Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
Kyushu Electric Power has formulated a Midterm Management Policy that establishes
our management orientation and defines the major initiatives that we will implement over
the three years spanning fiscal 2013 through fiscal 2015.
n Basic Stance
"Restructuring of New Kyushu Electric Power"
—to become a strong and supple company
Striving to become a strong and supple company that is trusted and actively chosen by its customers,
Kyushu Electric Power will work to change itself by increasing its sensitivity to changes in attitudes
towards power companies among its customers and in society more generally. Kyushu Electric Power
will keep challenging itself to respond to future social needs on the basis of new concepts.
Vision of the "Restructuring of New Kyushu Electric Power"
• A Company serving its customers faithfully
After listening to our customers’ concerns with an open mind and taking their feelings on board
in a responsible manner, we will proactively inform them of our thinking and policies in an easy-to-
understand manner. We will also share with all employees our customers’ concerns as we
encountered them during the listening process, and we will go all-out to respond to the real needs
of our customers.
• A Company taking up the challenge of making changes swiftly and flexibly
We will promote the reform of our organizational culture and the reform of operations from a
standpoint of Company-wide optimization, by cultivating a culture of respecting diversity, evaluating
and recruiting personnel who can lead the reform in a new era. We will also strive to deal with
changes in the business environment, using the power of mutual trust, mutual improvement, and
cooperation across divisions and hierarchical boundaries.
• A Company continuously reviewing its business activities in pursuing higher efficiency
We will realize high competitiveness by working together as a Group for the thorough improvement
of efficiency and the maintenance and improvement of our technological capacities. In addition,
we will strive to improve our profitability and build a stable structure of income and expenditure
by continuously reviewing business activities, such as the restructuring and reorganization of
operations based on risk and profitability.
• A Company supporting local communities by providing electricity
With the aim of "contributing to the creation of a better society through a stable supply of power"
as our starting point, we will do so even in a business environment undergoing changes, such as
revisions in energy policy. We will continue to ensure stable supply of the power as required by our
customers and communities according to the time and circumstances, so as to support our custom-
ers’ daily lives and their business activities, as well as supporting local communities.
Formulation of Midterm Management Policy
Policies in each business domain
Against the backdrop of a challenging business environment, we will put the first priority on the
energy business in Kyushu, and in the medium to long term, we will build a strong business
infrastructure that can adapt to changing circumstances to ensure the sustainable supply of energy,
which is the main axis of our business.
For the time being, we will allocate management resources only to
operations that directly contribute to the stable supply of energy. On
this basis, we will examine our medium- to long-term investment
strategy, taking into account the situation of facilities.
1. Energy Business in Kyushu
Through consultation, we will work to build a foundation for future
business expansion by developing relationships of trust with regions
where we do business, while securing profits through the proper
management of existing projects.
2. Energy Business Overseas
We will restructure the business from the point of view of whether it
can truly contribute to increasing our corporate value as a Group, based
on the results of rigorous risk and profitability assessments.3. Social/Lifestyle-oriented Service,
which includes the business domains of IT
and Telecommunications, Environment and
Recycling, and Lifestyle-oriented Service
page 07
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base
Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Major Initiatives
Seeking to fulfill our responsibilities as an electric utility while responding appropriately to the
reforms of the electric power system (across the board liberalization of the retail sector, etc.)
and avoiding any further worsening of our finances against the backdrop of an ongoing difficult
business environment, the Kyushu Electric Group will work as a single entity to manage costs
and implement thorough measures to increase efficiency. By doing so, we will realize a stable
structure of income and expenditure, and provide value to all of our stakeholders, in particular
our customers, shareholders and investors.
(1) In order to provide support for our customers’ daily lives and business activities and
for the regional community more generally, and to achieve sustainable development
together with all our stakeholders, we will seek to increase efficiency in all areas of
our operations.
Against the background of a supply and demand situation which continues to be tight, we will
work to implement a full range of measures on both the supply and demand sides in order to
ensure a stable supply of energy for the time being. At the same time, we will consider the
medium- to long-term balance of power sources, taking into account the revisions to energy
policy and global environmental problems.
(2) We will provide our customers with a stable supply of high-quality power in an
environment undergoing significant changes.
The trust of our stakeholders is the foundation of our business operations, and in order to win
that trust, in addition to working to reflect the opinions of our stakeholders in our business opera-
tions, we will make comprehensive efforts in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
management, for example by further increasing the transparency of our business activities.
(3) We will proceed with measures designed to make us more open and to help us
win the trust of the public.
We will proceed with initiatives (1) to (3) with the entire company working together as one, based
on the participation of employees, so as to promote the reform of our organizational culture
and the reform of operations that serve as the basis for the "Restructuring of a New Kyushu
Electric Power." We will also review our organizational structure by taking into account unforesee-
able changes in the business environment and other factors in the future.
