Striving to become a strong and supple company that is trusted and actively chosen by its customers, Kyushu Electric Power will work to change itself by increasing

its sensitivity to changes in attitudes towards power companies among its customers and in society more generally. Kyushu Electric Power will keep challenging
itself to respond to future social needs on the basis of new concepts.
Midterm Management Policy (Fiscal 2013 through Fiscal 2015)
Kyushu Electric Power’s Mission
Major Initiatives
A Company serving its
customers faithfully
A Company taking up
the challenge of
making changes
swiftly and flexibly
A Company
continuously reviewing
its business activities
in pursuing higher
A Company supporting
local communities by
providing electricity
 In order to provide support for our customers’ daily lives and business activities and for the regional community more generally, and to achieve
sustainable development together with all our stakeholders, we will seek complete efficiency in all of our operations.
 We will provide our customers with a stable supply of high-quality power in an environment undergoing significant changes.
 We will proceed with measures designed to make us more open and to help us win the trust of the public.
 We will promote the reform of our organizational culture and operations that serve as the basis for the above-mentioned efforts.
Midterm Management Policy
The business environment
 A rapid worsening of our business situation and financial status, associated with an
increase in fuel costs, etc.
 A very tight supply-and-demand situation, where we have to ask our customers to take
power-saving measures
 Increasing public interest in energy issues
 Revision of the government’s energy policies, including its nuclear energy policy, and
the progress of discussions concerning the reforms of the electric power system
Corporate Profile Kyushu Electric Power’s Mission
Our Business Midterm Management Policy Financial Highlights Non-financial Information
Section 1
Kyushu Electric Power Summary
Section 2
Management Message
Section 3
Special Report
Section 4
Management Base
Section 5
Financial Information
4/76 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2014

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