2013.3 2014.3 2015.3 2016.3 2017.3 2018.30123456020406080100In our core region of Kyushu, we have evolved from a corporate group supplying electric power to one providing energy services. We are
responding to customer energy-related needs in diverse ways, and will grow along with local communities and society.
Basic Strategy
Individual Strategies
To meet expanding demand for electric power, we are actively
promoting household conversion to all-electric energy.
As of the end of FY2017, the number of
all-electric homes topped one million.
With the complete deregulation of retail gas pricing in April 2017,
we embarked on city gas sales in the Fukuoka and Kitakyushu
By leveraging our strong customer base cultivated through
our electric power business, as well as our ability to stably
procure, low-priced LNG, we are offering gas to customers at
attractive prices.
Full-scale Entry into
the Retail Gas Business
10,000 homes
Cumulative (left axis)
Principal Initiatives
Expand the Kyuden’s fan base with diversified energy services
Reinforce electric power source competitiveness and fuel procurement capabilities
Upgrade/deploy power transmission network technology123Approx.1.03 million homes
(10,000 homes)
(10,000 homes)
FY results (right axis)
Energy Service Business in the Kyushu Region
2017 2018
FY initial target
40,000 homes34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
Promoting Propagation of
All-Electric Energy for the Home
Propagation of
All-Electric Energy
for the Home
Propagation of
All-Electric Energy
for the Home
Approx. 55,000homes
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201838 Principal Energy Source Development Plan
Suspended or
Heavy oil:
Decommission April 2019
Buzen Unit 1 Decommission FY2019
Buzen Unit 2 Planned suspension FY2018 onwards
Sendai Units 1 & 2 Planned suspension FY2018 onwards
Shin Kokura Unit 4 LNG Planned suspension FY2020 onwards
New construction: Matsuura Unit 2 Coal:
Ainoura Units 1 & 2 875 MW
Operation commencement December 2019
500 MW
600 MW
500 MW
1,000 MW
1,000 MW
To enhance the competitiveness and reliability of our electric power sources, we are constructing cutting-edge coal-fired thermal power
plants. Our policy is to successively decommission older, economically inefficient facilities.
The new Matsuura Power Station Unit 2 employs highly efficient ultra-supercritical (USC) power generation technology, which delivers
lower fuel costs and reduces impact on the environment.EVCharging/
Power station
しかく Concept
Since June 2018, we have begun field testing of Vehicle to Grid (V2G)* technology in collaboration with other companies. V2G supplies
power from electric vehicles (EV) to the power grid, allowing utilization of EVs in adjusting supply and demand.
As part of this proof-of-concept initiative, we have received funding from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy as part of their
"Demonstration experiment of virtual power plant construction leveraging energy resources on the demand side."
V2G Technology Field Testing
*V2G: Discharging energy stored in EVs to the power grid.
Competitive, Reliable Power Sources
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 39
Our Strategy

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