Rebuilding Bonds of Trust
Message From the Chairperson and the President
Even in the current difficult business environment, the Kyushu Electric Power Group will­continue to be steadfast in fulfilling its social mission as an energy provider. In the future also,
the Group will steadily make continued improvements in its corporate value in order to be
worthy of the trust and confidence of all its stakeholders.
From left
Masayoshi Nuki
Michiaki Uriu
04 Kyushu Electric Power Company Annual Report 2012
Kyushu Electric Power’s brand message, "Enlighten Our
Future," expresses our social mission as a responsible energy
provider: to remain consistent in stably supplying electric
power and energy to our customers.
We have been pursuing business activities that enable us
to fulfill this mission in a sustained manner in line with our
Mid-term Management Policy covering the period from fiscal
2009 to fiscal 2011, which is in turn based on our Long-term
Management Vision.
Within this framework, the Great East Japan Earthquake
occurred last year and caused extensive damage to the
Japanese economy and society. Moreover, in the aftermath of
the serious accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
Station, a debate on the overall energy policy, including the
direction to be taken regarding the use of nuclear power and
the supply of energy, has been proceeding on a national level.
At this time, customer trust in Kyushu Electric Power was
then seriously damaged by such incidents as our attempts to
recruit positive opinions for a television program viewed by
prefectural residents and sponsored by the Ministry of
Economy, Trade, and Industry. We once again deeply apologize
for the considerable worry and inconvenience we have caused
our shareholders and investors.
In addition, the suspension of all nuclear power stations
continues to cause a tight power supply, and as a result bal-
ancing revenues and expenses has become even more dif-
ficult for the Group.
Currently, in response to this extremely difficult business
environment, the Group formulated the fiscal 2012
Management Policy in March 2012 for the purpose of clarify-
ing pressing management issues and to promote Group-wide
initiatives focused on resolving these issues. The Group is
focusing on urgently resolving the following issues.
a) Efforts to Restore Trust As the top priority, the entire Group is working together to
regain the trust of our customers, shareholders, and all
other stakeholders.
b) Ensuring Stability of Supply In light of the tight power supply situation, we are striving
to provide a stable supply of electric power through a vari-
ety of initiatives aimed at both power supply and demand.
c) Advancing Our Energy Management Response
Out of consideration to the extremely difficult business
environment, the Kyushu Electric Power Group is united in
making rigorous efficiency improvements in management,
and in reducing costs.
As a result of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station, the public has lost much of its trust in the
safety of nuclear power stations. As a business involved in the
generation of electricity by nuclear power, the Group takes this
matter very seriously. From the perspective of ensuring energy
security and preventing global warming, and with safety as a
major precondition, the Group does not believe that the impor-
tance of nuclear power has changed.
As soon as it becomes clear what direction the national
energy policy will take as regards the use of nuclear power and
the supply of energy, the Group will respond in a proper manner.
At the same time, the Group is ensuring public confidence
in nuclear power stations by moving forward with voluntary
and ongoing measures aimed at further improving the safety
and security of those stations.
To be worthy of the trust of all its stakeholders in the
future, the Group will make continued improvements in its
corporate value by developing business activities based on the
perspective of CSR (corporate social responsibility), including
by promoting compliance management and information disclo-
sure, and by thoroughly instilling a spirit of safety-first.
Going forward, we ask for the understanding and support
of all our shareholders and investors as we move toward
our goals.
September 2012
Chairperson Masayoshi Nuki
April1968 Joined Kyushu Electric Power
June2007 Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer
General Manager of Business Development Division and
Information & Communications Division
June2009 Executive Vice President
General Manager of Customer Services Division
June2010 Executive Vice President
April2012 Chairperson (Current)
President Michiaki Uriu
April1975 Joined Kyushu Electric Power
June2009 Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer
General Manager of Thermal Power Generation Division
June2011 Executive Vice President
General Manager of Thermal Power Generation Division
April2012 President (Current)
Masayoshi Nuki
Michiaki Uriu
Annual Report 2012 Kyushu Electric Power Company 05

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