n Our Safety Precautions in View of the New Regulatory Requirements
In July 2013, Kyushu Electric Power applied for a compatibility check with the new regulatory requirements
for its Sendai (Units 1 & 2) and Genkai (Units 3 & 4) nuclear power stations.
1Design Basis
Confirmed there were no active fault lines within the power station grounds
Confirmed safety functions can withstand an earthquake load triggered by the regulatory­standard seismic movement*1
of 540 gal*2
for each power station.
*1 The most severe shock wave caused by an earthquake that could conceivably strike in the power station’s vicinity
*2 A unit of acceleration used in describing the intensity of ground and structural swaying caused by an earthquake
Confirmed safety functions can withstand a regulatory standard tsunami*3
*3 The tsunami with the largest impact that could conceivably hit against the power station*4 Maximum water level near the water intake to Sendai Units 1 & 2 and in front of the water intake pit to Genkai Units 3 & 4 as a result of the
tallest regulatory standard tsunami at high tide
Max tsunami height*4
Station elevation
Sendai Units 1 & 2 Approx. 4 m above sea level Approx. 13 m above sea level
Genkai Units 3 & 4 Approx. 3 m above sea level Approx. 11 m above sea level
Initiatives for Improving the Safety and Security of Nuclear Power
Kyushu Electric Power is enthusiastically adopting the new standards prescribed by Japan’s
Nuclear Regulation Authority, while at the same time going beyond regulatory demands
to achieve the world’s highest safety standards. We are both voluntarily and continually
promoting initiatives for improving the safety and security of nuclear power.
Overview of the New
Regulatory Requirements
(Compiled based on Nuclear Regulatory Authority materials)
Voluntary security precautions, etc., by power
companies for severe accident management
MeasuresPrevious regulatory standards
Safety standards for preventing accidents
(design basis)
(scenario involving an accident with a single
reactor, etc.)
Precautions against natural phenomenon
Precautions against fire
Power source reliability
Specifications for other facilities
Specifications for withstanding earthquakes
and tsunami
Intentional aircraft collision response*
Containment of radioactive substances
from spreading
Prevention of damage to containment vessels
Prevention of damage to reactor core
(scenario involving accidents with
multiple reactors)
Precautions against the reactor
chamber flooding (New)
Precautions against natural phenomenon (New;
against volcanic activity, tornadoes and forest fires)
Precautions against fire
Power source reliability
Specifications for other facilities
Specifications for withstanding earthquakes
and tsunami
New regulatory requirements
Previous standards
n Overview of the New Regulatory Requirements
New regulatory requirements concerning nuclear power generation facilities were formulated for enactment
on July 8, 2013 as a result of the lessons Japan learned from the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Station.
The new regulatory requirements consist of 1Design Basis stipulating design criteria to be used
for preventing accidents, carried forward from previous legislation, and new 2Severe Accident Measures
stipulating countermeasures to be used in the event of a severe accident.
Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
page 13
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013
Rigorous reinforcement of fire protection
Instituted measures to prevent water seepage from
equipment damaged in the event of an earthquake
Instituted precautions preventing water and steam from
seeping out of damaged tanks and pipes and flooding
nuclear facilities crucial to safety
Equipment crucial
to safetyTankPiping
Example of precaution Seals and waterproofing
to thru-sections
reinforced to prevent
water seepage
Instituted measures to improve power source
Additional fuel tanks were installed to enable the opera-
tion of emergency diesel generators powering accident
response facilities for seven continuous days
Construction of additional fuel tanks to emergency diesel generators
Confirmed that the safety of reactor facilities
would be unaffected by natural phenomenon
(tornadoes, volcanic activity, forest fires, etc.)
2Severe Accident Measures
Instituted measures to prevent damage to the
containment vessel
Instituted measures using portable injection pumps and
other equipment to cool and decompress the container
vessel, and to prevent hydrogen explosions, thereby
preventing damage to the containment vessel encapsu-
lating the radioactive substances.
Large-volume pump truck
Instituted measures to prevent damage to the
reactor core
Instituted measures involving portable injection pumps
and large-volume pump trucks for cooling the nuclear
reactor inside and preventing damage to the reactor
core (nuclear fuel rods)
Securing power source support functions
Diversification of power supply options
Mobile large-capacity generator (alternate current) Direct current power source generators (portable substitute power source)
Securing water supply support functions
Water supply required for putting out severe accidents,etc.• 
Established emergency response posts for main-
taining functions as an on-site command center
Established additional substitute emergency response
Established mission-critical anti-seismic building (fiscal
Spent fuel-rod pit
Submerged refill pump
injection pump
Spraying with
injection pumps
holding tank
storage pool
Instituted measures to contain the spread of
radioactive substances
Instituted measures to contain the spread of radioactive
substances into the atmosphere, for example, in the
event that the containment vessel is damaged.
Fuel-rod station
*The building and reactor containment vessel are integrated at Genkai Unit 3 & 4
pump truck
Silt fence
Reactor building*
Instituted measures to cool the spent fuel-rod
storage pool
Instituted measures involving submerged pumps to cool
the spent fuel-rod storage pool and prevent damage to
the fuel rods
Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
page 14
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013
Ongoing performance of drills
Our nuclear power stations perform operational procedure and maintenance and repair drills on an
ongoing basis to ensure safe operation of their facilities. Since the accidents at the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, those drills have incorporated multiple disaster scenarios in an effort
to further enhance our response capabilities.n Enhanced Framework for Preventing Nuclear Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
Drill to supply coolant water with a temporary pump
Drill conducted under total AC power blackout
Drill to restore an external power source
Drill to remove debris
Roles Under the Framework for Preventing Nuclear Disasters
Enhanced framework for preventing nuclear disasters
Kyushu Electric Power revamped its plan for disaster prevention as a nuclear power facilities operator
in March 2013 to enhance its disaster prevention framework in line with the revised Act on Special
Measures Concerning Measures for Preventing Nuclear Disasters.
Built a framework for collaborating with the government’s disaster countermeasures head-
quarters and the relevant municipalities, having established emergency response posts within
nuclear power stations and a nuclear incident quick response center within the Head Office
Enhanced capabilities for responding to accidents, having established backup support bases
Performed disaster drills in preparedness of severe accidents
Main Enhancements to the Plan for Disaster Prevention as a Nuclear Power Facilities Operator
Putting out power station accidents
Protecting residents from radioactive
exposure and assisting disaster victims
Japanese Government
Prime Minister’s Office...
Policy decisions on disaster
Nuclear Regulatory Agency...
Information analysis and
follow-up on countermeasures
Off-site centers...
Institution of assistance to residents
Electric Power Companies
Head Office...
Important decision-making
Nuclear power stations... 
Supervision of actions
countering disasters
Backup support bases... 
Support of actions
countering disasters
Institution of general emergency
measures, etc.
Off-site centers... 
Institution of prompt emergency measures
Evacuation of residents and designation of
hazard zones
Assistance in rebuilding lives of disaster
victims, etc.
Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
page 15
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013

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