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Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman

Since 1958, JEPIC has been conducting research on the electric power industry in foreign countries and cooperating with foreign electric utilities and related organizations, with the mission of contributing to the sound operation and development of Japan’s electric power industry, economic growth, and improvement of people’s lives, as well as promoting international cooperation. We have been able to carry on our activities through the continuous support of our member companies and the tireless efforts of our staff. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all concerned.
The global electric power industry is in the midst of a major transformation. Decarbonization, which is key for addressing climate change problems, has become one of the most critical challenges for countries around the world. Energy companies, including electric utilities, play a major role in decarbonizing, enhancing various technologies and measures from the upstream to downstream sectors. In particular, it is noteworthy that further expansion of renewable energy and nuclear power, development of hydrogen energy, decarbonizing fossil fuel usage, network upgrades and expansion, and improvement of electricity markets have been progressing rapidly worldwide.
Meanwhile, the international situation is becoming increasingly chaotic due to the deepening division of the world and geopolitical risks. Such factors as the conflict between the United States and China, the protracted Russia-Ukraine war, the further complication of the situation in the Middle East, and the growing presence of developing countries in what is called the Global South are destabilizing the world. There is a great deal of interest in how these factors will affect the challenges that energy companies and electric utilities around the world commonly face and seek solutions to, namely ensuring energy security (Security), addressing climate change (Sustainability), and providing fair access to sustainable energy for all people (Affordability).
JEPIC is committed to providing up-to-date information on the electric power industry overseas based on facts, especially how overseas companies are confronting and overcoming various challenges in these confusing times, and to disseminating information in a timely manner, thereby helping our member companies in their strategic planning and business development. In our international cooperation projects, we will make full use of the friendly relations we have been building up over the years to further deepen our ties toward the development of Asian and other countries.
We believe that the active performance and growth of our staff members directly enhance the value of JEPIC. Therefore, we will continue to operate the organization in a way that values human resources.
April 2024
Motomi IKI
Chairman & CEO

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