40 九州電力 アニュアルレポート 2018
By leveraging the accumulated strengths of the Kyuden Group, we will expand our energy business outside the Kyushu region, in overseas
markets, and in the field of renewable energy.
Basic Strategy
Individual Strategies
We will utilize technologies and expertise accumulated in Japan and
abroad to develop our Independent Power Producer (IPP) business,
centering on the high-growth Asian market. We are also engaging in
activities in the US and Europe to expand our overseas electric power
Overseas: 7.0
energy: 2.0
Information Communications: 9.030.02018.3 2022.3 2031.3
5,000 MW
FY2012-16 average
しかく IPP and other investment business
しかく Overseas consulting business
(major near-term projects)
Output: total output
Growth Businesses
Reinforce Overseas Electric Power Business
Overseas: 2.0
energy: 1.0
Other: 9.5
Communications: 7.520.0Principal Initiatives
Reinforce overseas electric power business
Extend domestic electric power business
outside the Kyushu region
Expand renewable energy business123しかく Ordinary income target, excluding electric power business
in the Kyushu region (Billions of yen)
Equity Ownership in Output
Overseas Energy Business Initiatives (as of June 30, 2018)
Investigation and verification
of the energy sector
Cape Verde:
Investigation and verification
of renewable energy
implementation and system
Preparatory study of thermal power
station construction
Energy conservation-related
business for textile industry
Marshall Islands:
Ebeye Island Solar power generation
system Improvement project preparation
Tuxpan II & V IPP Project (Gas)
Output: 495 MW x 2
Vera Cruz, Mexico
Survey relating to enhancement
of O&M abilities using IoT at
Olkaria Geothermal Power Station
Sarulla IPP Project (Geothermal)
Output: approx. 330 MW
North Sumatra, Indonesia
Senoco Energy Project
Output: 3,300 MW
Phu My III IPP Project (Gas)
Output: 744 MW
Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam
Research of geothermal/electric
power development plans
Inner Mongolia IPP Project
(Wind Power)
Output: 50 MW
Chifeng, China
Ilijan IPP Project (Gas)
Output: 1,200 MW
Batangas City, Philippines
Shin Tao IPP Project (Gas)
Output: 600 MW
Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Preparatory survey of
power supply
improvement plan
on Isla de la Juventud
Kleen (Gas)
Output: 620 MW
Connecticut, USA
Birdsboro (Gas)
Output: 488 MW
Pennsylvania, USA
(under construction)
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201840 41
九州電力 アニュアルレポート 2018成長分野における事業
Our Strategy
Unit 3, the final unit of Indonesia’s Sarulla Geothermal IPP Project, commenced
operation in May 2018. With this milestone, the project’s total geothermal power output
(three units) is the largest in the world.
The electricity generated at the Sarulla Geothermal Power Station is slated to supply
a national electric power company over a 30-year period and is expected to be a stable
source of income.
All Sarulla Geothermal Power Units Commence Operation
Unit 1: Operation commenced March 2017
Unit 2: Operation commenced October 2017
Unit 3: Operation commenced May 2018
In December 2017, Kyushu Electric Power acquired 11.1% of the equity of the Birdsboro
gas-fired thermal power plant under construction in Pennsylvania, USA. This was our
first equity participation in an American power generation business. Ahead of the start
of operation in 2019, we continue to appropriately monitor construction progress and
other aspects on the project.
Once the operation commences, it is expected to supply power to the northeastern
US through PJM, one of the country’s wholesale power markets.
Participation in Birdsboro Gas-fired Thermal Power Plant
In May 2018, Kyushu Electric Power acquired a 20.25% equity share in the Kleen
Energy Gas-fired Thermal Power Plant involved in the power generation business,
located in Middletown, Connecticut.
The combined-cycle plant in Middletown generates power using a highly efficient
gas turbine, and is an important source of stable power for the northeastern US through
Participation in Kleen Energy Gas-fired Thermal Power Plant
approx. 330 MW (3-unit system) 25%
488 MW Equity share 11.1%
Total output
Total output
Total output 620 MW Equity share 20.25%
Equity share
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 41
Our Strategy
The Kyuden Group is working as one to expand its renewable energy
business in Japan and abroad, emphasizing stable energy procurement
and environmental benefits.
We are utilizing our accumulated technology and pushing forward
with new technology development with a focus on geothermal and
hydropower, as well as offshore wind power, which offers hidden
Expanding Our Renewable Energy Business
Since April 2016, the Kyuden Group’s wholly-owned subsidiary Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc. has been engaged in retail electric power sales in the
Kanto region. Starting in January 2017, the company extended its sales efforts to customers in the high-voltage bracket and above.
Extending Retail Electric Power Sales Outside
the Kyushu Region
Accounts acquired
approx. 6,700
(as of March 31, 2018)
Chiba-Sodegaura Energy Co., Ltd, which we established in partnership
with Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., is continuing
the process of investigating, and evaluating the environmental impact
of, opening a coal-fired thermal power plant.
With full liberalization of the retail market for electric power, the
partners are leveraging their respective value chain strengths to deliver
safer, more reliable, and more affordable electric power.
We will do our utmost to address environmental impact and will also
contribute to the local economy.
Development of Own Power Sources Outside
the Kyushu Region Through Partner Alliances
2018.3 2022.3
Development research
in progress
(target)02,000 2,000 MW
Output Development
Output development
2018.3 2022.3 2031.3
4,000 MW
Unit 1: Operating commencement FY2025 (planned)
Unit 2: Operation commencement FY2026 (planned)
Chiba Prefecture
Tokyo Metropolis
Kanagawa Prefecture
Plant location
(Sodegaura, Chiba)
Through partner alliances and other measures, we are working to
develop energy sources for other regions.
In the interval before these sources come online, we are using other
approaches, such as market procurement, to engage in electric power
Electric Power Business Outside
the Kyushu Region
Total output 2,000 MW
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201842 Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc., Nishinippon Plant Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd.,
and Kyuden Sangyo Co., Inc. established Shimonoseki Biomass Energy LLC in December 2017.
The new entity, based in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi, will carry out research, construction,
operation, and management of what is set to become one of Japan’s largest biomass power
generation facility using wood combustion.
Biomass Power Generation 74.98 MW
Total output
2.00 MW
Total output
A four-company consortium that includes Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc. and Nippon Steel
& Sumikin Engineering Co., Ltd. is working on Japan’s first large-scale proof-of-concept facility
for tidal power generation in the ocean off Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture. Test operation is
planned to begin in FY2019, after further research into tidal currents at the site, design and
construction of power generating units, and other preparations are complete.
Toward Practical Use of Tidal Power
Total output 43.50 MW
An LLC corporation established by five partners, including Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc.,
Kyudenko Corporation, and ORIX Corporation, created Renatosu Soma Solar Park to make
effective use of agricultural and other land in Soma, Fukushima that suffered tsunami-related
salt damage after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The facility commenced operation in June
Megasolar Power Generation Outside the Kyushu Region
Total output 4.99 MW
In February 2018, Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc. began managing Yamagawa Binary Cycle
Power Station, located at our Yamagawa geothermal power station.
The new binary cycle facility makes effective use of geothermal water not used for power
generation in the main facility using a geothermal binary method, which generates power by
utilizing a medium with a lower boiling point than water.
Yamagawa Binary Cycle Power Station Commences Operation
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 43
Our Strategy

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