As the problem of climate change worsens, and in light of the Japanese government’s 2050 Carbon Neutrality Declaration, expectations for companies to work toward decarbonization and
promote ESG management are growing higher. As such, in April 2021, we declared that we would tackle the challenge of achieving carbon neutrality.
Our aim is to be a corporate group that can lead the charge
toward decarbonization in Japan from here in Kyushu
Feature: Challenge of Reaching Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Kyuden Group Carbon Neutral Vision 2050
· The Kyuden Group believes that the fight against global warming presents an opportunity for businesses to
grow. We plan to lead Japan’s decarbonization from Kyushu as a leader in low- and carbon-free projects.
· As two pillars of our efforts on the energy supply and demand sides, we continue to challenge ourselves on
carbon reduction/decarbonization in power sources and promoting electrification.
· By establishing the Sustainability Promotion Committee, with the president as its chair, we are moving forward
with ESG initiatives, including those aimed at carbon neutrality.
Promote carbon neutrality and other ESG-related initiatives
Establishment of the Sustainability
Promotion Committee
Promotion of
Decarbonization of
power sources
Maximize electrification and
contribute to reduced CO2
emissions on the demand side
Enhance ratio of zero-emission
power sources and ensure a
stable supply of electricity with
net zero carbon dioxide
*Where Non-Fossil Certificates were not used, there is no value for renewable energy or zero-CO2-emission energy sources, and so these are counted
as national average CO2 emissions for electricity production, including that generated from fossil fuels. For non-fossil-fuel values derived from FIT
power sources, approx. 8% (the amount required for the plan by the Act on Sophisticated Methods of Energy Supply Structures) belongs to Kyushu EP.
This figure is calculated by the amount of power generated by Kyushu EP and the amount procured from other companies, but does not include that
supplied to remote islands.
· Through the introduction and expansion of renewable energy, and safe, secure nuclear power operations, Kyushu
Electric Power (Kyushu EP)’s percentage of energy from zero-emission or FIT energy sources* was
approximately 60 percent in fiscal 2019, one of the highest in the industry.
· In response to Japan’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 46% compared to 2013 levels by 2030,
Kyushu EP reduced its CO2 emissions by around 50% in FY2019.
Sources: Created based on data from respective
companies’ websites
· Comparison with eight major domestic power companies
· Results for FY2019
energyFITpower35%Others 2%23%14%Coal29%LNG11%
(incl. FIT power)58%Company A 12%
Company B 16%
Company C 17%
Company D 24%
Company F 35%
Company G 37%
Company H 44%
Kyushu EP 58%
Company E 25%
Company comparison for percentage of energy from
zero-emission or FIT energy sources*
Kyuden Group’s percentage of energy from zero-
emission or FIT energy sources* (kWh)
Leader in
JapanP41(FY2019)22 ElectricityGridCreation of a next-
generation power
transmission and
distribution network
The Kyuden Group’s Vision of Carbon Neutrality
Carbon reduction/decarbonization in power sources (supply) Promotion of electrification (demand)
Renewable energy +
power storage
Thermal power +
new technologies
Move toward renewables
as primary power sources
Maximum utilization
Virtually zero CO2
emissionsHeatElectricity from
non-fossil fuels
*Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
· Promotion of renewable energy development
· Integrated management technology for distributed energy resources
· Wide-area operations of the
power transmission and
distribution network
· Management of supply and
demand· Advancement of technologies
to stabilize the power grid
· Improvements to utilization rates
· Investigations into next-generation light-water
reactors, small module reactors (SMRs),
high-temperature gas reactors, etc.
· Investigations into hydrogen production
· Efficiency improvements
· Investigations into production of
hydrogen and ammonia and co-
· Studies into technical applications
of CCUS* and carbon recycling
Wind Hydro
Storage batteries,
Electrification Maximum electrification
· Promoting all-electric energy for homes and electrification for air-
conditioning, hot water supplies, and kitchen equipment at business
facilities (household and business categories)
· Researching technology behind heat conversion devices and promoting
electrification to meet heat demand for a wide range of temperatures
(industrial category)
· Offering businesses and services to encourage the spread of EVs (transport category)
· Investigating the business potential of hydrogen supplies, etc.
Households Work tasks
Industry Transport
Regional energy
Co-creating a zero-carbon society
with the region
· Contributing to the construction
of a regional energy system
· Increasing the added-value
offered by towns and regions
Feature: Challenge of Reaching Carbon Neutrality by 2050
CCUS* and carbon
recyclingCO2EV23 24
in power sources
Promotion of
Thermal power +
new technologies, etc.
