1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 67
As the business environment surrounding the Kyuden Group undergoes profound changes, our human capital will be the driving force in realizing
the Management Vision 2030 and Carbon Neutral Vision 2050. For this reason, we will further strengthen human capital management based on the
following concept, with the aim of "creating future value by fostering an organizational culture where people and the organization can continually
grow." We have set "Improve employee engagement" and "Increase added value per employee" as KGIs and quantitative indicators to accurately
grasp our progress in achieving our Vision for the Future.
Furthermore, in order to foster a corporate culture where both people and the organization can grow together, we have launched the Qden
Transformation (QX) project and are rolling out various initiatives.
Further Strengthening
Human Capital Management
ー Promoting Growth, Success, and
Diversity of Human Capital ー
Toward Sustainable Enhancement of Corporate Value
* Added value = operating revenues minus value of external purchases (such as fuel expenses, outsourcings costs) and depreciation.
I.e. ordinary income + personnel expenses + rent + finance expenses + taxes and dues.
In order to respond to changes in the business environment and achieve organizational targets, even as individual
values diversify, we will make "linking individual passions with the vision of the organization to create value while
people and the organization grow together" the core of human capital management
To achieve this, under the strong leadership of senior management, we will work to create a framework for fostering
a corporate culture in which people and the organization grow together transforming the behavioral patterns of the
entire company
To further strengthen human capital management, we will accelerate efforts for "human and organizational growth" and the
"creation of added value," in which each employee enthusiastically takes the initiative to act on their own toward a shared
vision and builds organizational strength through co-creation.
We launched the QX Project in FY2023 to embed this concept in our corporate culture. Through this project, the entire
company will join forces to promote efforts under the strong leadership of senior management, with the president personally
communicating messages to employees.
Superiors Individual
Dialogue & Support
Connect /
Qden Transformation (QX) Project
Basic Concept
Group Philosophy: "Enlighten Our Future"
[Key Issues]
Respect for Human Rights
Promoting initiatives in all business activities,
including the supply chain
Promotion of Digital Transformation (DX)
Creating value and improving productivity and job fulfillment
through reforms to our business structure and processes
Co-creating Value & Promoting Innovation
Creating value sustainably through human and
organizational growth
Experience a sense of fulfillment and
purpose in working for the Kyuden Group
[KGI] Improve employee engagement:
Employee satisfaction score of 80%
Create value sustainably through the
realization of management strategies
[KGI] Increase in added value*
per employee:
1.5x compared to FY2021
Prioritization of Health and Safety
Promoting business and health management practices that
prioritize safety
Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion
Creating systems and environments that promote the participation of
diverse human capital and harness their abilities
Securing & Developing Strategic Human Capital
Systematically developing managerial human capital and the
knowledge and skills necessary to realize our management strategies
Management Vision 2030 Carbon Neutral Vision 2050
Senior Management’s
[Vision for the Future]
Creating Future Value by Fostering an Organizational Culture Where People
and the Organization Can Continually Grow
Company / Workplace Vision & Goal
Support for the Workplace
Understand the current situation
and support improvements
through the engagement surveys
Conduct training for all
organizational leaders to
transform their management style
Provide diverse learning
opportunities (management,
teamworking, etc.) through the
establishment of a Group-wide
Further Strengthening
Human Capital Management

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