Section 2:

Section 2: Progress in Efforts to Resume Operation
Progress in Efforts to Resume Operation
of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station and
of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station and
Other Issues
Other Issues
Table of Contents
‘ Materials
Progress in efforts to resume operation of the Sendai Nuclear Power
Station • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1
‘ Reference materials・・Outline of the FY2015 supply plan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5
・Initiatives to achieve greater operational efficiency • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9
・Applications for renewable energy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10
・Prospects for supply and demand this summer • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11
Progress in efforts to resume operation of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station
(process overview)1Permission for changes to
reactor installation
Permission for construction plans
Authorization for changes to safety regulations
Construction work to implement safety measures
Pre-use inspection, etc.
July 8, 2013TPermission
September 10, 2014TApproval for
Unit 1
March 18, 2015TStart of inspection
March 30, 2015TCorrection to
Unit 2
April 28, 2015TCorrection
April 30, 2015TSatsumasendai City
Kagoshima Prefecture
On October 28, 2014, the mayor announced he
understood government policy, which advocated
resumption of nuclear power station operation.TOn November 7, 2014, the governor announced that
resuming operation of the nuclear power station was
Progress in efforts to resume operation of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station
(projected schedule)2* This is our projected schedule.
Unit 2
Unit 1
March2015So-called "resumption
of operation"
activationTFuel loadingTSafety inspections
[Outline of pre-use inspections]
Inspection No. 1: Inspect materials, dimensions, external appearance, etc.
Inspection No. 3: Inspect performance (confirmed mainly through trial system operation)
Inspection No. 4: Inspect functions and performance at the time of reactor activation
Inspection No. 5: Inspect overall load performance at the time of rated output operation
[Outline of safety inspections]
Inspections to confirm compliance with safety regulations that stipulate operation and management of power stations
Inspections No. 1 and No. 3
* Unit 2 will undergo pre-use and other inspections after
permission for construction plans is obtained.
(Plans call for the equipment shared by Units 1 and 2 to undergo
inspections first.)
No. 4
No. 5
outputTReturn to
operationT Progress in efforts to resume operation of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station
(how to conduct pre-use inspections)3{ Pre-use inspections consist of two types of inspections: (I) inspections to confirm that operator quality control
activities (inspections of quality assurance) are appropriate and (II) those to confirm conformity to technical
standards for equipment (about 1,200 pieces of equipment and about 200 procedures)
{ Inspections of equipment (II) are conducted in three stages. The operator discusses with the Secretariat of the
Nuclear Regulation Authority about inspection methods and procedures (1), and then conducts internal
inspections of its equipment ((2): inspections to confirm conformity). These are followed by pre-use inspections
through attendance by Secretariat personnel or confirmation of records depending on the importance of
equipment (3).
<Conceptual diagram of pre-use inspections>••••••
I: Inspections of quality assurance
(Confirmed through records)
Discussions about inspection
methods and procedures (1)
Pre-use inspections(3)Inspections to confirm
conformity (2)
ent A
ent B
II: Inspections of equipment
(Confirmed through attendance or records depending on the importance of equipment)
Discussions about inspection
methods and procedures (1)
Pre-use inspections(3)Inspections to confirm
conformity (2)
{ Earthquakes and tsunami
x All explanations have been given and most items with respect to
earthquakes and tsunamis have been confirmed.
{ Plants
x Examinations began again on September 17 last year.
(Reference) Review of conformity of the Genkai Nuclear Power Station Units 3
and 44[Convocation of meetings of the board of examiners]
[Conclusion of safety agreements and
consultations with local governments]
{ We have concluded safety and other agreements not only
with the local government of the area where the power
station is located but also neighboring local governments
and other parties concerned.
{ We are continuing discussions with Imari City of Saga
Prefecture about entering into a safety agreement.
(Main topics explained about at meetings of the board of examiners)
x November 18: Establishment of systems when large-scale
destruction occurs
x November 27: Assessment of effectiveness of countermeasures
against serious accidents, etc.
x December 25: Establishment of systems when large-scale
destruction occurs (Explanations about large-scale destruction
have generally been given.)
* In the future, we will explain about remaining issues such as
technical abilities required mainly to prevent the spread of
<Local governments around the Genkai
Nuclear Power Station>
Iki City
Genkai Nuclear
Power Station
Hirado City
Matsuura City
Sasebo City
Genkai Town
Karatsu City
Imari CitySagaPrefecture
Itoshima City
Reference materials: Outline of the FY2015 supply plan (1)
{ In FY2015, despite the effects from customers leaving Kyushu Electric Power, electrical power sales are expected to grow
compared to the previous year because of effects such as increases in the number of households subscribing to electrical
service, growth in industrial production due to economic expansion, and the leap year.
