CO2 Emissions

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (FY)
Note: Calculated based on the Japanese government’s formula for CO2 emissions by business.
5,020 5,180
2,910 3,050
5,020 [5,180]844CO2 emissions per kilowatt-hour from electricity sales volume
Electricity sales volume (hundred million kWh)
CO2 emissions ( ten thousand t–CO2)
[ ] Figures in parentheses are before factoring in carbon credits
Kyushu Electric Power conducts a variety of programs throughout Ky-
ushu aimed at providing children with places to meet up and learn about
energy, the environment, culture and technology, to stimulate curiosity
and enhance sensitivity.
Kyushu Electric School of the Future: In support of the next generation
School lectures
Through our school lecture program, Kyushu Electric
Power employees visit elementary and middle schools
to conduct lessons about energy. Fiscal 2013 results:
343 visits with 12,741 participants
Through our "Eco-Mothers" program, mothers
from communities throughout Kyushu visit nursery
schools and similar locations to conduct picture-
story shows about environmental topics. Fiscal
2013 results: 250 visits with 18,717 participants
Success of Diversity Initiatives
CO2 Emissions: CO2 Emissions Intensity from Electricity Sales Volume
Our nuclear power plants have been shut down
since the Great East Japan Earthquake, resulting
in the use of thermal power generation as a
substitute source of power, which in turn results
in higher CO2 emission levels.20077.8%201466
(Regular April Hires)
(March 31)200747
Number of Female Managers201417.4%
(Clerical only)
(Clerical only)
Female Employee Hiring Rate
Non-financial Information
Kyushu Electric Power engages in measures to
prevent global warming from both the supply side
(activation of nuclear power generation, develop-
ment and introduction of renewable energy, etc.)
and as a user (our own efforts to conserve and
reduce energy use, etc.).
* "Reflecting credits, etc." refers to CO2 emissions credit
acquisition adjustments and adjustments associated with
feed-in tariffs (FITs) for renewable energy sources or the
Excess Electricity Purchasing Scheme for Photovoltaic Power.
Kyushu Electric Power’s FIT adjustments result in an increase
in the CO2 emissions value, and because in fiscal 2013 the
increased emissions value associated with FIT adjustments
was higher than the reduced CO2 emissions value adjusted for
CO2 emissions credit, the value credits reflected is higher.
Kyushu Electric Power aims to enhance enterprise value through the con-
certed efforts of the entire organization. Therefore, we seek to build an active
workforce free of gender- or age-based discrimination.
We have steadily expanded the range of career possibilities open to
women by continuing to build on initiatives launched in fiscal 2007 that
support career building by female employees and nurture a corporate culture
conducive to innovation.
Corporate Profile Kyushu Electric Power’s Mission
Our Business Midterm Management Policy Financial Highlights Non-financial Information
Section 1
Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Section 2
Management Message
Section 3
Special Report
Section 4
Management Base
Section 5
Financial Information
6/76 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2014

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