2.Learning from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Kyushu Electric Power
enacted emergency safety measures that will allow the nuclear reactor and the storage pool for spent fuel
to be continuously cooled even in the event of a complete loss of electricity due to a tsunami. Power plants
will also maintain the ability to cool using seawater, and the ability to cool the storage pool for spent fuel.
nuclear reactor
Use water to
COOL fuel
radioactive material
This could not be done due to the power loss caused by tsunami
[Emergency Safety Measures]
[Conduct emergency safety practice drills] [Conduct practice drills on restoring external
power sources]
Practice drill on supplying
power with high-voltage
generator trucks
Practice drill on supplying
power using mobile equipment
Practice drill on supplying
coolant water with temporary
Practice drill on temporary
restoration of pylons, etc.
The ability to safely shut down a nuclear reactor, cool the fuel with water, and seal off radioactive material
is essential to ensuring nuclear power plant safety.
At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the nuclear reactor successfully shut down when the
earthquake struck. However, the tsunami that hit soon after, which was far larger than anyone had imag-
ined, flooded the emergency diesel generators, seawater pumps and other equipment, causing all electric
power to be lost. This subsequently caused the supply of water for cooling to fail.
With the fuel unable to be cooled, the radioactive material ultimately could not be properly sealed off,
resulting in an accident.
Comment from Stakeholders | "Now that trust in the safety of nuclear
power has been so badly shaken, I want
Kyushu Electric Power to show that it
puts safety first."
2. Ensuring Stability of Supply
Further increase trust in and ensure safety and peace of mind with
respect to nuclear power stations.
The serious accident that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station owned by Tokyo Electric Power Company,
Incorporated has raised concerns about the use of nuclear power and questions about how to supply energy. In this feature, we
respond to your comments regarding the management of Kyushu Electric Power’s nuclear power plants.
3. Safeguard coolant waterSafeguard water
resources2. Safeguard pumps, etc. for
transporting coolant waterDeploy temporary
pumps and hoses
Measures to
prevent flooding
of vital equipment
1. Safeguard power sourcesDeploy high-voltage
generator trucks
measures to
restore external
power sources
10 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2012 Re:Scenario Evaluating Loss of All AC Current
Reactor No. Fuel Location
Time That Fuel Can Be Continuously Cooled Without Outside Assistance
Before emergency safety measures After emergency safety measures
Genkai Nuclear Power Station No. 1 Reactor Approx. 5 hours Approx. 65 days
Spent fuel storage pool Approx. 2.6 days
No. 2 Reactor Approx. 5 hours
Spent fuel storage pool Approx. 2.7 days
No. 3 Reactor Approx. 5 hours
Spent fuel storage pool Approx. 2.2 days
No. 4 Reactor Approx. 5 hours
Spent fuel storage pool Approx. 2.3 days
Sendai Nuclear Power Station No. 1 Reactor Approx. 5 hours Approx. 104 days
No. 2 Spent fuel storage pool Approx. 1.8 daysDataCenter
Control Room
Office of the
Prime Minister
Contaminated-water tank/water receiving tank
Emergency generators
Resting room
Night-dutyroomRoom for
controlroomGFRoom for
television-conferences, etc.
response room
Room for
key personnel
Air conditioning
Containment vessel
Control rod
Ventilation system with containment vessel filter
Metallic filter
Initiatives for Achieving Greater Safety and
Reliabilityn Constructing new buildings with a seismic isolation
structure (tentatively by fiscal 2015)n Installation of ventilation systems with containment
vessel filters (tentatively by fiscal 2016)
Kyushu Electric Power has enacted appropriate emergency
safety measures, with the Japanese government verifying that
we can ensure the level of safety necessary to prevent
damage to the reactor core.
Furthermore, a stress test (primary evaluation) performed
confirmed that emergency safety measures have improved the
safety of our nuclear power plants, which are now being
inspected by the government.
The voluntary and ongoing promotion of initiatives aimed at
enhancing safety and reliability even further are indispensable
to ensuring public trust in nuclear power. Today, in light of tech-
nological insights emphasized by the Japanese government
and other lessons gained from the accident at the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we are moving forward with
measures for attaining greater safety and reliability.
Stress Test (Primary Evaluation) Results
A stress test is a type of evaluation that tests the extent to
which a nuclear power plant can withstand earthquakes and
tsunamis that surpass its original design parameters.
