In order for our customers to lead harmonious lives we will pro-

vide steady and reliable, Earth-friendly energy, while anticipating
global trends and making full use of our advanced technology and
abundant experience with energy and the environment.
Steady and reliable,
Earth-friendly energy.1111111111111111
We will offer services that place the gaining of trust from the
customer as top priority. We would like to listen to the various
voices of our customers in order to respond to their needs with
services that truly satisfy.
Services that truly satisfy.2222
In company with the people of Kyushu, we will work together
to take action while thinking of our children’s future and of the
prosperity of the region. And from there, we will look to Asia and
the world.
In company with Kyushu. And to
Asia and the world.3333333We will discover solutions that lead to a better tomorrow
through honest, sincere and active discussions, believing in
people’s potential and mutually respecting personalities, and
we will put these solutions into practice.
Discovering solutions, and putting
them into practice.44444444444Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Kyushu Electric Power’s Mission
"Make a brighter
future for generations
to come"
Towards a comfortable and environment-friendly lifestyle
today and for generations to come.
To fulfill this mission, we are dedicated to achieving the fol-
lowing 4 goals:
Corporate Profile
Contents Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
Our Business
Kyushu Electric Power’s Mission
1/90 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2015
Section 1
Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Section 2
Management Message
Section 3
Special Feature
Section 4
Management Base
Section 5
Financial Information

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