1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 A Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 19
In response to the rapidly changing energy situation and current social
issues, we continue to consider the optimal energy mix from a medium
to long-term perspective and continue to strive towards its realization.
Even amidst a drastically changing business environment, we will
continue to support our customers’ lifestyles and economic activities
into the future through our work by developing new technologies based
on our unchanging mission to provide a stable supply of power.
Each and every one of our employees is striving to take prompt action to seize opportunities by proactively viewing
changes in the business environment as an opportunity for growth.
To meet the expectations of the local community and customers, they also never forget to keep on learning and
continue to polish up their knowledge and skills through applying them on the job.
Strength - 01
Strength - 04
Stable Supply
Related Capital
Capital・Energy mix that contributes to S+3E ・Power generation and transmission facilities・Telecommunications facilities・Accomplishments and expertise related to the development
and safe, stable operation of power sources・Expertise on the operation of power transmission facilities
As we grow together with Kyushu through our Kyushu-based business
activities, we are building a strong network with customers and business
partners, as well as local authorities, companies, organizations, and other
Based on the relationships of trust cultivated, we are working together
with the local community to solve the challenges faced by the region
and society, aiming to co-create sustainable communities together.
Strength - 02
Strong Local
Related Capital
Social and Relational
Capital・Relationships of trust with the community・Cooperative relationships with business
partners, related companies, etc.・Power generation and transmission facilities・Telecommunications facilities
In addition to our proactive efforts in the development and introduction
of renewable energy over many years, we have achieved an
industry-leading ratio of zero-emission sources by, among other things,
restarting nuclear power operations ahead of other companies, as
nuclear power had been halted after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
From now on, in addition to maximizing the use of nuclear power, we
will continue to promote the positioning of renewable energy as a main
power source and continue to lead as a front-runner in low or net-zero
carbon emissions.
Strength - 03
High Ratio of Zero-Emission
Power Sources
Related Capital
Natural Capital・Expertise related to the development and operation
of zero-emission power sources
(renewables and nuclear energy)・Climate and topography rich in natural resources,
including geothermal and hydroelectric power
Capital・Power generation facilities
(renewables and nuclear energy)
Human Capital
Strong sense of mission to support
Kyushu’s infrastructure
Abundant human capital involved in
energy services (engineers, etc.)
Strengths and Related Capital
We, the Kyuden Group, have been investing various capitals cultivated since our foundation to ensure future growth based on our four strengths: "Stable Supply Technologies," "Strong Local Infrastructure," "High Ratio
of Zero-Emission Power Sources," and "Human Capital." In doing so, we aim to achieve the Kyuden Group’s Mission, "Enlighten Our Future."
Strengths and Related Capital

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