For stresses that exceed the original estimates (earth-
quakes and tsunamis), we have confirmed that our facilities can
withstand earthquakes that are 1.61 to 1.89 times stronger
than the standard for a seismic event, and tsunamis between
13.0 to 15.0 meters high, without losing the ability to cool fuel.
Similarly, we have confirmed that fuel at our facilities can be
continuously cooled for between approximately 65 to 104 days
without any outside assistance. This means that there is ample
time for outside assistance to arrive should it be needed.
How We Are Answering | We are taking voluntary, ongoing steps to ensure
trust in nuclear power, with our sights set on achiev-
ing even greater safety and enhanced reliability.
Annual Report 2012 Kyushu Electric Power Company 11 2.n 
Readjustment of Scheduled Maintenance Shutdown for Thermal Power
StationsPeriodic inspections for five oil-fired thermal power stations postponed until fall
2012 or later (500,000 kW x four, 375,000 kW x one)Postponement of construction to upgrade Gas Turbine 1 (100,000 kW) at
Shin-Oita Power Station Unit 1n Restarting of Long-suspended Operations at Thermal Power StationsRestarted Karita Power Station Shin-Unit 2 (375,000 kW, 40-year history),
scheduled for permanent shutdown at the end of fiscal 2011n Installation of Emergency Power
FacilitiesInstalled a diesel generator (4,000 kW)
at the Buzen Power Stationn Procurement of Additional Thermal Power Fueln Receiving Power from Other CompaniesReceived power through planned arrangements with other utilitiesReceived power from entities generating surplus electricity
[Supply Capacity Measures Enacted from the Planning Stages]Utilized mobile power-generating
equipment for a remote island
(3,000 kW)
In summer 2012, all of Kyushu Electric Power’s nuclear power stations remained shut down. Under these
trying circumstances, we made every imaginable effort to ensure we could maintain our ability to supply
power, from procuring additional fuel and readjusting maintenance schedules for thermal power stations
that were replacing lost nuclear power, to restarting long-suspended operations at thermal power stations
and purchasing power from other utilities.
Comment from Stakeholders | "I want Kyushu Electric Power to be able
to unwaveringly supply power that we can
depend on in daily life."
(2) Supply-demand measures for summer 2012
The suspension of nuclear power station operations prompted concerns about power supply stability among a growing number of
customers. In this section, we present an overview of measures implemented by Kyushu Electric Power to cope with supply and
demand in summer 2012.
2. Ensuring Stability of Supply
12 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2012 Re:For summer 2012, we devised a scenario that envisaged
similar cooperation in conserving electric power from cus­
tomers as in 2011 (7% reduction over 2010), and assumed
temperatures comparable to the intense summer heat of
2010. Even so, our projections predicted supply shortfalls and
a very challenging power supply-demand picture.
The situation was projected to be tightest from July 2 to
September 7, 2012. For this reason, we asked for customer
cooperation in targeting a reduction of 10% or more in their
weekday power consumption for this period (excluding a tradi-
tional weeklong summer holiday) over their maximum usage in
2010. As a final option should any unlikely events arise, we
also prepared for scheduled power outages. These measures,
though necessary, undoubtedly caused a great deal of worry
and concern for our customers.
Under these conditions, maximum power demand for the
summer, excluding the effects of temperatures during the
period, fell by around 10% from two years earlier, thanks in
large part to the conservation efforts of our customers. In
terms of supply, no major obstacles emerged thanks to power
received through the support from other utilities and our
efforts to procure power on the open market, together with
other actions taken to secure additional supply capacity.
At this point, we would like to express our gratitude to all
our stakeholders for their cooperation in conserving electricity.
Looking ahead, the employees of Kyushu Electric Power are
committed to doing their very best to ensure the stable supply
of power in the future.
[Measures for Additional Supply Capacity Based
on Power Supply-Demand Conditions]n Receipt of additional power allotment from other utilities
n Procurement of power on the open market
[Measures to Reduce Demand During Periods
When Conservation is Requested]
n Request for cooperation in conserving electricity
n Expansion of contracts for summer planned adjustments
n Adoption of menu of additional steps to reduce demand
How We Are Answering | Kyushu Electric Power and its employees are
united in an all-out effort to ensure future power
supply stability.
Annual Report 2012 Kyushu Electric Power Company 13 2.Kyushu Electric Power is relatively far along in the adoption of solar, wind and geothermal power compared
to other utilities in Japan. We proactively develop and introduce renewable energy sources, including bio-
mass and hydropower.
