Materiality at the
Kyuden Group
Leading the Way
toward a
Improvements in
Energy Services
Co-creating a
Smart and Vibrant
Promoting Growth,
Success, and
Diversity of Human
Governance Management Vision 2030 (Strategy III):
Strengthening our business foundations
Synergy based
on our strengths
High Ratio of
Power Sources
Strong Local
Stable Supply
Human Capital
Management Vision 2030 (Strategy I):
Developing the energy service business
Management Vision 2030 (Strategy II):
Building a sustainable community together
Solving local issues and creating
new value with networks and
technologies built through
the energy service business
Using new insights gained in
Kyushu to further develop our
energy service business
activities Renewable
Energy Business
Electricity Business
Power Generation & Sales
Transmission &
BusinessICTService Business
P77‐89P31P27P29P33P37Pursuit of safety, peace of mind, and
a fulfilling workplace Compliance
Corporate governance Strong sense of mission and public interest
くろまる Ratio of non-fossil fuel power sources
くろまる Renewable energy development and
くろまる Reasonable electricity prices (reduced cost
of power generation)
くろまる Stable supply of electricity
くろまる Energy services that cater to customers’
くろまる Businesses and services that contribute
to solving local and social issues (ICT
services, urban development and city
planning, etc.)
くろまる Total electric power sales (retail,
wholesale, overseas): Approx. 110 TWh
(Kyuden Group)
くろまる Ratio of zero-emission or FIT energy
: 43% (Kyushu EP)
くろまる Stable supply of electricity
くろまる Frequency of outages (per
: 0.15 (0.04) times
Average outage time (per
: 115 (3) minutes
(Kyushu T&D)
くろまる Percentage of new-build homes using
all-electric energy: 35.7% (Kyushu EP)
くろまる Percentage of customers that trust
Kyuden Group in the customer survey:
Products/Services Customers
くろまる Operating revenues
くろまる Ordinary income
くろまる Equity ratio
くろまる Free cash flow
くろまる ROE
くろまる Fair return to shareholders
くろまる Nominal gross regional product: Approx.
48 trillion yen (FY2021)
くろまる Communication activities with around
30,000 local residents (Kyushu EP and
Kyushu T&D)
くろまる No. of employees who participated in
local activities: 34,000 (Kyuden Group)
くろまる Urban development and city planning
projects in the Kyushu area participated
in: 6 (Kyuden Group)
Financial Results
くろまる Reduced impact on society and the
くろまる Steady progress of initiatives aimed at
becoming carbon neutral
くろまる Interaction and dialogue with the region
くろまる Cyber-security countermeasures
Social and Environmental Impact
Local Community
くろまる Dividends paid (total): 10円.5 billion
くろまる Interest charges (paid to creditors):
27円.9 billion (consolidated)
Shareholders and Investors
くろまる Frequency rate of workplace accidents*3:0.06 (Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
くろまる Employee turnover rate*4
: 0.93%
(Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
くろまる No. of new female managers: 16 (Kyushu
EP and Kyushu T&D)
くろまる Employee satisfaction*5
: 80.4% (Kyushu
EP and Kyushu T&D)
くろまる GHG emission reduction rate*6
: 26%
(Kyuden Group)
くろまる Industrial waste recycling rates: Approx.
100% (Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
Global Environment
(through responding to greenhouse
gases and regulations, and
zero-emission activities for waste)
*1 Ratio includes energy produced by
Kyushu EP and procured from other
companies and represents the value
before Non-Fossil Certificate trading.
The portion of the above for which
Non-Fossil Certificates were not used
has no value as renewable energy or
zero-CO2-emission energy sources,
and so it is treated as electricity with
national average CO2 emissions,
including that from thermal power
*2 Figures in parentheses exclude
typhoons and other disasters
*3 No. of accidents per million working
*4 (No. of workers leaving for personal
reasons ÷ total employees at start of
period) x 100
*5 Percentage of employees satisfied
indicated in employee satisfaction
survey (conducted in FY2022)
*6 Supply chain GHG (Scopes 1 to 3,
compared to FY2013) Calculated for
Kyushu EP and its consolidated
subsidiaries (excl. those with
negligible emissions).