{ In the long run, mainly due to stable economic growth, electrical power sales are predicted to increase though they are
affected by customers who leave Kyushu Electric Power and as electrical power saving takes root. We expect electricity
sales to be 86.1 billion kWh in FY2024 and the maximum power supply to be 15.52 million kW.
(Note 1) Figures in < > indicate temperature- and leap year-adjusted ones.
(Note 2) Figures in [ ] show year-on-year changes (%).
(Note 3) The total may not be the same as the sum of figures in all items because the latter is rounded off.
(Note 4) The maximum supply indicates the average of up to three-day supply at the end of transmission
lines in summer.
[Major assumptions for estimating electricity sales by user]
x The effects of population decrease and customers leaving Kyushu Electric Power after full
market liberalization are already included. It is assumed that although also affected by the
effects from electrical power conservation and other factors, electrical power sales are expected
to fall at an annual rate of 0.2% (0.1% if temperature-adjusted) due to the spread of new home
electric appliances, use of larger equipment, and growth in Ecocute users.
(Liberalized segment)
x Although an increasing number of customers leave Kyushu Electric Power and electricity
conservation continues, the economy is expected to shift increasingly to services as exemplified
by increase in the number of medical and welfare facilities due to the aging population and
growth in service industries utilizing ICT. As a result, electrical power sales for business users
are expected to rise at an annual rate of 0.8% (1.0% if temperature-adjusted).
x Although an increasing number of customers leave Kyushu Electric Power and electricity
conservation continues, electricity sales for industrial users are predicted to grow at an annual
rate of 0.4% (0.4% if temperature-adjusted) for reasons such as long-term stable growth of the
world economy and expansion of production by Japanese manufacturers of more high-value-
added products.
[Assumptions about effects from solar power generation (purchase of excess electricity)
x Equipment capacity is expected to grow based on the recent trends, and the amount of
electricity consumed in-house is also expected to grow, a factor that causes electrical power
demand to fall.
[Prospects for electrical power sales]
[Economic prospects used as assumptions for this plan]
[Assumptions for effects from customers leaving Kyushu Electric Power]
x This plan includes two new factors: the recent increase in the number of customers leaving
Kyushu Electric Power in the liberalized segment and low-voltage customers who are expected
to leave Kyushu Electric Power due to full market liberalization. Demand from these former
customers was estimated at about 1.5 billion kWh in FY2014 (about 2% of the total demand in
Kyushu Electric Power’s service area) and about 4.1 billion kWh in FY2024 (about 5%).
年 度
今回 前回
項 目 24/13 23/12
2023 2024
1.1 1.3
1.5 1.8
さんかく0.6 さんかく0.5
1,2395今回 前回
24/13 23/12
<341> <さんかく0.1> <0.5>
351 336 さんかく0.4 0.3
<290> <0.1> <0.7>
298 293 さんかく0.2 0.6
<189> <1.0> <1.2>
194 212 0.8 1.1
<299> <0.4> <0.6>
299 314 0.4 0.6
<488> <0.7> <0.8>
493 526 0.6 0.8
<829> <0.4> <0.7>
844 861 0.2 0.6
<1,489> <0.4> <0.7>
1,583 1,552 さんかく0.2 0.8
(万kW) 1,471 1,478 1,541
<1,483> [さんかく7.1] [0.5]520292312208
479 481
<480> [0.5]855819
<817> [0.7]
年平均伸び率(%)20242023335年 度 2013
<336> [1.0]2014(実績)2015334
<334> [さんかく4.8]
285 288337<285> [さんかく4.3] <288> [1.1]
特定規模需要813<296> [さんかく1.1]
<184> [さんかく6.0]296183
<480> [さんかく3.0]
<814> [さんかく3.8]297<184> [0.9]184<296> [0.3]
項 目
Segments other
than the
(Result) (Result)
This plan
Average annual growth
rate (%)
Previous plan
Real GDP
Industrial use
and others
Electrical power
(100 million kWh)
Maximum supply
(10,000 kW)Item(Result)
(1円 trillion)
Industrial production index
Kyushu’s population
(2010 = 100)
(10,000 people)
FY Average annual growth rate (%)
This plan Previous plan
Category Line name
Outline of construction work Construction period
Voltage (10,000 volts) Length (km) Start of construction Start of operation
Under construction Hyuga main line 50 120 November 2014 June 2019
Category Equipment Power station and unit name Output
Construction period
Start of construction Start of operation
Under construction
Thermal (LNG) Shin-Oita Unit 3 (×ばつ 4) 480,000 kW July 2013 July 2016
Thermal (coal) Matsuura Unit 2*1 1,000,000 kW March 2001 June 2020
Under preparation
for construction
Nuclear Sendai Nuclear Unit 3 1,590,000 kW Undecided yet Undecided yet
Geothermal Otake*2 14,500 kW
[+2,000 kW]
September 2017 December 2019
Reference materials: Outline of the FY2015 supply plan (2)
[Major plans to develop or abolish power sources]
*1 Successful bid on thermal power source in FY2014
*2 The Otake Power Station plans to have its power generation equipment updated (The figure in bracket shows the increase in output).
