Uranium relatedCoalLNG
Crude oil
くろまるComposition of capacity for all facilities (GW)
(Including power purchased from other companies)
(as of March 31, 2018)
くろまるRegional fuel procurement status (FY2017)
くろまるFuel procurement status (FY2017)(%)Indonesia89%Crude oil LNG Coal Depleted uranium
Other1% Other9% Niger15%
Russia18%Russia7%Canada12%Australia68%Australia72%* Solar and wind power
Fuel procurement Power generation
Note: This denotes countries from which fuel is procured, not the location of fuel production.
29.51 GW
Nuclear16%General hydroelectric6%Geothermal1%New energy*27%Renewable energy34%Petroleum,etc.11%
Coal 13%
LNG and
other gas18%Hydroelectric
(pumped hydroelectric
storage power generation)8%Kyushu Electric Power is strengthening its fuel procurement through
such ways as diversification of fuel procurement, participation in
resource development and production projects and introduction of
fuel trading (adjustment of fuel volume and price management). We
strive for cost reduction in fuel transportation by using our own LNG
tanker and chartered ships for shipping.
We generate power through a combination of a best balance from
various types of power sources from the perspective of securing
long-term, stable energy in such ways as taking countermeasures
against global warming and economic power supply, promoting
nuclear power on the assumption of safety and security, actively
developing and installing renewable energies such as solar, wind and
geothermal power and improving the efficiency of thermal power.
Supply Chain
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201814 Transformation
Number of substations 596
Capacity 74,430,000 kVA
Length of transmission lines 10,773 km
Steel towers approx. 25,000
(concrete poles, etc.) approx. 40,000
Length of distribution lines 141,730 km
Concrete poles approx. 2,411,000
(steel towers, etc.) approx. 42,000
くろまる Power transformation, diagram (as of March 31, 2018) くろまる Power sources (kWh) in FY2017
くろまる Sales as a ratio of the entire electricity
business in FY2017
くろまるPower transformation, transmission and distribution
(as of March 31, 2018)
Note 1: Feed-in tariff (FIT) system for renewable energy
Reference: Report on Electric Power Demand
(Agency for Natural Resources and Energy)
Power transmission and distribution Energy services
LNG and
other gas31%Thermal63%Coal29%Petroleum, etc.3%Solar 9% (reproduced)
FIT Power (Note 1) 11%
Renewable energy
(excluding FIT power)5%Hydroelectric
(30 MW or higher) 4%
Nuclear16%Wholesale power
exchange (Note 2) 0.4%
Others (Note 3)1%Compared to
nationwide8.9%We deliver a stable supply of electricity, sending it along transmission
lines from power stations to substations, and along distribution lines
from substations to places such as homes and factories. To be able to
deliver a low-cost, stable electricity supply to support Kyushu’s
industries and lifestyles, we operate a stable electricity system
preserving steady transmission and distribution facilities.
We provide various energy services that respond to the diverse needs
of customers, including proposals for plans and services meeting the
requirements of household customers and one-stop energy services
for corporate customers.
To Chugoku Electric Power
Shin-Yamaguchi Substation
Genkai Nuclear Power Station
Sendai Nuclear
Power Station
Nuclear power station
Thermal power station
Hydroelectric power station
500 kV power line
220 kV power line
500 kV power line (under construction)
Kyushu Electric Power’s electricity procurement costs are partially financed by a levy on all electricity users,
including non-customers. As a result, these CO2 emissions from electricity are regarded as the national average of
CO2 emissions from electricity, including that generated through sources such as thermal power.
*Subject to powers generated by solar, wind, hydroelectric (below 30 MW), geothermal, and biomass.
Note 2: Power procured from wholesale power exchange
This electric power includes hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, FIT, and renewable energy powers.
Note 3: Others
Includes power procured from other companies for which the power station cannot be specified.
* Calculated and announced based on "Formulation of the Guidelines Concerning the Management of the Electricity
Retail Business" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
* Calculated on the basis of power generated by Kyushu Electric Power and volume of power purchased from other
companies (excluding remote islands)
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 15
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