Outline of Kyushu Electric Power’s History

Fiscal Year Noteworthy events
1951 • Kyushu Electric Power is established.
1955 • The Kamishiiba Power Station, the first in Japan with an arch dam, becomes operational.
1956 • Unit 1 at the Karita Power Station (coal, 75,000 kW) becomes operational.1957• Kyushu Electric Power’s Central Line (220,000 V), its first super-high-voltage transmission line, becomes operational. Thermal generation capacity
exceeds hydroelectric capacity.
• Unit 1 at the Omura Power Station (coal, 66,000 kW) becomes operational
1960 • Frequency unification is completed. Unit 1 at the Minato Power Station (coal, 156,000 kW) becomes operational.
1961 • Unit 1 at the Shin Kokura Power Station (coal, 156,000 kW) becomes operational.1967• The Otake Power Station (geothermal, 11,000 kW), Japan’s first commercial geothermal generation facility, becomes operational.
• Unit 1 at the Karatsu Power Station (coal, 156,000 kW) becomes operational, becoming Kyushu Electric Power’s first generation facility with a control computer.
1969 • Unit 1 at the Oita Power Station (oil, 250,000 kW), Kyushu Electric Power’s first facility designed to run exclusively on heavy fuel oil, becomes operational.
1970 • The provision of electric lighting to all homes is completed.
1973 • Unit 1 at the Ainoura Power Plant (coal, 375,000 kW) becomes operational.
1974 • Unit 1 at the Sendai Power Plant (coal, 500,000 kW) becomes operational.1975• Unit 1 at the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (559,000 kW) becomes operational.
• The Ohira Power Station, then Kyushu Electric Power’s first pumped storagefacility (500,000 kW), becomes operational.1977• Unit 1 at the Hatchoubaru Power Station (geothermal, 23,000 kW) becomes operational.
• Unit 1 at the Buzen Power Station (coal, 500,000 kW) becomes operational.1980• Kyushu Electric Power builds the Central and West Kyushu Substations (500,000 V) and raises the voltage on its Saga Line to 500,000 V.
• The Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., begins operating the Trans-Kanmon Line (500,000 V).
1981 • Unit 1 at the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (559,000 kW) becomes operational
1982 • The Kyushu Energy Center is opened.
1984 • Unit 1 at the Sendai Nuclear Power Station (890,000 kW) becomes operational.
1985 • Unit 2 at the Sendai Nuclear Power Station (890,000 kW) becomes operational.1986• Unit 1 at the Tenzan Power Station (300,000 kW), a large-capacity pumped-storage facility, becomes operational.
• Kyushu Electric Power begins to use automatic control systems on its distribution lines.
1989 • Unit 1 at the Matsuura Power Station (coal, 700,000 kW) becomes operational.
1990 • Kyushu Electric Power achieves a zero outage record for work on high-and low-voltage facilities for the first time in Japan.
1991 • The No. 1 system at the Shin Oita Power Station (LNG, 690,000) becomes operational as Kyushu Electric Power’s first combined-cycle power station.
1994 • Unit 3 at the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (1,180,000 kW) becomes operational.1995• The Yamagawa Power Station (geothermal, 30,000 kW) becomes operational.
• Unit 1 at the Reihoku Power Station (coal, 700,000 kW) becomes operational.
1996 • The Ogiri Power Station (geothermal, 30,000 kW) becomes operational. • The Takigami Power Station (geothermal, 27,500 kW) becomes operational.
1997 • Unit 4 at the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (1,180,000 kW) becomes operational.1998• Kyushu Electric Power begins to operate a superconducting storage system as an electric power facility. It is the first of its type in Japan and one of the
largest in the world.
2000 • The Genkai Energy Park is opened.2001• A loan agreement is signed for the Tuxpan II IPP project in Mexico. • The Kyushu Homeland Forestation Program is launched.
• Unit 1 at the Karita Power Station (coal, 360,000 kW) becomes operational, Kyushu Electric Power’s first pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC) station.
2002 • Dedicated account managers are assigned to corporate customers.
2003 • The Koshikijima Wind Power Station (250 kW) becomes operational. • The Noma-Misaki Wind Park Station (3,000 kW) becomes operational.
2004 • The Omura Power Station is decommissioned. • The Minato Power Station is decommissioned.
2005 • The Goto Archipelago Link, Japan’s longest sea-bed cable (53 km), becomes operational.
2006 • The Hatchoubaru Binary Power Station (2,000 kW), Japan’s first commercial geothermal binary power station, becomes operational.
2007 • "Kyushu Electric Power’s Mission" and brand message "Enlighten Our Future" are adopted.
2009 • Unit 3 at the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, Japan’s first pluthermal facility, becomes operational.
2010 • The Mega Solar Omuta, our first large-scale solar power generation station (3,000 kW), becomes operational.2011• Kyushu Electric Power closes its head office division and branches and established branch offices, a customer center, an electric power center and an
internal combustion center.
2013 • The Kyushu Energy Center is closed. • The Oita Power Station is decommissioned.
2015 • Operations are halted at Unit 1 of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant • The Karatsu Power Station is decommissioned.
Section 5
Financial Information
Section 3
Special Feature
Section 2
Management Message
Section 4
Management Base
Section 1
Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2015

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