[FY2015 bidding-based thermal power source procurement plan]6[Major power transmission equipment plan]
[Major transformer equipment plan]
Category Line name
Outline of construction work Construction period
Voltage (10,000 volts) Capacity (10,000 kVA) Start of construction Start of operation
Under construction
Higashikyushu transformer
50/22 150 September 2014 June 2016
Item Description
Distant islands
(Okinoerabu Island)
Scale of invitation
We invited tenders for a power source that could start to supply a total of 4,500 kW of electricity to
Okinoerabu Island, a distant island in Kagoshima Prefecture, by June 2020.
Procurement period In principle, 15 years
Abolished or to be
Nuclear Genkai Unit 1 559,000 kW Abolished in April 2015
Thermal (petroleum) Karatsu Units 2 and 3 375,000 kW, 500,000 kW Abolished in June 2015
Reference materials: Outline of the FY2015 supply plan (3) [Power source
development plan for the Matsuura Power Station Unit 2]
[Outline of invitation of tenders for thermal power sources]
Item Description
Scale of invitation 1,000,000 kW in total
Start of supply By June 2021
Procurement period
In principle 15 years
(Can be selected from among the 10–30
Type of power source
(Annual operating rate)
70 to 80%
[Matsuura Power Station Unit 2]
Item Outline
Generating power 1,000,000 kW
Start of operation June 2020
Fuel Coal
Power generation
Pulverized coal-burning, ultra-super
critical (USC) power generation*1
{ We invited tenders for thermal power sources, and in February 2015, Kyushu Electric Power became a successful
bidder with its Matsuura Power Station Unit 2 (Matsuura City, Nagasaki Prefecture).
{ The Matsuura Power Station Unit 2 which is capable of generating 1,000,000 kW of electricity is scheduled to start
operation in June 2020.7{ We are considering increasing the thermal efficiency of the Matsuura Power Station Unit 2 so that it exceeds that
of BAT*2 (45% for generating-end output and 42% for sending-end output*3).
{ We will install high-performance environmental equipment to reduce emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides,
and other environmental pollutants (annual CO2 emissions: Around 4.7 million tons-CO2)
{ Since environmental assessments have already been conducted in accordance with relevant laws, it is not
necessary to carry out new environmental assessments unless there are major changes to the plan in the future.
*2: BAT stands for the best available technology.
*3: Based on low calorific value.
*1 This high-performance power generation method improves thermal efficiency and reduces environmental impacts by increasing the temperature
and pressure level of steam used for ultra-super critical (USC) power generation.
Power became
a successful
Reference materials: Outline of the FY2015 supply plan (4) [Decommissioning of
the Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 1]
{ On March 18, 2015, we decided to terminate operation of the Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 and notified
the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of changes to the electrical work. On April 27, we decided to
decommission the unit.
{ The decommissioning process and schedule will be considered in the decommissioning plan we plan to submit in
the future.
{ With the introduction of an "accounting-related system to smoothly proceed with decommissioning", the
decommissioning of the Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 will have little effect on the income/expenditure and
finances of Kyushu Electric Power.
[Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 1]
[Accounting-related system to smoothly proceed with decommissioning]
x The revision of the Ordinance on Accounting at Electric Utilities and related guidelines on March 13, 2015, made it
possible that if an electric power company decommissions its reactor unexpectedly when for example safety
regulations are changed, it can report that as depreciation in part of its assets over a certain period of time rather
than simultaneously reporting all expenses incurred by its decommissioning, including its remaining book value.
