Make a brighter future
for generations to come
Our brand message,
"Make a brighter future for generations to come,"
expresses our desire amid changing times to remain unchanged in
delivering a stable supply of electricity and other forms of energy, and
contribute towards a comfortable and environment-friendly lifestyle today and
for generations to come.
The phrase "comfortable and environment-friendly lifestyle"
contains the cyclical concept of "enjoying a pleasant life being connected to
bettering the global environment, which, in turn, enriches human hearts and
provides us with comfort," sustainable society that we want to contribute to.
Kyuden Group’s Mission is to contribute toward
the realization of a comfortable and
environment-friendly lifestyle today and for generations to come.
Kyuden Group’s Mission
At one with Kyushu,
Asia, and the world.
In company with the people of Kyushu,
we will work together to take action
while thinking of our children’s future
and of the prosperity of the region. And
from there, we will look to Asia and the
Discovering solutions,
and putting them into
We will discover and implement
solutions that lead to a better tomorrow
through open, active discussions,
believing in people’s potential and
mutually respecting personalities.
Services that truly
Customer trust is our top priority. We
will listen to the various voices of our
customers in order to respond to their
needs with services that truly satisfy.
Steady and reliable,
In order for our customers to lead
harmonious lives we will provide steady
and reliable, environment-friendly
energy, while anticipating global trends
and making full use of our advanced
technology and abundant experience
with energy and the environment.
Beppu City, Oita Prefecture1Kyuden Group Annual Report 2018

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