Message from the Chairperson and the President

Chairperson President
Message from the Chairperson and the President Interview with the President
The Kyushu Electric Group’s Medium-Term Management Policy
Section 1
Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Section 2
Management Message
Section 3
Special Feature
Section 4
Management Base
Section 5
Financial Information
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2015
To our shareholders and investors,
First, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for your loyal patronage and support of
Kyushu Electric Power.
In response to the serious accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Kyushu
Electric also suspended operations at all its nuclear power Stations. Given the ongoing difficul-
ties since that time in our revenue/expense balance, financial condition and supply and demand
situation, we have done our utmost to enhance management efficiency, introduced measures to
cope with supply–demand circumstances, raised electricity rates and issued preferred shares.
However, the suspension of operations at nuclear power Stations has continued for longer
than we had expected, resulting in ballooning thermal fuel costs. As a result, in fiscal 2014 the
Company posted an ordinary loss of 73円.6 billion and a net loss of 114円.6 billion.
Faced with these results, it is with regret that we decided to forego dividends in fiscal 2014.
We apologize to our shareholders for this situation.
Concerning the resumption of operations at our nuclear power operations, our topmost
management priority, after working throughout the Group to comply with national government
reviews and testing to ensure safety, Unit 1 of the Sendai Nuclear Power Station recommenced
commercial operations in September 2015. We are doing everything in our power to facilitate
an early resumption of operations at Unit 2 of the plant, following pre-operation tests, as well as
at Units 3 and 4 of the Genkai Nuclear Power Station. Furthermore, in response to the difficult
management conditions we currently face, we are introducing a variety of measures as we con-
centrate on maximizing efforts to improve our revenue and expense situation.
At the same time, we are moving into a period of real competition, led by the full-scale liberal-
ization of the retail power sector forecast in line with the 2016 electricity system reforms.
Against this backdrop, we recognize the need to accelerate groupwide reforms in order to
ensure the trust of our shareholders and remain their energy supplier of choice. As part of this
effort, in April 2015 we formulated our "Vision for 2030" and the "Kyushu Electric Power Group
Medium-Term Management Policy" to outline our management directions for the next five years.
Under this new management policy, we will push forward as a group on a number of initia-
tives with a view to ensuring sustainable growth and providing value to our stakeholders.
I would like to request your generous understanding and continuous support for our business.
September 2015
Message from the Chairperson and the President Interview with the President
The Kyushu Electric Group’s Medium-Term Management Policy
Section 1
Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Section 2
Management Message
Section 3
Special Feature
Section 4
Management Base
Section 5
Financial Information
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2015

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