New Publications (16-31/Apr/2024)

3 Jun 2024

Here you find a list of newly published articles that will be added to the JEIC Reserch Database when they are ready.

(1) Assessment of the potential threats to brain health posed by the radiation from 5G sub-6 GHz base stations in China using dosimetric methods

Lin J, Ding G, Liu X, Li J

Department of Radiation Protection Medicine, School of Military Preventive Medicine, Air Force Medical University (China)

Environ Sci Pollut Res 2024; 31 (21): 31015-31027

(2) Advisory Group recommendations on priorities for the IARC Monographs

Berrington de González A, Masten SA, Bhatti P, Fortner RT, Peters S, Santonen T, Yakubovskaya MG, Barouki R, Barros SBM, Barupal D, Beane Freeman LE, Calaf GM, Dillner J, El Rhazi K, Fritschi L, Fukushima S, Godderis L, Kogevinas M, Lachenmeier DW, Mandrioli D, Muchengeti MM, Niemeier RT, Pappas JJ, Pi J, Purdue MP, Riboli E, Rodríguez T, Schlünssen V, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, de Conti A, Facchin C, Pasqual E, Wedekind R, Ahmadi A, Chittiboyina S, Herceg Z, Kulasingam S, Lauby-Secretan B, MacLehose R, Sanaa M, Schüz J, Suonio E, Zavadil J, Mattock H, Madia F, Schubauer-Berigan MK, IARC Monographs Priorities Group

International Agency for Research on Cancer (France)

Lancet Oncol 2024; Online

(3) The endocannabinoid system is involved in the anxiety-like behavior induced by dual-frequency 2.65/0.8 GHz electromagnetic radiation in mice

Xue T, Ma RH, Xu C, Sun B, Yan DF, Liu XM, Gao D, Li ZH, Gao Y, Wang CZ

Laboratory of Bioelectromagnetics, Beijing Institute of Radiation and Medicine (China)

Front Mol Neurosci 2024; 17: 1366855

(4) Unveiling Passive and Active EMF Exposure in Large-Scale Cellular Networks

Qin Y, Kishk MA, Elzanaty A, Chiaraviglio L, Alouini MS

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Saudi Arabia)

IEEE Open J Commun Soc 2024; Online

(5) Compliance Assessment of the Spatial Averaging Method for Magnetic Field Leakage from a Wireless Power Transfer System in Electric Vehicles

Okada M, Miwa K, Kodera S, Hirata A

Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan)

Appl Sci 2024; 14 (7): 2672

(6) Frequency selective human-centric sub 6 GHz electromagnetic measurements in shopping mall

Berisha D, Rexhëbeqaj-Hamiti V, Dobruna J, Maloku H, Fazliu ZL, Ibrani M

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Prishtina (Kosovo)

Cogent Eng 2024; 11 (1): 2340311

(7) A Comprehensive Review on Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Charging Portable Electronics

Laha A, Kalathy A, Pahlevani M, Jain P

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen’s University (Canada)

Eng 2023; 4 (2): 1023-1057

(8) Havana syndrome: Overview for otolaryngologists

Connolly M, Hawkshaw MJ, Sataloff RT

Drexel University College of Medicine (USA)

Am J Otolaryngol 2024; 45 (4): 104332

(9) Rosmarinic Acid Protects the Testes of Rats against Cell Phone and Ultra-high Frequency Waves Induced Toxicity

Fatahi Asl J, Goudarzi M, Mansouri E, Shoghi H

Department of Radiologic Technology, Faculty of Paramedicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (Iran)

Iran J Med Sci 2024; 49 (4): 237-246

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