect returns that exceed
the domestic power business.13 Acquiring US Thermochem (May)
- Thermochem provides sophisticated technical
services and products related to the geothermal
industry including research, development, and
manufacture of specialized equipment and
providing of consulting services.
- By acquiring Thermochem, we aim to expand the
presence of the Kyuden Group in the
international geothermal power generation
 Investing in Enernet Global (September)
- Enernet develops microgrid and Distributed
Energy Resources projects by using its in-house
proprietary software platform.
- Kyuden Group will accelerate further microgrid
business by co-development with Enernet.
Overseas energy business
Target5 GW1.98 GW
2.42 GW
Main new projects in 2020
Output target 2030
 Initiatives to create new businesses and provide services that contribute to the solution
of local and social issues.14Urban development/city planning and
infrastructure service businesses
ICT services
 We established the Urban Development
Business Division by integrating the functions of
the urban development/city planning and
infrastructure service businesses (July 2020).
 We further promote project development.
- Participation in the office building development
project located in the central area of Fukuoka
city called Maizuru (August 2020)
- The consortium in which we participate has
Right of First Negotiation (ROFN) for the
Hiroshima airport management business.
(September 2020).
*Besides Hiroshima airport, we manage Fukuoka
airport and Kumamoto airport.
- Participation in the Kyuden Group's first
logistics facility business in the Kanto region.
(November 2020)
Image of Data center
 We provide a wide range of ICT services and
offer customers optimized solutions.
-BBIQ: optical broadband business
-QT mobile: mobile service business
-Data center business
Efforts to improve productivity and profitability using ICT 15
 We will promote digital transformation (DX) and realize business reforms that lead to
improved productivity and profitability and improved customer service.
Business reform after-corona
Efficiency and sophistication of equipment maintenance
 Digital shift to establish drastic work style reform (telework, paperless, etc.).
 Development of "One-Collect", an electronic application system that does not require a seal and
can be used between companies (considering external sales in the future).
 Early recovery using an "emergency
disaster response system" that utilizes
smartphones, etc. *
 Acquisition of equipment information
using drones, in-vehicle cameras, etc.
 Research and development of
deterioration judgment using image
analysis technology and AI.
* September 2020 Typhoon No. 10
・7 Sept: 476,000 households lost power
・9 Sept: Restored power to all households
Head office / branch office / sales office
Management of disaster / recovery information using smartphones
Local staff
(Understanding the damage
situation, restoration work)
Understanding the status
Recovery plan Recovery(GPS)
information to customers
Reference material
Renewable energy business (main new projects)
Overseas energy business (main new projects)1822
About the debate over inefficient coal-fired power 25
Start of "Renewable energy virtual storage service" 17
Capacity market & Non-fossil value trading market 24
Status of applications related to SSF(Specific Safety Facilities) 21
Response to climate change based on TCFD recommendations 26
Issuance of the Publicly Offered Hybrid Corporate Bonds 16
Issuance of the Publicly Offered Hybrid Corporate Bonds 16
 In October of this year, we issued the first publicly offered hybrid corporate bond as a former
general electric power company (total issuance of 200 billion) in order to allocate funds for
investment in growth businesses listed in "Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030".
 The Hybrid Bonds are regarded as both capital and debt. Their issuance will not dilute the
company's shares, and we expects that 50% of the amount to be financed will be regarded as
capital by the rating agencies. This issuance allowed us to recapitalize along with raising funds.
* The capital adequacy ratio increased by 2% due to the recognition of the equity of the bonds.
1st bond 2nd bond 3rd bond
Total amount of
200 billion yen
70 billion yen 30 billion yen 100 billion yen
Initial interest rate* 0.99% p.a. 1.09% p.a. 1.30% p.a
Closing date October 15, 2020
Maturity date October 15, 2080
Early redemption on or after October 15, 2025. on or after October 15, 2027. on or after October 15, 2030.
Interest payment dates April 15 and October 15 of each year
collateral No Collateral
As to the payment of debt in the company's liquidation or other bankruptcy proceedings,
the Hybrid Bonds shall be subordinated to the company's indebtedness and senior to
common stock of the company.
*Fixed interest rate shall apply from the day immediately following October 15, 2020 until October 15,2025; and variable interest
rate shall apply from the day immediately following October 15, 2025. (The interest rate will increase after the 10th year ) 17Start of "Renewable energy virtual storage service"
 From November 2019 we have been purchasing electricity from "Expire FIT" customers*1
for 7 yen/kWh.
 We recently started "Renewable energy virtual storage service" for "Expire FIT"
customers*1 in November 2020. We receive surplus electricity from solar power supply
owners, and we allocate it to owners’ electricity usage, so they can consume their surplus
electricity at any time, as if they were using electricity from storage batteries*2
Rate plan
* 1 Customers partaking in the feed-in tariff system for renewable energy and whose purchase contract period expired
* 2 Please note that electricity can not be used during a power outage
Standard plan
yen/month yen/month
Charge (including tax)
Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
No battery
installation space or
initial investment
The surplus electricity will be
applied to the amount used so
that the electricity rate will be
Can be used as
friendly, virtually
CO2-free electricity.
