Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
Results related to the Kyuden Group are organized on the basis of Electric Utilities & Power Generators industry standard provided by the U.S. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
The SASB Standards are primarily designed for U.S. companies and markets and therefore include items that are not applicable to the Kyuden Group, but we strive to disclose as much information as possible according to the
Disclosure topics Accounting metrics Category Unit Code Information disclosed for FY2020
Greenhouse Gas
Emissions & Energy
Resource Planning
(1) Gross global Scope 1
emissions, percentage
covered under (2) emissions-
limiting regulations, and
(3) emissions-reporting
Quantitative t-CO2, % IF-EU-110a.1
(1) 22,110,000 [t-CO2]
(2) 0 [%] (no regulated markets in Japan)
(3) 100 [%]
Note 1: Scope 1 emissions include direct emissions of greenhouse gases as defined in the Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (CO2, N2O, SF6 and HFC)
Greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions associated with
power deliveries
Quantitative t-CO2 IF-EU-110a.2
25,000,000 [t-CO2] (32,800,000 [t-CO2])
Note 2: Provisional value
Note 3: 
Value in parentheses represent CO2 emissions generated by Kyushu Electric Power after adjustments made in accordance with the FIT system for renewable energy per the Promotion
of Global Warming Countermeasures.
Discussion of long-term and
short-term strategy or plan to
manage Scope 1 emissions,
emissions reduction
targets, and an analysis of
performance against those
and Analysis
̶ IF-EU-110a.3
In order to make a significant contribution to the realization of a carbon-neutral society as the industry leader in low-carbon and decarbonization, the Kyuden Group
has clarified its goals for 2050, revised its management objectives (environmental objectives) for 2030 upward by backcasting, and formulated an Action Plan
containing specific strategies for achieving these targets.
しろまる Reduction plan for emissions
・Amount of renewable energy developed: 5,000 MW (2030)
・Maximum use of nuclear power with safety as a top priority
・Lowering the carbon intensity of thermal power
・Conversion of all company cars to 100% EVs*1
*1 Excl. special purpose vehicles
しろまる Emissions reduction targets
2050 goals:
・We will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the entire supply chain to "virtually zero" during business activities.・We will contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions in society by promoting a shift to electricity-based energy consumption to the maximum extent possible,
providing a stable supply of environmentally-friendly energy, etc.
Through these efforts, the Kyuden Group will achieve "carbon negativity" as early as possible before 2050
2030 management (environmental) targets:
・We will reduce supply chain GHG emissions*2
by 60% (compared to FY2013 levels); and by 65% for our domestic business (compared to FY2013 levels)
*2 Total for Scopes 1, 2, and 3
・We will contribute to the electrification of Kyushu (Household: 70%; Commercial: 60%)
しろまる Analysis of achievement level
Reduction of supply chain GHG emissions for FY2020 was 41.78 million tons, about a 32% reduction from FY2013 levels.
This result is due to our active development and introduction of renewable energy and stable nuclear power operations.
(1) Number of customers
served in markets subject to
renewable portfolio standards
(RPS) and (2) percentage
fulfillment of RPS target by
Quantitative Number, % IF-EU-110a.4
The RPS Act, which defined RPS regulations in Japan, was abolished in 2012 and replaced with a FIT system.
Note 4: We purchase electricity generated by renewable energy systems at a fixed price.
Note 5: 
The Kyushu region makes up around 10% of Japan’s electricity demand, yet the introduction of renewable energy equipment through the FIT system is approximately 20% of the
national total.64 SASB INDEX
Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
Disclosure topics Accounting metrics Category Unit Code Information disclosed for FY2020
Air Quality
Air emissions of the following
pollutants: (1) NOx (excluding
N2O) and (2) SOx;
percentage of each in or near
areas of dense population
Quantitative t, % IF-EU-120a.1
(1) 6,081 [t], 100 [%]
(2) 4,532 [t], 100 [%]
Note 1: Figures are based on results excluding island-based combustion power plants.
Water Management
(1) Total water withdrawn,
(2) total water consumed,
percentage of each in regions
with High or Extremely High
Baseline Water Stress
Quantitative 1,000m3, % IF-EU-140a.1
(1) 6,523 [1,000 m3], 0 [%]
Note 2: Main applications: Water for thermal power generation and nuclear power generation (fresh water)
Note 3: The above does not include hydroelectric power water (fresh water) or indirect cooling water (seawater) for thermal power generation.