(4) We will reform our organizational climate and the operations which serve as the
foundations for the above-mentioned initiatives.
We will put the following four major initiatives into practice with our entire company working
together as one:
Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
page 08
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base
Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
[Proactive development and introduction of renewable energy sources]
Kyushu Electric Power is moving ahead in the proactive development and adoption of renewable
energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectric and geothermal power, from the
standpoint of utilizing domestic energy sources more effectively, and taking advantage of sources
manifesting a superior performance in the fight against global warming.
Omura mega-solar power station
(Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture)
Group company Kyuden Ecosol Co., Ltd.
has developed a mega-solar power sta-
tion (13,500 kW) on the former site of
the Omura Power Station in Omura City,
Nagasaki Prefecture, and it has started
operations. (May 2013)
Co-combustion of sewage sludge
at the Matsuura Power Station
In a collaborative effort with Electric
Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER)
and others, we are participating in a
project to convert sewage sludge into
solid fuel. We are using the solid fuel
that is produced by burning it in a mixture
with coal at the Matsuura Power Station
and other power stations.
(April 2013–ongoing)
Yamagawa geothermal binary
power facility
(Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture)
At the Yamagawa Power Station, we are
carrying out verification testing of a
small-scale geothermal binary power
generation system (output of 250 kW)
which effectively utilizes comparatively
low-temperature (80–100 degrees Cel-
sius) steam and heated water which
cannot be used in conventional geother-
mal power generation systems. (May
2013–March 2015)
TOPICS: Renewable Energy Initiatives
power, etc.
(excluding pumped
hydroelectric storage
power generation)
Combined capacity for all
facilities (10,000 kW)
(End fiscal 2012)
112 43 20 184 21 379
Electricity (billion kWh)
(Fiscal 2012)
0.7 0.7 0.6 6.2 1.4 9.6
Volume of Electricity Available by Renewable Energy Source
Note: Totals may not match exactly because figures have been rounded off.
Sewage sludge fuel is pulverized together with coal and burned to stoke
the boilerCoalBoiler
sludge • 
Resource conversion of
sewage sludge
Reduction of green-
house gases
fuel (of
50 tons
per day
City South
Business of converting
sewage sludge into solid fuel
Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
No. 2 Power
No. 1 Power Station
page 09
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base
Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
TOPICS: Renewable Energy Initiatives
Wind power Commercial solar power (self-generated or fully purchased)
Residential and other solar power (surpluses purchased)
Targeted isolated
periodIkiNagasaki Prefecture
4,000 kW
Fiscal 2012–
Fiscal 2014
Nagasaki Prefecture
3,500 kW
Fiscal 2013–
Fiscal 2016
Kagoshima Prefecture
3,000 kW
Kagoshima Prefecture
2,000 kW*Facilities to receive subsidies from the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry (Iki Island) and the Ministry of the Environ-
ment (other 3 islands)
Battery control demonstration tests
Islands on which battery control demonstration tests are
being conducted
Formulation of
Management Policy
n Basic Stance
n Major Initiatives
Increasing of
Electricity Ratesn Background to
the Increasing of
Electricity Rates
n Overview of the Increase
Initiatives for
Improving the Safety
and Security
of Nuclear Powern Overview of the New
Requirementsn Our Safety Precautions
in View of the New
Requirementsn Enhanced Framework
for Preventing Nuclear
Disasters and the
Performance of Drills
page 10
Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2013
Section 1
Kyushu Electric
Power’s Summary
Section 2
Management Policy
Section 4
Safety Measures for
Nuclear Power Plant
Section 5
Management Base
Section 6
Financial Section
Section 3
Increasing of
Electricity Rates
[Review of introduction of solar and wind power]
For the two energy sources of wind and solar, we adopted a feed-in tariff power purchase and
sales system in July 2012. As a result, the number of system applications for business-use solar
power is rapidly increasing. Based on this, we have upwardly revised our fiscal 2020 target for
solar and wind power capacity from 3 million kW to 7 million kW.
[Research into expanding the introduction of renewable energy on
isolated islands]
On isolated islands, while expanding solar and
wind power generation, in order to maintain a
stable supply of electric power, Kyushu Electric
Power has received subsidies from the govern-
ment to comprehensively install storage batter-
ies, and is conducting a demonstration test to
curb frequency volatility from solar power and
other renewable energy sources.
Our Target for the Installation of Solar and Wind Power Facilities
10,000 kW
63 76 96 115155300700333041 56
35 40
74 9715411002004002008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Current target (solar and wind power)
Revised solar power target
Reference: Last year’s target (solar and wind power)43(est.)

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