Upper limit of stored
Light plan 18Renewable energy business (main new projects)
Starting operation of Kushima wind farm
 Kushima Wind Farm started operation
in October 2020.
 The output is 64,800 kW, which is the
largest wind farm in Kyushu.
Considering commercialization of Yurihonjo Offshore Wind Project
 Kyuden Mirai Energy is considering
commercialization of Yurihonjo Offshore
Wind Project in Akita Prefecture in
collaboration with RWE Renewables Japan.
 We aim to realize Japan's first large-scale
offshore wind power.
 We are currently preparing for the public
offering (expected that the government
will carry out the offering this year).
Company Kushima Wind Hill
(Joint investment by Kyuden Mirai Energy & Kyudenko)
Location Kushima city, Miyazaki prefecture
Output 64,800 kW
Kyuden Mirai Energy
RWE Renewables Japan
Abundant achievements *2 &
knowledge of cost reduction
Realization power of
renewable energy business*1
*1:Renewable energy power record: 800 MW (wind power, solar
power, biomass, geothermal power, hydropower).
Promoting Hibiki-nada offshore wind power generation
*2:2.5 GW offshore wind power record in Europe 19Renovation completed (replacement) of Otake geothermal power plant
 After having installed new power generation
equipment, the renovated facility started
operation again in October 2020. This is the
first time in Japan that a geothermal power
plant underwent a renovation.
 The amount of geothermal heat extracted
remains the same, but by improving the
efficiency of the power generation system, we
reached a higher output.
Starting operation of Fukuoka biomass power plant
 The first wood biomass power plant in
Fukuoka Prefecture that exclusively uses
domestic timber as fuel. The operation
started in May 2020.
 The Fukuoka Wood Biomass Wood Stable
Supply Council, which is organized by local
forestry associations, ensures supply of
wood, by crushing wood into chips at a
wood chip manufacturing plant.
Company Kyuden Mirai Energy
Chikuzen Town, Asakura District,
Fukuoka Prefecture
OutputFuel5,700 kW
80,000 tons of wood chips / year
Company Kyushu Electric Power
Kokonoe Town, Kusu District, Oita
12,500 kW→14,500 kW*
*The grid interconnection capacity that can be secured at
the moment is 13,700 kW 20Starting operation of Soyano Wood Power Power Plant
 The largest domestically produced wood
biomass power plant in Nagano Prefecture.
Started operation in October 2020.
 We make effective use of unused wood that
has been left in forests and lumber scraps
generated from wood processing facilities.
Company Soyano Wood Power
(joint investment by Kyuden Mirai Energy & Kyudenko)
Kataoka, Shiojiri City, Nagano
OutputFuel14,500 kW
140,000 tons of domestic wood
biomass / year
Development plan of renewable energy (as of October 2020)
Name Prefecture Output (kW) Notes
【Outside Kyushu】Miya river watarai*1 Mie 59,900 Starting operation in FY2023 (scheduled)
Subtotal 59,900 -WindKaratsu Chinzei wind farm*1 Saga 27,200 Starting operation in FY2021 (scheduled)
Subtotal 27,200 -
Shin-takeda Oita 8,300
Starting operation in March 2022 (scheduled)
Redevelopment(7,000 kW→8,300 kW)
Inaba*2 Oita 420 Starting operation in March 2021 (scheduled)
Subtotal 8,720 -
【Outside Kyushu】Shimonoseki-biomass*1 Yamaguchi 74,980 Starting operation in FY2021 (scheduled)
Karita biomass*1 Fukuoka 74,950 Starting operation in FY2021 (scheduled)
【Outside Kyushu】Okinawa Uruma*1 Okinawa 49,000 Starting operation in FY2021 (scheduled)
Oita-Biomass*1 Oita 22,000 Starting operation in FY2021 (scheduled)
【Outside Kyushu】 Ishikari biomass*1 Hokkaido 51,500 Starting operation in FY2022 (scheduled)
【Outside Kyushu】 Hirohata biomass*1 Hyogo 74,900 Starting operation in FY2023 (scheduled)
Subtotal 347,330 -
Total 443,150 -
*1 Kyuden Mirai Energy Co., Inc. *2 Nishigi Kogyo, Co., Inc.
Status of applications related to SSF(Specific Safety Facilities) 21
Date of approval
Sendai Unit 1 Sendai Unit 2 Genkai Unit 3 Genkai Unit 4
Change in Reactor Installation
April 5, 2017 April 3, 2019
Plan Permission
First part May 15, 2018 Aug 10, 2018 Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019
Second part July 26, 2018 Aug 31, 2018 Mar 4, 2020 Mar 4, 2020
Third part Feb 18, 2019 Apr 12, 2019 Aug 26, 2020 Aug 26, 2020
Approval for Changes in Safety
Mar 25, 2020 ―
SSF deadline
(Date of approval for the main
Mar 17, 2020
(Mar 18, 2015)
May 21, 2020
(May 22, 2015)
Aug 24, 2022
(Aug 25, 2017)
Sep 13, 2022
(Sep 14, 2017)
 For Sendai nuclear power plant, all approvals have been acquired from the NRA.