(2) 2,867 [1,000 m3], 0 [%]
Number of incidents of non-
compliance associated with
water quantity and/or quality
permits, standards, and
Quantitative Number IF-EU-140a.2 0
Description of water
management risks and
discussion of strategies and
practices to mitigate those
and Analysis
̶ IF-EU-140a.3
The Kyuden Group manages the following risks regarding the use of water resources, which are essential for the power generation business.
In the hydroelectric power business, we use hydroelectric power station dams and diversion weirs, which discharge the water needed to maintain our rivers. We abide
by the set amounts of water that we have permission to take from rivers to produce electricity based on laws and regulations.
Where river levels are predicted to rise due to heavy rainfall, we implement water discharges or similar at our dams based on water governance agreements with the
national government or other authorities. In terms of preventing regional disasters, too, we do everything possible to cooperate to the best of our abilities.
Our thermal power generation business collects and reuses water for power generation to reduce the amount of water intake. Our thermal power generation business
and nuclear power generation business use seawater as indirect cooling water for power generation facilities. As such, we monitor the temperature difference
between water intake and discharge.
The results of verifying water stress in the current and future Kyuden Group facility locations using WRI Aqueduct 3.0 tools to identify water risks are as follows:
According to the Baseline Water Stress tool, maximum water stress is low-medium in the Kyushu region where the Kyuden Group has installed a power plant that uses
fresh water or seawater. Water-related risks such as droughts are assumed to occur less frequently there.
Coal Ash Management
Amount of coal combustion
residuals (CCR) generated,
percentage recycled
Quantitative t, % IF-EU-150a.1
744,000 [t], 100.0 [%]
Note 4: Amount of coal ash (fly ash and bottom ash)
Total number of coal
combustion residual (CCR)
impoundments, broken
down by hazard potential
classification (according
to the U.S. Environmental
Agency) and structural
integrity assessment
Quantitative Number IF-EU-150a.2 Reused 100% of coal ash produced at thermal power stations (FY2020)65 SASB INDEX
Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
Disclosure topics Accounting metrics Category Unit Code Information disclosed for FY2020
Social Capital
Energy Affordability
Average retail electric
rate for (1) residential, (2)
commercial, and (3) industrial
Quantitative JPY IF-EU-240a.1
(1) 22.46 [Yen/kWh]
(2) (3) 15.34 [Yen/kWh]
Note 1: (1) is an average cost of lighting. (2) and (3) are the average cost of electric power
Typical monthly electric bill
for residential customers for
(1) 500 kWh and (2) 1,000
kWh of electricity delivered
per month
Quantitative JPY IF-EU-240a.2
(1) 14,106 [Yen]
(2) 29,390 [Yen]
(1) Number of residential
customer electric
disconnections for non-
payment and (2) percentage
reconnected within 30 days
Quantitative Number, % IF-EU-240a.3
(1) 106,400
Note 2: Service stops resulting from non-payment of electricity fees based on the Specified Retail Supply Agreement
(2) 86 [%]
Note 3: Percentage of resumptions of service within 7 days of service stop (unable to provide percentage for resumptions within 30 days)
Discussion of impact of
external factors on customer
affordability of electricity,
including the economic
conditions of the service
and Analysis
̶ IF-EU-240a.4
The Electricity Business Act in Japan stipulates that general transmission and distribution operators shall not refuse consignment supply in their supply areas without
justifiable grounds. When we accept an application to supply electricity in areas handled by Kyushu Transmission and Distribution, in principle, we supply to the
designated area. We believe that there is no difference in the opportunities for consumers to obtain low-cost energy. With that, we recognize that the factors affecting
electricity prices include the promotion of renewable energy generation based on the national system and fuel cost adjustments due to price fluctuations of thermal
fuel that affect electricity prices.
Human Capital
Workforce Health &
(1) TRIR: Total recordable
incident rate (no. of accidents
per 200,000 working hours),
(2) fatality rate, and (3)
NMFR: near miss frequency
rate (no. of accidents per
200,000 working hours)
Quantitative Number, % IF-EU-320a.1
(1) [Employees] 0.05 [%], [Contractors] outside management purview
(2) [Employees] 0, [Contractors] 3
Note 4: We report the number of deaths as SASB standards do not provide a specific calculation formula for the percentage of deaths.
(3) Outside management purview
Note 5: This information cannot be disclosed because it was not obtained using the measurement method recommended by SASB standards.