FY2014: We only report the unit as an asset (by creating a new account "nuclear decommissioning related
temporary account")
From FY2015 to the next revision of rates: We will depreciate an amount equivalent to the portion of the asset
amount that is included in the costs of the current rates.
After the next revision of rates: We will include in the rate costs, the amount calculated on the assumption that the
undepreciated balance will be depreciated equally over ten years and will depreciate it by the same
amount.8Reactor: Pressurized-water reactor (PWR) Date of discontinuation of operation: April 27, 2015
Output: 559,000 kW Total power generation: 132.72 billion kWh*
Start of operation: October 15, 1975 Equipment usage rate: 74.3%*
* Cumulative amount for the period up to the end of FY2011
Reference materials: Initiatives to achieve greater operational efficiency 9
{ In FY2014, we made steady efforts to constantly achieve greater operational efficiency, including reduction in
material/equipment procurement costs, and exerted even further efforts in some areas to attain that goal. As part of
our emergency measures to ease the effects from a deterioration in financial conditions caused by the suspended
operation of all nuclear power stations, we also worked to reduce costs as much as possible in the short run chiefly
by postponing certain construction projects through a close examination of their period and process and
suspending certain operations temporarily while determining whether such measures directly affected safety,
compliance, and stable supply.
{ As a result, we reduced costs by 314 billion yen, including the 179 billion yen cut-back through additional short-
term efforts.
{ In FY2015, there are reasons for cost increases such as the repair expenses temporarily deferred from FY2013
and FY2014, but we will work to achieve the goal of reducing costs by 153 billion yen as included in the plan to
achieve greater operational efficiency which was announced in April 2013, by reducing costs by an average of 140
billion yen annually over three years.
修繕費 さんかく 280 さんかく 980 さんかく 230 さんかく 750 さんかく 320
諸経費等 さんかく 220 さんかく 710 さんかく 210 さんかく 500 さんかく 220
人的経費 さんかく 510 さんかく 370 さんかく 440 70 さんかく 480
燃料費・購入電力料 さんかく220 さんかく740 さんかく 250 さんかく 490 さんかく 180
さんかく 300 さんかく 340 さんかく 220 さんかく 120 さんかく 230
合計 さんかく 1,530 さんかく 3,140 さんかく 1,350 さんかく 1,790 さんかく1400億円規模
[燃料費・購入電力料除き] [さんかく1,310] [さんかく2,400] [さんかく1,100] [さんかく1,300]
(注記)1 (注記)2
Repair expensesItemFY2015 plan to
achieve greater
Miscellaneous expenses
Personnel expenses
Fuel expenses and
purchased electrical
power rates
Depreciation expenses
(Capital investments)
[If fuel expenses and purchased
electrical power rates are excluded]
FY2014 improved
efficiency (actual)
[A] + [B]
Value of improved
efficiency if electricity
rate costs are
included (FY2014
alone) [A]
Additional efforts to
improve efficiency
(FY2014 alone) [B]
Value of improved
efficiency if rate
costs are included
(average of 2013–
S140 billion yen
*1: This is a reference value because it is based on a nuclear usage rate of 66%, which includes electrical power rate costs.
*2: The result was calculated on certain assumptions because no nuclear power stations operated in FY2014, making assumptions for supply-demand relations
quite different from those used for electrical power rate costs.
Reference materials: Applications for renewable energy
Changes in the amount of wind power connected in
mainland Kyushu (excluding remote islands)3035
40 41 43464301020304050
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014(FY){ Applications for renewable energy in Kyushu (excluding remote islands) at the end of March 2015 were worth
21,500,000 kW (including 17,930,000 kW for solar energy). Of this amount, 7,440,000 kW of renewable energy
(including 4,660,000 kW for solar energy) have already been connected to Kyushu Electric Power.10* Since we were appointed as a designated electric utility (electric operator) by the government, it has now become possible that after applications for connections
exceeds the total amount of renewable energy that has already been connected and the amount for such energy whose connection has already been approved,
we may impose on the applicants a set of conditions for system connection that assume 30-day-per-year or
longer output restrictions without compensation.
x On December 22, 2014, we were appointed as a designated electric utility (electric operator)* for photovoltaic power generation
because the amount for applications for connection exceeded the amount of renewable energy that can be connected (8,170,000 kW).
x In terms of solar energy, the total amount of renewable energy that has already been connected and the amount of energy whose
connection has already been approved reached the amount of renewable energy that can be connected at the end of December 2014.
