1 Forecast for consolidated financial results of FY2012

Consolidated (billion-yen, %)
1,550.0 1,508.0 42.0
-335.0 -184.8 -150.2
-370.0 -213.5 -156.5
-365.0 -166.3 -198.7
<The factor of increase in Sales of 42.0 billion-yen>
・Increase of electricity sales 30.0 billion-yen
<The factor of decrease in Ordinary Profit of 156.5 billion-yen>
・Increase of Sales 42.0 billion-yen
・Increase of fuel costs and costs for power purchases -227.0 billion-yen
・Influence of the shutdown of operations at our nuclear
power stations -242.0 billion-yen
Non-Consolidated (billion-yen, %)
1,450.0 1,406.7 43.3
-335.0 -195.7 -139.3
-370.0 -228.5 -141.5
-365.0 -174.9 -190.1
Key Fundamentals (billion-kWh, $/b, yen/,ドル %)
84.4 85.4 -1.0
115 114 1
80 79 1
― 31.4 -31.4
2 Forecast for year-end dividend of FY2012
( Dividend results of FY2011 : interim dividend 30 yen , year-end dividend 20 yen )―( A - B )
Kyushu Electric Power Company Inc.
(( A - B ) / B )2.8―――
Exchange Rate
November 27, 2012
FY2011 Difference Change
( B ) (( A - B ) / B )
( A )
Finacial Results and Dividend Forecast for FY2012
Consolidated sales is expected to exceed FY2011, affected by the business
performances in electricity business mainly because of increased charge unit price due to
the effect of fuel cost adjustment system in spite of decreased electricity sales volume.
The ordinary profit-and-loss and the net profit-and-loss are expected to get further in the
red compared with FY2011, affected by the business performances in electricity business
mainly because of increase of thermal fuel costs and costs for power purchases due to the
influence of the shutdown of operations at our nuclear power stations.
( A - B )
( B ) ( A - B )
Net Profit
Operating Profit
Ordinary Profit
( A )
( B )
Net Profit
Sales―We are planning not to pay out year-end dividend of FY2012 as well as interim.
( A )3.1―
Nuclear Power
Utilization Rate
Sales Volume
Operating Profit
Ordinary Profit
Crude Oil
(CIF) Price

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