Energy Conservation Law
Enhancing efficiency of
thermal power generation
(USC standard, etc.)
Rationalization of energy use by energy consumers (business sites, etc.)
Regulation of power producers
Rationalization of fossil fuel energy use when
establishing and operating power generation facilities
Climate Change
The Kyuden Group is engaged in major efforts to meet CO2 reduction targets across its entire electric power business through the use of
nuclear as well as renewable forms of power generation, and by raising the efficiency of its thermal power stations.
In particular, with respect to enhanced thermal efficiency and adoption of zero-CO2 emission power sources, we are working to reach
the 2030 targets set forth in the Energy Conservation Law and the Energy Supply Structural Enhancement Law, which were issued by the
government to ensure effectiveness and transparency, and will take appropriate steps to that end.
In addition to completing work that began in 2009 to upgrade the six turbines at Shin-Oita Power Station Unit 1 to high-efficiency gas units,
we kept our other high-efficiency thermal power stations operating at high levels. Thanks to these efforts, total thermal efficiency for
thermal power stations in FY2017 was maintained at a high 41.8% (power transmission end).
Enhancing Thermal Power Efficiency
2030 CO2 emission coefficient:
0.37 kg CO2/kWh equivalent*1
Choice of retail energy provider
Energy Supply Structural Enhancement Law
Non-fossil fuel power
generation: 44%
Regulation of retail electricity businesses
Expanded procurement from non-fossil power sources
Power output from renewable energy, such as solar and wind energy,
varies significantly depending on weather conditions and time of day.
By combining power from these sources in an optimal way with our
thermal power and hydropower generation, we are working to maximize
In FY2017, renewable energy amounted to approximately 20% of all
energy generated and purchased by Kyushu Electric Power.
Maximizing Adoption Renewable Energy May 3 (Thurs), 2018 Demand/Supply Management
12 a.m. 6 a.m. 12 p.m. 6 p.m. 12 a.m.
Base load power source
Thermal, etc.
Electricity from
Electricity from
Solar power output: 6,210 MW
(81% of demand)
*1: Target value of Action Plan for Achieving a Low-carbon Society*2 through electricity business
*2: Medium- to Long-term plan for independent action by the electric power industry to mitigate climate change, formulated in 2015 by
12 Federation of Electric Power Companies and proposed new entrants
Environmental Initiatives
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201860 Environment
ESG Section
Resource Use
Kyushu Electric Power is working to make efficient use of resources,
and we recycled nearly all of the 870,000 tons of industrial waste we
produced in FY2017.
After segregating industrial waste by category and prepositioning it
at selected operating locations, nearly the entire amount was recycled
We added concrete rubble to the list of recyclable waste in FY2018,
and are working to further reduce the burden on the environment in
terms of logistics.
Near-100% Recycling of Industrial Waste
Water usage
Industrial water used in power generation is drawn from rivers and other sources consistent with usage limitations. We are working to
reduce the amount of water we use through such measures as water recirculation when power generation facilities are shut down or in
normal operation.
Management of Water Used in Power Generation
To ensure stable supplies of water for hydropower generation, Kyushu Electric Power manages 4,447 hectares of company-owned forest
land. Through headwater conservation, CO2 uptake, and other means, we are working to maintain and enhance the public functions of our
forest holdings.
To enhance the biodiversity of our forest land, group company Kyushu Rinsan Co. has begun a local biodiversity survey.
Biodiversity Survey in Company Forest
Company forest (Yufu City, Oita Prefecture) Near-threatened and threatened species confirmed in company forest
Eurema laeta
Eurema laeta
Power generation,
transformation facilities
Power generation,
transformation facilities
Recycling company
Recycling company
Entire amount recycled to roadbeds,
steel sheets, etc.
Entire amount recycled to roadbeds,
steel sheets, etc.
Sales offices,
distribution facilities
Sales offices,
distribution facilities
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 61
ESG Section

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