Comment from Stakeholders | "I would like to see Kyushu Electric Power
take assertive steps to develop renew-
able energy sources."
(3) Proactive development and introduction of renewable energy sources
As national-level debate around general energy policy rages on, more attention is being given to the development of renewable
energy sources. The following is a brief introduction to how Kyushu Electric Power is answering the call with regard to renewable
energy development.
2. Ensuring Stability of Supply
Hitotsuse Power Station
Hatchoubaru Geothermal
Power Station
Total Output of Facilities
(10,000 kW)
Wind Power
Generation 41 (6.7)
Along with vigorously promoting the development of
wind power generation with Group companies, we
purchase power from wind farm operators to obtain a
total capacity of 410,000 kW (approx. 15% of
Japan’s total wind power output).
Solar Power
Generation 74 (0.5)
Together with the installation of solar power equip-
ment at former plant sites and business sites, we
began purchasing power mainly for residential use
with the launch of a system in Japan for the pur-
chase and sale of surplus power in November 2009.
Our total capacity is 740,000 kW (approx. 20% of
Japan’s solar power output).
183 (128)
We are aggressively developing hydroelectric power
together with a careful consideration for the sur-
rounding environment, and now have 1.83 million kW
of hydroelectric capacity (excluding pumped hydro-
electric storage power generation).
21 (21)
Kyushu is rich in geothermal resources. Accordingly,
our total geothermal power output is 210,000 kW
(approx. 40% of Japan’s total geothermal power
output). Geothermal power generation is centered on
the Hatchoubaru Geothermal Power Station
(110,000 kW), the largest power plant of its kind in
the country.
Biomass and
Waste Product
25 (4)
In addition to our own power generation using materi-
als such as poultry manure, woodchips and garbage
as fuel, we purchase surplus power from producers
of power from biomass and waste products, obtain-
ing a total capacity of 250,000 kW.
*Figures in parentheses are the total output of Kyushu Electric Power and Group company facilities
Results at end of fiscal 2011
Mega Solar Omuta Power Station
Nagashima Wind Hill Co., Ltd.
Miyazaki Biomass Recycle
Co., Inc.
14 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2012 Re:06 20201110090807075150225300
23 2530354041
50 56769611527 30 33 41567463Kyushu Electric Power has moved ahead in the development
and adoption of renewable energy sources from the stand-
point of utilizing domestic energy sources more effectively,
and taking advantage of sources manifesting a superior per-
formance in the fight against global warming.
For two such energy sources, wind and solar, we aimed in
the previous fiscal year to achieve combined capacity for all
our facilities of 2.5 million kW by fiscal 2020. However, in light
of the increase in residential solar power and the adoption of
a feed-in tariff power purchase and sales system in Japan, we
have upwardly revised this aim to 3 million kW.
For wind power generation, in a bid to expand the volume of
electricity available, from May 2012 we began accepting appli-
cations to feed in to the power grid on an as-needed basis.
Previously, the number of applications was set, and they were
accepted once annually, with participants chosen from the
pool of applicants at random.
For solar power generation, Group company Kyuden Ecosol
Co., Ltd. is developing a mega-solar power station (13,500
kW) on the former site of the Omura Power Station in Omura
City, Nagasaki Prefecture. The new power station is slated to
begin operating in spring 2013.
In hydroelectric power generation, while the development of
our large-scale hydroelectric sites is nearly complete, we
remain committed to studying the feasibility and development
of future hydroelectric capacity, taking economic potential, site
location and other factors into account. We are also installing
a hydropower plant and providing technical support for it using
river maintenance flow discharge resources.
Geothermal power generation is the most stable renewable
energy source that is able to supply electricity over the course of a
year. We are conducting studies and gathering information for the
development of new sites, including examining local conditions at
promising locations, after considering factors such as technological
challenges, economic potential, and the site environment.
In biomass power generation, we are processing sewage sludge
and converting it to fuel. From fiscal 2013, we plan to begin co-
combusting this material with coal at our Matsuura Power Station.
How We Are Answering | We are firmly committed to moving ahead with
the development and adoption of a variety of
renewable energy sources, and have steadily
made much progress.
Our capacity outlook for wind and solar power
10 thousand kW
Wind power Solar power
Figures include our own development efforts and purchases from other companies.
Until FY 2020
3 million kW
in total
Annual Report 2012 Kyushu Electric Power Company 15

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