Overview of Power Generation Facilities
Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
(As of March 31, 2021)
Overview of Power Generation Facilities
Kyushu Electric Power
Nuclear Power (2 facilities/maximum output 4,140,000 kW)
Station name Maximum output (kW) Operation
commencement date System Location
Genkai 2,360,000 (×ばつ2) Mar. 1994 Pressurized water reactor Genkai-cho, Higashi Matsuura-gun, Saga Prefecture
Sendai 1,780,000 (×ばつ2) Jul. 1984 Pressurized water reactor Satsumasendai-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture
Thermal Power (7 facilities/maximum output 9,615,000 kW)
Station name Maximum output (kW) Operation
commencement date System Location
Shin Kokura 1,800,000 (×ばつ3) Sep. 1978 LNG Kokura Kita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka Prefecture
Karita 360,000 (×ばつ1) Jul. 2001 Coal Kanda-machi, Miyako-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture
Buzen 500,000 (×ばつ1) Jun. 1980 Heavy oil/crude oil Buzen-shi, Fukuoka Prefecture
Matsuura 1,700,000 (×ばつ1 ×ばつ1) Jun. 1989 Coal Matsuura-shi, Nagasaki Prefecture
Shin Oita 2,855,000 (×ばつ6 ×ばつ4 ×ばつ3 ×ばつ1) Jun. 1991 LNG Oita-shi, Oita Prefecture
Reihoku 1,400,000 (×ばつ2) Dec. 1995 Coal Reihoku-machi, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture
Sendai 1,000,000 (×ばつ2) Jul. 1974 Heavy oil/crude oil Satsumasendai-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture
Hydroelectric power (138 locations/maximum output 3,580,328 kW)
Station name Maximum output (kW) Operation
commencement date System Location
Tenzan 600,000 (×ばつ2) Dec. 1986 Dam and conduit system
(pure pumped-storage) Karatsu-shi, Saga Prefecture
Matsubara 50,600 Aug. 1971 Dam system Hita-shi, Oita Prefecture
Yanagimata 63,800 Jun. 1973 Dam and conduit system Hita-shi, Oita Prefecture
Ohira 500,000 (×ばつ2) Dec. 1975 Dam and conduit system
(pure pumped-storage) Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto Prefecture
Kamishiiba 93,200 May. 1955 Dam and conduit system Shiiba-son, Higashi Usuki-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture
Iwayado 52,000 Jan. 1942 Dam and conduit system Shiiba-son, Higashi Usuki-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture
Tsukabaru 67,050 Oct. 1938 Dam and conduit system Morotsuka-son, Higashi Usuki-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture
Morotsuka 50,000 Feb. 1961 Dam and conduit system Morotsuka-son, Higashi Usuki-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture
Hitotsuse 180,000 Jun. 1963 Dam and conduit system Saito-shi, Miyazaki Prefecture
Oyodogawa Daiichi 55,500 Jan. 1926 Dam system Miyakonojo-shi, Miyazaki Prefecture
Oyodogawa Daini 71,300 Mar. 1932 Dam and conduit system Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki Prefecture
Omarugawa 1,200,000 (×ばつ4) Jul. 2007 Dam and conduit system
(pure pumped-storage) Kijo-cho, Koyu-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture
(With outputs of 50,000 kW or higher)
Geothermal Power (6 facilities/maximum output 213,200 kW)
Station name Maximum output (kW) Operation
commencement date Location
Hatchoubaru 110,000
(×ばつ2) Jun. 1977 Kokonoe-machi, Kusu-gun, Oita Prefecture
Hatchoubaru Binary 2,000 Apr. 2006 Kokonoe-machi, Kusu-gun, Oita Prefecture
Takigami 27,500 Nov. 1996 Kokonoe-machi, Kusu-gun, Oita Prefecture
Otake 13,700 Aug. 1967 Kokonoe-machi, Kusu-gun, Oita Prefecture
Yamagawa 30,000 Mar. 1995 Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture
Ogiri 30,000 Mar. 1996 Makizono-cho, Kirishima-shi and Yusui-cho, Aira-gun in
Kagoshima Prefecture
Kyushu Transmission and Distribution
Internal Combustion Power (31 facilities/maximum output 395,240 kW; including gas turbines on remote islands)
Station name Maximum output (kW) Operation
commencement date Location
Shinarikawa 60,000 Jun. 1982 Shinkamigotou-cho, Minami matsuura-gun, Nagasaki
Toyotama 50,000 Jun. 1978 Tsushima-shi, Nagasaki Prefecture
Tatsugo 60,000 Jun. 1980 Tatsugo-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture
(With outputs of 50,000 kW or higher)
Wind Power (1 facility/maximum output 250 kW)
Station name Maximum output (kW) Operation
commencement date Location
Koshikijima wind power 250 Mar. 2003 Satsumasendai-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture
Hydroelectric power (5 locations/maximum output 3,723 kW)
Note 1: The operation commencement date given is that of the oldest unit still in operation.
Note 2: Refer to pages 35–36 for information on the main renewable energy facilities of the Kyuden Group.114

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