Changes in the amount of solar energy connected in
mainland Kyushu (excluding remote islands)
33 41 56 7411146627101002003004005002008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014(FY)九州本土(離島除く、自社分含む)の再生可能エネルギーの申込状況(2015年3月末時点) (万kW)
太陽光 風力 バイオマス等
地熱 合計
接続検討申込み 479 16 9 5 3 513
接続契約申込み 491 20 1 6 0.3 518
連系承諾済 357 12 4 1 1 377
接続済 466 46 27 183 21 744
合計 1,793 95 41 195 26 2,150
(注記) 合計は四捨五入の関係で合わないことがある
(注記) バイオマスは冷熱を含む
(注記) 接続可能量 太陽光 817万kW、風力 100万kW
当社(離島除く、グループ会社含む)の再生可能エネルギーの接続状況(2015年3月末時点) (万kW)
太陽光 風力 バイオマス
地熱 合計
接続済 4 7 4 128 21 164
Applications for renewable energy in mainland Kyushu (excluding remote islands and including Kyushu Electric Power)
(as of the end of March 2015) (10,000 kW)
Solar energy Wind power Biomass, etc. Hydraulic power
(excluding pumping up)
Geothermal Total
Applications for
consideration of connection
Applications for connection
Connection already
Already connected
* The total may not be the same as the sum of figures in all items because the latter is rounded off.
* All figures for biomass include those for cold energy.
* Amount of renewable energy that can be connected: 8,170,000 kW for solar energy and 1,000,000 kW for wind power.
Connection of Kyushu Electric Power's renewable energy (excluding remote islands and including group companies)
(as of the end of March 2015) (10,000 kW)
Solar energy Wind power Biomass, etc. Hydraulic power
(excluding pumping up)
Geothermal Total
Already connected
Reference materials: Prospects for supply and demand this summer
Reference materials: Prospects for supply and demand this summer (if operation
(if operation
of nuclear power stations is not resumed)
of nuclear power stations is not resumed)11{ This summer’s electricity demand is expected to be about 90% of last year’s level as electricity conservation takes root (1,510,000 kW
less). It is assumed that it will be 15,470,000 kW if the temperature is normal and that it will be 16,430,000 kW if Kyushu is hit by the
same level of fierce heat as in 2013.
{ This summer, if operation of nuclear power stations is not resumed, we can supply a maximum of 16,930,000–16,980,000 kW of
{ Compared to the maximum electricity demand in 2013, when Kyushu was hit by fierce heat, it is expected that this summer we can
secure a minimum reserve margin of 3% required for stable power supply by taking measures to maintain supply capability such as
providing electrical power via support supply from other electric power companies (up to 740,000 kW).
* The total may not be the same as the sum of figures in all items because the latter is rounded off.
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
12013年並み猛暑 2平年並み気温7月(発電端:万kW)
揚 水
水 力
火 力
地 熱
融 通
1,6433.1%50 1469.4%1,5471131,22701,693 1,69301,22711374
16 16 166167671092150
さんかく1 さんかく11519.8%3.0%Demand
Supply capabilities (total)
[Reserve margin]
Pumping up
Solar energy and wind
Provided by other
PPS, etc.
July August
(1) Same level of fierce heat
as in 2013 (2) Average temperature (2) Average temperature
(1) Same level of fierce heat
as in 2013
(Generating end: 10,000 kW)
{ If the Sendai Nuclear Power Station resumes its operation, prospects for this summer’s supply and
demand indicate that we can secure a reserve margin of around 4% (if one unit is operated) to
11% (if two units are operated) even if we are not provided with electrical power from other electric
power companies.
* The total may not be the same as the sum for all figures in all items because the latter is rounded off.
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
7月 8月
(2013年並み猛暑) (2013年並み猛暑)
揚 水
水 力
火 力
地 熱
融 通
1,643 1,643
1,797 1,822
178 178
1,227 1,22716113 109
200 227
65 671667160 0891,22710922101,643
さんかく1 さんかく1
154 179
9.4% 10.9%
Reference materials: Prospects of supply and demand this summer if the operation
of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station is resumed12If one unit of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station
is operated
(Generating end: 10,000 kW)
[Reserve margin]
Supply capabilities (total)
Pumping up
Solar energy and wind
Provided by other
PPS, etc.
If two units of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station are
operatedJuly(Same level of fierce
heat as in 2013)
(Same level of fierce
heat as in 2013)July(Same level of fierce
heat as in 2013)
(Same level of fierce
heat as in 2013)

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