1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 A Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 62
Realizing a Smart Society Creating Safe, Secure and Comfortable Spaces to Live
To create new businesses and increase earnings as part of our "new business development" strategy,
the Kyuden Group is collaborating and co-creating with companies in other industries (startups, etc.)
and creating new businesses and services by leveraging Group strengths and resources across all
Group companies.
The Group is promoting the development of urban areas that will increase the number of visitors to
the region, enliven the community, create jobs, and contribute to safe and secure communities for the
sustainable development of local communities and society.
Development of Q-ie Monitoring
Kyushu EP has developed Q-ie Monitoring, a service aimed at real estate companies that uses data on electric
power used in 30-minute intervals and measured using a smart meter and proprietary analysis technology
to notify relatives of tenants who live alone in rental properties when there has been a change in that
person’s activities. The service was born through a collaboration between the Marketing Division and Digital
Transformation Promotion Division while working to promote DX internally. The aging of society is causing a social
issue whereby rental properties drop in value when elderly tenants die alone at home, and consequently, the
elderly end up being refused as tenants. We will strive to create an environment where people who live alone can
move into rental properties through this service with peace of mind.
Aerial photography, inspection, and surveying services by drones
Kyushu EP provides the Kyuden Drone Service (QDS), which uses a wide selection
of drones to carry out aerial shooting, inspection, and surveying across Kyushu
and other regions. We offer a variety of services that contribute to solving issues,
including internal inspections of smokestacks using special drones and visualizing
woodland resources by high-precision image analysis that combines laser
surveying with AI.
IoT-based monitoring service for children and the elderly
Kyushu T&D offers the monitoring service Qottaby in Fukuoka City and the towns of Kasuya and Hisayama. Parents
and guardians, or police officer can check the location information of children or the elderly by a monitoring device
carried with them. Recently, with crime prevention volunteers getting older and a rise in the number of households
where both adults are working, less people are taking part in neighborhood watch activities. In response to this
decrease, we are using ICT to create safe and secure places to live.
We hold an open innovation program to create new businesses by combining
the creative, innovative business ideas of outside companies and the like
with the management resources of the Kyuden Group. Among the ideas
submitted through the program, we are making progress in materializing
those awarded through the selection process and working on pilot projects
toward their commercialization.
しかく Open Innovation Program: Inspiration and Co-creation
We are exploring the use of digital technology to improve the value of our products and services, fundamentally
reform our customer contact points, and radically reform our business model, and are taking on the challenge of
creating an array of new businesses that will generate new value and lead to solutions for social issues, such as
by building a platform to analyze and utilize data from smart meters and the like and offering services based on it.
しかく Creating New Services and Solutions Across Divisions
We are working on a wide range of urban development projects in not only the Kyushu region, but the rest of
Japan and overseas, leveraging the Kyuden Group’s corporate network and other resources.
At the Kyuden Group, we offer services that support the safety and security of local communities and society.
These include labor-saving drone services that enable more advanced on-site work and a monitoring service for
children and the elderly.
しかく Offering Services to Support the Safety and Security of Communities
[Co-creating a Smart and Vibrant Society]
Development of the Smart Padlock
We are promoting the joint development of KEYes INC.’s Smart Padlock,
which was awarded the excellence prize in FY2022. The Smart Padlock is
a smart lock mechanism that allows the padlock to be unlocked and usage
history to be checked via a smartphone. Due to not needing to manage
physical keys, the Smart Padlock creates a system for reducing moving time
for transferring keys and managing entry/exit, as well as preventing trouble,
such as the loss or duplication of keys.
しかくContributing to the Sustainable Development of Communities and Society
through Our Urban Development Business
Co-creating a Smart and
Vibrant Society
The Open Innovation Program award ceremony
Smart Padlock
contact point
Police,etc.Parents and guardians
Paid-for services
Approx. 43 x 43 mm
Approx. 43 x 43 mm
design (IPXS)
design (IPXS)
Battery life of
Battery life of
approx. 1 year
approx. 1 year
The person’s location is recorded when he/she
enters within a radius of approximately 30 to 50
meters* of a watchdog point.
*Depends on the surrounding environment.
Monitoring point
1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 A Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 63
The Kyuden Group is actively working to attract companies from outside the Kyushu region by utilizing its
network spanning throughout Kyushu.
