May 13, 2022
Kyuden International Corporation
Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Kyuden International to enter into Capital Alliance with Shizen International
- Promoting the development of overseas renewable energy, mainly in Southeast Asia –
On May 11, Kyuden International Corporation (Kyuden International), a member of the Kyuden
Group, and Shizen International Inc. (Shizen International), the overseas arm of the Fukuoka-
based renewable energy developer Shizen Energy Inc., entered into an agreement regarding a
capital alliance, in order to promote collaboration in overseas development of renewable energy,
mainly in Southeast Asia.
Shizen International is actively promoting the development of solar power, wind power, and other
energy sources, mainly in Southeast Asia, by leveraging the renewable energy development
experience that Shizen Energy has accumulated in Japan. Through this alliance, Kyuden
International will expand its renewable energy business by utilizing Shizen International’s locally
rooted network and together the two companies will explore future opportunities.
Going forward, the Kyuden Group will continue to promote the development of renewable energy
that will lead to further low-carbon and decarbonization with the aim of realizing the "Kyuden Group
Carbon Neutral Vision 2050".
[Overview of Shizen International]
Company Name Shizen International Inc.
Established September 2020
Location Fukuoka, Japan
CEO Hiroki Koga
Business Activities
Development and asset management of overseas
renewable energy

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