41Promotion of Sustainability
Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
Policy and Approach
Based on the Group philosophy "Enlighten our future," the Kyuden Group has been promoting CSR
management that meets the expectations and demands of a wide range of stakeholders, led by the CSR
Promotion Committee chaired by the president in order to improve and enhance our business activities
based on the opinions of our stakeholders and external experts, with the aim of realizing a sustainable
As we continue these efforts, social issues on a global scale, such as climate change, are increasingly
intensifying. As a responsible energy provider, we think it is extremely important to actively contribute
to solving these issues. In April 2021, we formulated the Kyuden Group Carbon Neutral Vision 2050.
P22–25 In July of the same year, we established our Sustainability Promotion Committee in order to
step up our initiatives to address ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues in general—initiatives
that assuredly work toward solutions for these issues.
Under this new system, we will further accelerate our efforts to solve regional and global social issues
through our business activities and contribute to the realization of sustainability.
Establishment of the Promotion System (July 2021)
Having reviewed the existing CSR Promotion Committee, we established the Sustainability Promotion
Committee as a deliberative body under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
In addition, we have appointed a director in charge of ESG and established a new department dedicated
to ESG promotion within the Corporate Strategy Division to set up a promotion system for implementing
sustainability management.
We will further incorporate ESG perspectives into our management and business activities, and promote
initiatives to contribute to a sustainable society and increase the continuous corporate value of the
Kyuden Group.
Board of Directors
Divisions, group companies
Formulation of departmental plans,
reports on policy progress, etc.
Presentation, monitoring, etc.,
of policies, plans, etc.
Reflect opinions
Sustainability Promotion Committee
• Formulation of strategies and basic policies
related to ESG
• Monitoring of policy progress, etc.
Chairperson: President
Vice-chairperson: Director in charge of ESG
Committee members: External directors, executive directors
of relevant divisions, etc.
plans, etc.)
•Sustainability Promotion Committee
Promotion of Sustainability 42Promotion of Sustainability
Value Creation Story Data
Introduction A Foundation for Creating Value
Strategy and Performance
Major Challenges to Address in the Continuous Creation of Value
Recently, with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations and
the spread of ESG investment, there has been a growing interest in global social issues, and there are
growing expectations in individual companies to play a role in resolving these issues.
Based on our recognition of this business environment, the Kyuden Group has identified 14 areas in
which stakeholders have particularly high expectations as our major CSR challenges. We are proceeding
forward with proactive initiatives to resolve these issues. (For more information on the major CSR
challenges, see "ESG Data Book 2021," p. 3.)
It bears adding here that the Group’s management strategies and ESG (environmental, social and
governance) initiatives are inseparable, and Strategies I, II and III of Kyuden Group Management Vision
2030 are each linked to E, S and G.
Based on our major CSR challenges, we have identified the issues that will help us close the gap
between our current situation and the goals set out in the Management Vision 2030 and Carbon
Neutral Vision 2050. These major challenges that we address as we move toward value creation in
medium- to long-term growth for the Kyuden Group have been identified as materiality.
The major challenges identified as materiality will be reviewed in light of social trends and changes
in the business environment, and will be addressed to contribute to a sustainable society and the
continuous enhancement of the Kyuden Group’s corporate value.
Strategy III
Strengthen the business
foundations that support the
growth of the Kyuden Group
Strategy II
Contribute to the solution of
challenges facing the region
and its society by creating
markets through new
businesses and services
Strategy I
Contribute to a sustainable
low-carbon society by improving
non-fossil fuel ratios through the use
of renewable and nuclear energy,
and by promoting electrification
Major CSR Challenges Main related SDGs
Reduce CO2 emissions
Develop/adopt renewable energy
Preserve biodiversity
Provide energy reliably
Operate nuclear power stations safely and reliably
Create urban development for safe, strong neighborhoods
Meet customer needs and challenges with energy services
Promote local industry and create jobs
Expand the number of visitors to Kyushu
Help create a society that is equally welcoming for the elderly and children
Create innovation
Develop personnel
Create work-friendly environments
Ensure effective corporate governance
Global Environment
Lessen the risks of climate
change and protect the
bountiful planet.
Contributing to a
A service company
that customers
continue to choose
Coexistence and
co-creation with
local communities
Being a group that
keeps challenging
Economic Foundation
Support people’s lifestyles
and the economy with energy
Local Community
Together with residents of the
region, we will energize local
Urge employees to take on
challenges, and strengthen
organizational foundations.
Three Strategies for Realizing
the Management Vision
Materiality for
Value Creation

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