Kyuden Group’s Mission
Message from the Top ........................................................ 02
Contents/Editorial Policy .................................................... 10
Value Creation Process ...................................................... 12
Supply Chain ...................................................................... 14
Snapshot of Kyushu ........................................................... 16
Financial and Non-Financial Highlights .............................. 17
Interview with the President .................................................. 20
Feature 1
Operating Four Nuclear Power Stations ............................ 28
Feature 2
KYUDEN i-PROJECT: A Push for Innovation ........................ 34
Energy Service Business in the Kyushu Region ...................... 38
Growth Businesses .............................................................. 40
Our Profile Our Strategy
Interview with the President
Editorial Policy
しかく About This Report
しかく Reporting Period
About Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018
しかく Scope of Reporting
Kyushu Electric Power Company, Incorporated and Group Companies
しかく Issue Date
July 2018
Previous report: July 2017
Next report: July 2019
Since 2016, the Kyuden Group Annual Report has been published
with the objective of enabling shareholders and investors to gain an
understanding of how Kyushu Electric Power will create corporate
value on financial and non-financial information.
The International Integrated Reporting Framework released by
the International Integrated Reporting Council has been used as a
reference in editing this report.
to create easily understandable reports in the future.
This report is a compilation of information regarding the Kyuden
Group’s business intended for shareholders and investors.
Reporting on financial information essentially covers FY2017
(April 2017 to March 2018). However, the report also contains
some data from FY2018 in the interests of providing timely
Kyuden Group Annual Report 201810 ESG Initiatives ...................................................................... 44
Members of the Board of Directors ........................................ 46
Feature 3
Transition to an Audit and Supervisory Committee ........... 50
Governance Initiatives ........................................................... 56
Environmental Initiatives........................................................ 60
Social Initiatives.................................................................... 62
Consolidated Eleven-year Financial Summary ........................ 64
Management Discussion and Analysis ................................... 66
Business Risks Factors ......................................................... 68
Consolidated Balance Sheet ................................................. 70
Consolidated Statement of Income ........................................ 72
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income ................ 73
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity ........................ 74
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows .................................. 75
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ........................... 76
Overview of Power Generation Facilities ................................ 98
Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies ................................... 99
Corporate Data .................................................................. 101
ESG Section Financial Section
Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements
しかく Website Information
IR website
For shareholders and investors
Please refer to our website for more detailed information.
Kyuden Group is committed to doing its part to contribute to the
achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.SDGsStatements made in this report regarding the Kyuden Group’s strategies and forecasts and
other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on
management’s assumptions and beliefs in light of information currently available, and should
not be interpreted as promises or guarantees. Owing to various uncertainties, actual results
may differ materially from these statements. Shareholders and investors are hereby cautioned
against making investment decisions solely on the basis of forward-looking statements
contained herein.
Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018 11
Our Profile

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