Business Model & Innovation
End-Use Efficiency &
Percentage of electric utility
revenues from rate structures
that (1) are decoupled and
(2) contain a lost revenue
adjustment mechanism
Quantitative % IF-FU-420a.1
Decoupling and LRAM systems have not been introduced in Japan
Note 6: Sales increases will come from promoting electrification and offering various services that meet customer needs.
Percentage of electric
load served by smart grid
technology (MWh)
Quantitative % IF-EU-420a.2 Penetration of smart meters: 73 [%]
Customer electricity savings
from efficiency measures, by
Quantitative MWh IF-EU-420a.3
The following information is disclosed as quantitative data instead of reduced power amounts.
しろまる Number of electrification and energy-saving solution proposals: Approx. 2,200 (5 years from FY2016 to FY2020)
Note 7: 
Kyushu Electric Power provides a variety of solutions to customers for electrification and energy conservation to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
Disclosure topics Accounting metrics Category Unit Code Information disclosed for FY2020
Leadership & Governance
Nuclear Safety
& Emergency
Total number of nuclear
power units, broken down
by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) Action
Matrix Column
Quantitative Number IF-EU-540a.1
6 units (breakdown: 4 units at the Genkai Nuclear Power Station, 2 units at the Sendai Nuclear Power Station)
Note 1: Genkai Nuclear Power Station is in the process of decommissioning Units 1 and 2.
Description of efforts to
manage nuclear safety and
emergency preparedness
and Analysis
̶ IF-EU-540a.2
Kyushu Electric Power is working to maintain and improve the safety and reliability of nuclear power stations by accurately implementing safety activities based on
the quality management system for nuclear safety headed by the President and steadily making continuous improvements, including risk management to prevent
In addition, we are continuously working to foster and maintain a corporate culture in which each employee can raise awareness of various risks of nuclear power, ask
what can be done to improve safety, and demonstrate leadership to improve performance.
We have also established the Nuclear Safety and Reliability Improvement Committee as a mechanism to receive opinions on the operation of nuclear power from a
third-party perspective as part of efforts to further improve the safety of nuclear power.
Grid Resiliency
Number of incidents of non-
compliance with physical
and/or cybersecurity
standards or regulations
Quantitative Number IF-EU-550a.1 0 (number of non-compliance issues with cybersecurity regulations)
(1) System Average
Interruption Duration Index
(SAIDI), (2) System Average
Interruption Frequency Index
(SAIFI), and (3) Customer
Average Interruption Duration
Index (CAIDI), inclusive of
major event days
(1) 139 [minutes] (excl. disasters such as typhoons: 2 mins.)
(2) 0.21 [outages] (excl. disasters such as typhoons: 0.04 outages)
(3) 661.9 [mins/outage] (excl. disasters such as typhoons: 50 mins./outage)
Accounting Metric Unit Code Information disclosed for FY2020
Number of: (1) residential, (2) commercial,
and (3) industrial customers served
Number IF-EU-000.A
(1) 7,290,000
(2) 3. 730,000
Note 2: (1) is the number for lighting. (2) and (3) are the number for electric power.
Total electricity delivered to: (1) residential,
(2) commercial, (3) industrial, (4) all
other retail customers, and (5) wholesale
MWh IF-EU-000.B
The total for (1) to (4) is 75,171,000 MWh (retail electric power sales)
(5) 10,652,000 MWh (wholesale electric power sales)
Length of transmission and distribution lines km IF-EU-000.C
・Transmission lines: Overhead 16,707 [km], underground 1,409 [km] (line extensions)
・Distribution lines: Overhead 141,327 [km], underground 2,117 [km] (span)
・Total electricity generated
・Percentage by major energy source
・Percentage in regulated markets
MWh, % IF-EU-000.D
・Total electricity generated: 60,000,000 [MWh]
・Percentage by major energy source: Hydroelectric power: 7.87 [%], Coal: 30.54 [%], LNG: 22.25 [%], Thermal power (other): 1.54 [%],
Nuclear power: 36.09 [%], Geothermal: 1.70 [%], Biomass: 0.01 [%]
・Percentage in regulated markets: Not applicable (as no regulated markets in Japan)
Total wholesale electricity purchased MWh IF-EU-000.E 33,147,000 [MWh] (Total for electricity supplied by or purchased from other companies)
Activity Metrics67

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