Nuclear power
Renewable energy +
power storageGridRegional energy
(Household/business) Promote all-electric energy for homes and electrification of air-conditioning, hot water supplies, and kitchen equipment in business facilities
Phase out inefficient coal-fired stations
Improve utilization rates, etc.
Create of a next-generation power transmission and distribution network
Research technology behind heat conversion devices, such as heat pumps
(Industry) Promote electrification to meet heat demand for a wide range of temperatures
Consider construction of supply chains for hydrogen and ammonia
Investigate next-generation light-water reactors,
SMRs, high-temperature gas reactors, etc.
Offer businesses and services aimed at encouraging the spread of EVs
Investigate hydrogen and ammonia and co-combustion Examine ways to improve efficiency of co-combustion and mono-fuel adaptation
Investigate hydrogen production
Establishing integrated management technologies for distributed energy resources (DER)
Promoting development of renewable energy
(Kyushu, rest of Japan, overseas)
Expanding the aggregation business
Co-create a zero-carbon society by contributing to the construction of a regional energy system
Investigate technical applications of CCUS and carbon recycling
This road map takes into account national energy policies and other factors, and works on the assumption of innovation that will lead to revolutionary new technologies and of economic rationality. Future circumstances may necessitate major changes to these preconditions and so, where appropriate, we will review our road map.
Furthermore, we will investigate CO2 reduction targets for FY2030 considering the contents and other factors of the next Strategic Energy Plan.
Renewable energy developed
5,000 MW
Contributing to a carbon neutral world
Until 2030
Road Map
Feature: Challenge of Reaching Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Household/business categories
Contribute to an all-electric energy usage rate of 100%
Until 2050
Major activities・Making renewable energy our main power source・Maximizing usage of nuclear power in the future, predicated on the understanding of
local residents and with safety as our highest priority・Achieving virtually zero CO2 emissions from thermal power by applying new technologies (that use
hydrogen, ammonia, etc.) and by further raising the efficiency of thermal power generationP34Major activities・Promoting all-electric energy usage in the household category and the
electrification of air-conditioning, hot water supplies, and kitchen equipment in
the commercial sector・
Meeting demands for a wide range of heating needs (hot water, steam, other
heating) in manufacturing processes in the industrial sector・Expanding EV-sharing services and charging infrastructure・Combining grid power with the region’s renewable energies and storage cells, we
will contribute to the construction of a regional energy system that will allow the
optimal management and control of energy. In this way, we will work together
with the region to create a zero-carbon society.
We aim to achieve carbon-free energy sources as soon as
possible through efforts such as further raising the percentage
of our power that comes from zero-emission power sources.
Carbon reduction/decarbonization in power sources2050Carbon neutral
Energy source
New technologies
(hydrogen, ammonia, etc.)
Renewable energy
+ storage batteries
Thermal power
(+CCUS and carbon
+ Nuclear power
Major activities・ 
To unleash the full potential of Kyushu’s renewable energy, we are putting in place and strengthening interconnectors and bulk systems in line with the government’s master plan, as well as making full
use of the capacity offered by our power transmission and distribution. Through these and other means, we are working on wide-area management for our power transmission and distribution network.・ 
In order to introduce high-capacity renewable energy and maintain the quality of our electric power, we will work on the advancement of supply and demand management and grid stabilization using
digital technologies.
Between environmentally friendly energy and our
resources, we are trying to maximize electrification,
particularly in Kyushu which has so much
electrification potential
Total energy consumption for Kyushu (FY2018) Electrification rates
in power sources
Promotion of
Creation of a next-generation
power transmission and
distribution network (grid)
In November 2021, we formulated an Action Plan containing specific strategies for the period until 2030. For more details, see Home > For investors > IR library > Integrated Report / Annual Report > Integrated Report FY2021
P31, 35–36
P31–32P33P3325Next 5 years
Approx. 500円 billion
Total investments
Past 5 years
Approx. 800円 billion020406080100200406080100
Non-electric power
Electric power
Businesses Industry Transport 197013%Electrification
Japan as a whole23%Pushing for
Calculated based on "Energy Consumption Statistics by
Prefecture," Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Created based on "Comprehensive Energy Statistics of Japan" and "Energy
Consumption Statistics by Prefecture,"Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Electrification rate for Kyushu: 23%
Direction of Our Efforts toward Carbon Neutrality
Feature: Challenge of Reaching Carbon Neutrality by 2050

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