くろまる Energy mix that contributes to S+3E
くろまる Power transmission facilities
くろまる Telecommunications facilities
くろまる Power generation facilities*
Total output: 17.45 GW
No. of facilities: 229
くろまる Length of transmission lines: 11,223 km
Length of distribution lines:
144,198 km (Kyushu T&D)
くろまる Telecommunications facilities
Length of communication cables
(optical fiber and metal cables):
20,234 km (Kyushu T&D)
Qualitative Quantitative
Manufacturing Capital
くろまる Abundant human capital involved in
energy services (engineers)
くろまる Strong sense of mission to support
Kyushu’s infrastructure
くろまる Group management framework
くろまる Employees: 21,096 (consolidated)
くろまる Percentage of personnel from technical
divisions: 68%
(Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
Human Capital
くろまる Brand power in Kyushu
くろまる Relationships of trust with the community
くろまる Collaborative relationships with business
partners, affiliated companies, etc.
くろまる No. of customers: 7.84 million
(Kyushu EP)
くろまる No. of local governments with which we
have comprehensive partnership
agreements: 47 (Kyushu EP)
くろまる Registered business partners (material
procurement) (as of the end of July 2023):
Approx. 3,070 (Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
Social and Relational Capital
くろまる Non-fossil fuels (nuclear power) and fossil
fuels (thermal power)
くろまる Renewable energy
くろまる Water (for power generation and office use)
くろまる Woodland
くろまる Fossil fuel consumption (oil equivalent):
Approx. 8.22 million kl (Kyushu EP and
Kyushu T&D)
くろまる Electricity from renewable and FIT energy
sources*: 18.0 billion kWh (Kyushu EP)
くろまる Water used in power generation: 6.09 Mt
(Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
くろまる Company-owned forests (end of FY2022):
4,447 ha (Kyushu EP)
Natural Capital
* Amount produced at power generation facilities belonging
to Kyuden Group (equity investment projects are recorded
as development capacity, not equity interest)
* Figures based on the amount of electricity
generated and received by Kyushu EP
くろまる Accomplishments and expertise related
to the development and safe, stable
operation of zero-emission power sources
(nuclear, renewable energy, etc.)
くろまる Knowledge and expertise in a wide range
of other specialist fields
くろまる R&D system
くろまる No. of participants in the KYUDEN i-
PROJECT (total): Approx. 1,200
(Kyuden Group)
くろまる Patents held: 168 in Japan and 70 overseas
(Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
くろまる No. of individuals who have acquired
advanced* qualifications: 1,101
(Kyushu EP and Kyushu T&D)
Intellectual Capital
* Hard-to-acquire public qualifications that are
indispensable to the running of a power business
(e.g., first-class chief electrical engineer, chief
reactor engineer, etc.)
くろまる Capital
くろまる Cash
くろまる Interest-bearing debt
くろまる Ability to procure capital
くろまる Capital: 237円.3 billion (consolidated)
くろまる Cash: 295円.4 billion (consolidated)
くろまる Interest-bearing debt: 3円.9915 trillion
(consolidated) (of which 1円.6600 trillion
is corporate bonds [including 200円.0
billion in hybrid bonds])
Financial Capital
Note: Data for which no date is specified is taken from the results from the end of FY2022.
Climate change
Economy and government policies
Exhaustion of resources
Demographic changes
Geopolitical risks
External Environment
(Societal Issues and Changes to the Business Environment)
Collaborative Value Creation with Stakeholders
Management Vision 2030
Carbon Neutral Vision 2050
Group philosophy
Enlighten Our Future
Note: Data for which no date is specified is taken from the results for FY2022.P08P08
Value Creation Process
1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 A Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 18
Value Creation Process

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