Based on the Kyuden Group’s Mission, which is the Group’s philosophy, and the Kyuden Group Sustainability Policy, we have established the "Management Vision 2030" and "Carbon Neutral Vision 2050" as our medium to
long-term goals and are promoting efforts to simultaneously create "social value" and "economic value."
Furthermore, we have identified key management issues (materiality) to realize these goals, and have incorporated efforts to resolve these issues into a specific action plan as a medium-term ESG promotion plan to
ensure the steady implementation of efforts.
Philosophy, Policies, etc. Materiality
(key management issues)
Vision (Long-term Goals and Strategy)
Kyuden Group
Enlighten Our Future
Kyuden Group
Carbon Neutral Vision 2050
Leading the Way
toward a Decarbonized Society
Implementing Continuous
in Energy Services
Co-creating a Smart
and Vibrant Society
Promoting Growth, Success,
and Diversity of Human Capital
Strengthening Governance
Kyuden Group
Management Vision 2030
Kyuden Group’s
Kyuden Group
Corporate Conduct Code
Developing the Energy Service Business
Strategy I
Building a Sustainable Community Together
Strategy II
Strengthening Our Business Foundation
Strategy III
Action Plan to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
(Achieving "carbon negativity" as early as possible before 2050)
Re ect changes in social conditions
Carbon Reduction/
Decarbonization in Power Sources Promotion of Electri cationP01P08P08P07P09P40P65Promotion of Sustainability Management
1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 A Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 06
Promotion of Sustainability Management
In order to sustainably enhance corporate value (economic value), it is extremely important to identify key management issues
(materiality) based on risks and opportunities for future growth and strengthen efforts focused on these issues, with an eye on
changes in social conditions and the business environment not only in the short term, but also in the medium to long term.
To this end, the Kyuden Group has broken down the elements that lead to corporate value (economic value) into the following
three categories, and promotes efforts to resolve materiality from the perspective of each category. (Refer to P27-38 for
efforts aimed at improving the corporate value of each business)
1) Maximize short-term opportunities (increase profit)
2) Expand medium to long-term opportunities (increase growth rate (future growth expectations))
3) Reduce risk (lower the cost of capital)
Model for Enhancing Corporate Value through Sustainability Management
しかく Sustainability Policy しかく Promotion System
The Kyuden Group has been promoting various initiatives to realize a sustainable society under the Kyuden
Group’s Mission of "Enlighten Our Future," which serves as our brand message.
In December 2021, we established the Kyuden Group Sustainability Policy to further clarify our stance
of creating both "social value" and "economic value" through our businesses, contributing to a sustainable
society, and enhancing the corporate value of the Kyuden Group.
Under this policy, we will contribute to solving social and regional issues through our businesses,
thereby realizing the Kyuden Group’s Mission and developing together with local communities.
The Kyuden Group has established the Sustainability Promotion Committee to actively promote carbon
neutrality and other environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. The Committee is chaired by
the President, and its members include external directors and executive directors of relevant divisions.
In addition to establishing strategies and policies concerning all aspects of sustainability, the Committee
deliberates on and supervises the progress of implementing strategies and measures concerning key
sustainability issues, such as climate change and human capital.
The Committee meets at least twice yearly, and the results of their discussions are reported without
delay to the Board of Directors, which supervises all sustainability-related activities.
As a corporate group that creates the future from Kyushu, we will contribute to
a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value, by creating both "social
value" and "economic value" through our businesses.
We remain unwavering in our mission to support people’s lives and the
economy by providing energy and we will continue to work together with local
communities to resolve social issues through our business activities.
We will cultivate strong relationships of trust with our stakeholders through
responsible engagement.
∙ We will take on the challenge of solving global social issues and contribute to
the achievement of the SDGs.
Kyuden Group Sustainability Policy (Established in December 2021)
1 Overview of the Kyuden Group 2 Value Creation Story 3 Strategy and Performance 4 Creating Value through Business 5 A Foundation for Creating Value 6 Data Section
Table of
Contents 07
Promotion of Sustainability Management
Board of Directors
Disclosure of
and investors
Business partners
Kyuden Group
Divisions and Group companies
Formulate departmental plans
Report on plan progress
Indicate policies
Manage plan progress
Sustainability Promotion Committee
Chairperson: President
Vice-chairperson: Chief ESG Of cer
Members: External Directors, Executive Directors of
relevant divisions, etc.
· Formulation of strategies and basic
policies on sustainability
· Monitoring of policy progress, etc.
plans, etc.)
Integrated Report, etc.
Identi cation and
Evaluation of Issues
Dialogue with
stakeholders, etc.
(economic value) =−1) Maximize short-term opportunities
Cost of
2) Expand medium to long-
term opportunities
3) Reduce risk
Efforts to address

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