 For Genkai nuclear power plant, approvals for Change in reactor installation and
Construction planning permission have been acquired from the NRA.
Status of applications for permissions (as of the end of October 2020) 22Overseas energy business (main new projects)
Strengthening overseas geothermal power generation business by acquiring US Thermochem
 In May 2020, Kyuden International Co. and West Japan Engineering Consultants, Inc., executed
a share purchase agreement for the acquisition of Thermochem.
 Thermochem provides sophisticated technical services and products related to the geothermal
industry including research, development, and manufacture of specialized equipment and
providing of consulting services.
 By combining Thermochem's advanced geothermal technology services and our experience of
the geothermal power development and operation technology, we aim to expand the presence
of the Kyuden Group in the international geothermal power generation business.
Business Development Overseas(as of the end of October 2020)236Inner Mongolia
7Hsin Tao
5Senoko Energy
3Phu My III
1Tuxpan II
4Tuxpan V
9Kleen Energy
14South Field Energy
13Taweelah B
Project name Fuel Start of Operation
Output Ownership Net CapacityInoperation
1 Mexico: Tuxpan II Gas 2001/12 495 MW 50% 248 MW
2 Phillippines: Ilijan Gas 2002/6 1,200 MW 8% 96 MW
3 Vietnam: Phu My III Gas 2004/3 744 MW 26.7% 199 MW
4 Mexico: Tuxpan V Gas 2006/9 495 MW 50% 248 MW
5 Singapore: Senoko Energy Gas [Investment] 2008/9 2,380 MW 15% 357 MW
6 China: Inner Mongolia Wind 2009/9 50 MW 29% 15 MW
7 Taiwan: Hsin Tao Gas [Investment] 2010/10 600 MW 33.2% 199 MW
8 Indonesia: Sarulla I~III Geothermal 2018/5 330 MW 25% 83 MW
9 USA : Kleen Energy Gas [Investment] 2018/5 620 MW 20.25% 126 MW
10 Thailand : EGCO-related power generation assets
Renewable [Investment] 2019/5 5,806 MW 6.14% 356 MW
11 USA : Birdsboro Gas [Investment] 2018/1 488 MW 8.3% 41 MW
12 USA : Westmoreland Gas [Investment] 2019/11 940 MW 12.5% 118 MW
13 UAE : Taweelah B Gas [Investment] 2020/3 2,000 MW 6% 120 MW
construction14USA: South Field Energy
(Start of Operation: 2021)
Gas [Investment] 2018/8 1,182 MW 18.1% 214 MW
Total 2,420 MW
Capacity market & Non-fossil value trading market 24
Capacity market Non-fossil value trading market
Non-fossil value trading
market (JEPX)
Non-fossil value
Non-fossil valueCashCash
Generators etc.
UtilitiesNewEntrantsNewEntrants J power
 Since the kW value was evaluated by the establishment of the capacity market, it will
contribute to a certain extent in the recovery of our fixed cost.
Capacity market
 Due to the restarting of nuclear power and the expanding of renewable energy, we
have a high non-fossil power source ratio compared to other companies, so extra
income is expected by selling non-fossil certificates.
Non-fossil value trading market
Capacity market
RetailersNewEntrantsNewEntrants J power
kW value
kW valueCashCash 25About the debate over inefficient coal-fired power
 Coal-fired power is an important power source with stable supply and economic
efficiency, and also plays a role as a balancing power in Kyushu, where the
renewable energy is expanding.
 While promoting high efficiency, we will firmly consider the fade-out of inefficient
coal-fired power, but in the discussion, we have to consider from the viewpoint of
securing stable supply, energy supply cost, situation in the location area.
Our thermal power plant
Year of Start
of operationAged(as of July,2020)
(Matsuura-shi, Nagasaki Prefecture)
Unit 1 70 SC 1989 31
Unit 2 100 USC 2019 0
(Reihoku-machi, Amakusa-gun,
Kumamoto prefecture)
Unit 1 70 SC 1995 24
Unit 2 70 USC 2003 17
Karita New Unit 1
(Kanda-machi, Miyako-gun, Fukuoka prefecture
36 PFBC 2001 19
Response to climate change based on TCFD recommendations 26
 In the same way as the national medium- to long-term target based on the
Paris Agreement, on the 2°C rise scenario, we analyzed risks and
opportunities from the "demand side" and "supply side", and considered
See "Kyuden Group Annual Report 2020" for details
Measures to address risks and opportunities related to climate change KPIs
DemandsideSupplyside For more information, please contact:
Investor Relations Group
Corporate Strategy Division
TEL : +81 92 726 1575
Email :
Statements made in this overview of operations regarding Kyushu Electric Power’s strategies and forecasts and other statements
that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on management’s assumptions and beliefs in light of
information currently available, and should not be interpreted as promises or guarantees. Owing to various uncertainties, actual
results may differ materially from these statements. Investors are hereby cautioned against making investment decisions solely
on the basis of forward-looking statements contained herein.

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