"Make a brighter future for generations to come."
The Kyuden Group’s Mission is to contribute toward the realization of a comfortable and environment-friendly lifestyle today and for generations
to come. Amid major changes in our operating environment, including major reforms of Japan’s electricity systems, the Kyuden Group will continue
delivering stable supplies of electric power and other forms of energy. By helping customers realize comfortable, environment-friendly lifestyles,
we are expanding and enhancing our corporate value.
Major Changes in Our
Operating Environment
INPUT Business
Rising competition
in the electric power
and energy fields
environmental issues
Worsening natural
resource and
energy issues
Diversifying lifestyles
and values
Financial Objectives
Equity ratio: Approx. 20% (by e
Ordinary income: More than 11円
Growth investments: 420円bil
Vision fo
A corporate group that provide
Social and Relationship Capital
Consumer understanding of energy
(Approx. 120,000people reached
with communication activities)
Manufacturing Capital
Four of five nuclear
power stations restarted
(as of July 31, 2018)
Natural Capital
Fossil fuel consumption
(oil equivalent)
Approx. 9.6 million kl
(-5.1% over previous year)
Financial Capital
Total assets (consolidated)
Approx. 4円.7 trillion
(as of March 31, 2018)
Human Capital
Employees (consolidated)
(89 group companies)
(as of March 31, 2018)
Kyushu is the base
for everything
Energy Services
Business in the
Kyushu Region
Evolving from a corporate group
providing electric power to one
providing energy servicesIStrong BusiIIIgrowth, new inco
Organizational c
Leveraging strengths, enhanc
management resources
Value Creation Process
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201812 Activities OUTPUT OUTCOME
Electricity Business
Electric power sales
76.8 billion kWh
end of FY2021)
10billion (FY2017-2021 average)
llion (FY2017-2021, cumulative)
or 2030
esJapan’s best energy services
electricity output, etc.
(Energy-related business)
Data communications/
broadband, etc.
(IT and telecommunications business)
Environmental recycling/
real estate/housing services, etc.
(Other business)
Energy Services
gas package contracts
Approx. 55,000
Gas share in operating
area relative to major gas
providers: Approx. 7%
(as of March 31, 2018)
Stable Provision
of Electric Power
Power outage minutes/
year/household: 25
*Total of nuclear power, renewable energy (excluding FIT electricity),
and hydropower (over 30,000 kW)
Non-fossil fuel energy
25%* of total output
Regional Development
Nominal gross regional product
Approx. 44円 trillion
(8.5% of national total)
Work-friendly Environment
Average years of service
23.8(all-industrial average, 12.1)
iness Base
Extending our business
activities to Asia and the world
Growth Field
Overseas energy business
Energy business outside
the Kyushu region
Renewable energy businessIIome sources
capacity for evolution andcingContinuous pursuit of our vision
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 13
Our Profile

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