Kyushu EP branches located in each of Kyushu’s prefectures liaise with local governments to match them
with companies, and provide support and other services to meet the needs of companies and other entities
expanding to the Kyushu area. We also introduce products and services suitable for new plant and office
construction and relocation by utilizing the Kyuden Group’s products.
To contribute to regional revitalization, Kyushu T&D liaises closely with local governments to gather
information on industrial parks and idle land, and reviews measures on supplying electricity for expedited supply.
In May 2021, Kyushu EP established Machi no Wa Co., Ltd. with SBI Holdings, Inc. and The Chikuho Bank, Ltd. for
the purpose of vigorously promoting regional development and community revitalization. This company provides
electronic services for premium gift certificates to local governments and organizations.
Based on this service, the company aims to serve as a regional platform that
not only circulates local currency within the region but also brings in people and
money from outside the region by issuing childcare benefits, tourism promotion
coupons, and other digital local currencies according to the policies of each
In February 2023, Machi no Wa was selected for the Green Life Point project
promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, and will contribute to the realization
of carbon neutrality through such measures as awarding points via a local
currency application for environmentally conscious behavior.
In the future, the company will work to build a sustainable ecosystem that
contributes to solving regional issues and creating new value through co-creation
with various parties.
Regional Vitalization
The Kyuden Group is working to create new businesses and services together with local communities
aimed at the sustainable development of local communities and society.
Kyushu EP has entered into partnership agreements with local governments across Kyushu to promote solutions
to local issues as well as sustainable community development.
Utilizing the Kyuden Group’s management resources, products, and services, we are working to develop
systems to restore power as soon as possible in the event of a disaster, distribute needed equipment and
supplies to evacuation centers, stimulate industry by taking advantage of local tourism resources, and promote
electrification for a zero carbon world.
Kyushu EP launched the Q-Den Nigiwai Startup Project in July 2019, which aims to help solve local issues by
building sustainable business models in collaboration with local communities. This project will focus on the
themes of "increasing the number of visitors to the area," "creating a population of people who relate to and
settle in the region," and "promoting local industry." We will work together with local residents to plan and jointly
undertake sustainable businesses that solve local issues.
In 2020, we established the Kyuden Nigiwai Startup Company, a general incorporated association to serve as
the business entity for the project, and currently, the company is promoting initiatives at two sites in Nagasaki
and Fukuoka prefectures.
In Higashisonogi Town, Nagasaki Prefecture, we have been collaborating with the Higashisonogi Hitokotomono
Foundation to sell products aimed at increasing the number of visitors in the area, as well as operate a
community hub with the aim of creating a connected and settled
population. At umino Wa (opened in February 2022), a community
hub for interaction between local residents and tourists featuring
a café where people can enjoy the local specialty, Sonogi Tea, and
other facilities, we share information on the region and support those
moving to or starting a business in the town.
Furthermore, on Ainoshima Island (a remote island that is part of
Shingu Town, Fukuoka Prefecture), we are working as one with our
business partner, Ainoshima Regeneration Council, and Shingu Town,
on the three measures of industry creation, living, and new residents in
light of the shortage of people available to work in the local community.
To develop the fishing industry, a key industry on the island, we have
been developing a processed seafood business, and since January
2023, we have been working to create industry by manufacturing and
selling bouzushi, a sushi dish prepared by pressing a whole fish on top
of a sushi roll, using seasonal fish from the Genkai Sea.
しかく Promoting Initiatives for Solving Regional Issues
しかく Q-Den Nigiwai Startup Project
しかく Attracting Businesses
Co-creating a Smart and
Vibrant Society
しかくSupporting Regional Economic Revitalization by Providing a Local Information
umino Wa (Higashisonogi Town, Nagasaki Prefecture)
(Ainoshima Island, Shingu Town, Fukuoka Prefecture)
The kind of local community that Machi
no Wa is aspiring to
rearing and
Toward sustainable
local communities
through co-creation
Dissemination of
information through the app
Daily life information
Event information
Tourism and industry
Shopping district
Disaster information・・・Multiple schemes in
a single app
Regional points
Grants and subsidies
Hometown Tax
Electronic gift certificate
with premium
Local information platform connecting communities and people
People from outside the region
consume in the region
People living in the region
consume within the region, not outside
Outside the region
Local residents Money in the region
Within the region
Within the region Producers, shopping districts,
retailers, restaurants, roadside
stations, transportation, and
services in the region

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