On the Publication of the Kyuden Group Integrated Report 2021
This report integrates financial and
non-financial information previously
published via our annual reports and
sustainability reports. In order to disclose a
uniform account that weaves together our
medium- to long-term vision, strategies,
major policies, and other information, we
will publish an integrated report from fiscal
2021 onward.
In this inaugural issue, in the section
entitled "Value Creation Story," we clarify
our medium- to long-term ideal for the
Group and strategies, and how these are
connected to initiatives being undertaken in
each of our businesses. Alongside the story
of our growth, we feature a "Message from
the President," in which the president talks
about his thoughts and commitment to
medium- to long-term growth as a member
of the top management.
As well as providing full information
concerning TCFD, we have also included a
feature article about the "Kyuden Group
Carbon Neutral Vision 2050," which was
first announced in April 2021. This is just
one of the looks we take at our response to
climate change in these pages.
Going forward, we will strive to ensure that
our integrated reports—one of the ways in
which we can communicate with all
stakeholders, including shareholders and
investors—contains as much information
as possible.
I look forward to hearing any frank feedback
or wishes you may have regarding this
Makoto Toyoma
Member of the Board of Directors,
Vice-Presidential Executive Officer,
ESG Officer
Created by, and inquiries to:
1-82, Watanabe-dori 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, 810-8720, Japan
ESG Supervisory Group, Corporate Strategy Division,
Kyushu Electric Power Company, Incorporated
Tel: +81-92-984-4313 Fax: +81-92-733-1435120

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