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International EMF Project
Information Sheet
February 2005
Effects of EMF on the Environment
Levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from human-made sources have increased steadily
over the past 50-100 years. Most EMF exposures come from increased use of electricity and
new technologies. In the past decades, potential adverse effects from EMF exposure on
human health have been an important topic of research. However, little has been published
about the impact of EMF on the natural terrestrial and aquatic environment.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is addressing this issue through the International
EMF Project. One of the Project’s objectives is to provide advice to national authorities and
others on EMF health and environmental effects and protective measures or actions if
This information sheet summarizes the current scientific understanding on the effects of
exposure to EMF fields on the living environment, across the electromagnetic spectrum in
the frequency range 0-300 GHz. This range covers all frequencies that are emitted into the
environment through use of EMF technology. Recommendations are also given for further
research to fill gaps in knowledge needed to better assess EMF environmental impacts.
Awareness of any environmental impacts of EMF is important to ensure the preservation of
terrestrial and marine ecosystems, which form the basis for sustainable development.
Protection of the environment and conservation of nature have become matters of great
interest to the public, as well as to governments. Such interest is often expressed as
concern over possible environmental impacts of large technology projects, such as dams,
nuclear power plants, and radiofrequency transmitters. Several projects have been subject
to public pressures on environmental grounds, with EMF being one but not necessarily the
only issue. For example, a proposed high frequency (HF) radio transmitter for the Voice of
America in Israel, which would have been the world’s largest radio station, was blocked from
construction on environmental grounds, in part related to concerns about potential effects of
radio frequency fields on migrating birds.
Public concern about environmental exposure to EMF has ranged from claims of reduced
milk production in cows grazing under power lines to damage to trees near high power
radars. Such concerns might also affect the development of new technology: several plans
have been proposed since the late 1960s for generating electric power in space by orbiting
arrays of solar panels. Large amounts of electricity generated by such solar power satellites
would be transmitted to sizeable antennas on the ground. In addition to overcoming
technical difficulties, this and other new technologies would have to gain public acceptance.
Information sheet:
effects of EMF on the environment1 SOURCES OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE
Emissions from natural as well as artificial sources make up the EMF environment we live in.
Natural sources, which include EMF radiation from the sun, the earth, the atmosphere
including lightning discharges, account for only a small fraction of the overall EMF emissions
in the 0-300 GHz frequency range. Human-made sources from major technologies have
become an important component of the total EMF emissions into the environment. Relevant
sources in the environment include:
ƒ FM Radio and TV Transmitters: The strongest radio-frequency fields in most urban
areas are associated with radio and TV broadcast services (for more information, see
Fact Sheet 183). In urban areas, contributions from mobile phone base stations may
reach similar amplitudes.
ƒ Radar: Radar systems are used for a variety of tasks, ranging from navigation to
aircraft and missile surveillance systems (for more information, see Fact Sheet 226).
Wide-spread penetrations are expected from vehicle anti collision radar systems.
ƒ High Voltage Power Lines: Power lines deliver electricity (usually at 50 or 60 Hz)
and may span hundreds of kilometres (for more information related to their effects on
human health, see the WHO Fact Sheets 205, 263).
ƒ Undersea Power Cables: Undersea cables are used in Europe (especially in
Scandinavia and Greece), Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the Philippines to
transfer electric power across water. These sea cables usually conduct very large DC
currents of up to a thousand amperes or more.
For most of these sources, substantial EMF only exist adjacent to the source, where they
may exceed international guidelines for limiting exposure of people (ICNIRP, 1998). These
areas are generally not accessible to the public but may be entered by fauna. Away from the
EMF sources, the fields decrease rapidly to intensities below ICNIRP’s exposure guidelines.
Most studies of EMF effects in animals have been conducted to investigate possible adverse
health effects in humans. These are usually performed on standard laboratory animals used
in toxicological studies, e.g. rats and mice, but some studies have also included other
species such as like short-living flies for the investigation of genotoxic effects. The subject of
this information sheet, however, is whether EMF can have harmful impacts on species of
wild and domestic animals. Under consideration are:
• Species, in particular certain fish, reptiles, mammals and migratory birds, which rely
on the natural (geomagnetic) static magnetic field as one of a number of parameters
believed to be used for orientation and navigational cues
• Farm animals (e.g. swine, sheep or cattle) grazing under power lines (50/60 Hz) or in
the vicinity of broadcasting antennas
• Flying fauna, such as birds and insects, which may pass through the main beam of
high power radio-frequency antennas and radar beams or through high intensity ELF
fields near power lines.
Studies performed to date have found little evidence of EMF effects on fauna at levels below
ICNIRP’s guideline levels. In particular, there were no adverse effects found on cattle
grazing below power lines. However, it is known that flight performance of insects can be
impaired in electric fields above 1kV/m, but significant effects have only been shown for
bees when electrically conductive hives are placed directly under power lines. Un-insulated
un-earthed conductors placed in an electric field can become charged and cause injury or
disrupt the activity of animals, birds and insects.
Information sheet:
effects of EMF on the environment2 Vegetation
Field studies of 50-60 Hz exposure to plants and crops have shown no effects at the levels
normally found in the environment, nor even at field levels directly under power lines up to
765 kV. However, the variability of parameters associated with environmental conditions
that affect plant growth (e.g. soil, weather) would likely preclude observation of any possible
low-level effects of electric field exposure. Damage to trees is well known to occur at electric
field strengths far above ICNIRP’s levels due to corona discharge at the tips of the leaves.
Such field levels are found only close to the conductors of very high voltage power lines.
Aquatic Life
Although all organisms are exposed to the geomagnetic field, marine animals are also
exposed to natural electric fields caused by sea currents moving through the geomagnetic
field. Electrosensitive fish, such as sharks and rays in oceans and catfish in fresh water, can
orient themselves in response to very low electric fields by means of electroreceptive
organs. Some investigators have suggested that human-made EMF from undersea power
cables could interfere with the prey sensing or navigational abilities of these animals in the
immediate vicinity of the sea cables. However, none of the studies performed to date to
assess the impact of undersea cables on migratory fish (e.g. salmon and eels) and all the
relatively immobile fauna inhabiting the sea floor (e.g. molluscs), have found any substantial
behavioural or biological impact.
The limited number of published studies addressing the risk of EMF to terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems show little or no evidence of a significant environmental impact, except for some
effects near very strong sources. From current in formation the exposure limits in the ICNIRP
guidelines for protection of human health are also protective of the environment.
Environmental studies are needed since any adverse influence of EMF on plants, animals
such as birds, and other living organisms, while important in their own right, could also
ultimately impact on human life and health. However, much of the existing work in this area
has been scattered in approach and uneven in quality. A co-ordinated research agenda that
addresses the scientific issues raised by increasing environmental EMF levels does not
exist. In view of the facts discussed above, there is no urgent need to give research priority
to this field over other health topics. However, while there is a small but active research
effort in this area, it would be informative to:
ƒ design bio-effects research with wildlife species in mind and aimed at identifying
their possible responses to new human-made sources of EMF energy. Appropriate
choice of species for study is very important (e.g. birds since they can enter areas of
high field strength),
ƒ develop environmental guidelines for EMF exposure at different frequencies,
drawing on information from well-performed studies. Such guidelines might resemble
those developed for human health, but with appropriately adapted thresholds to
ensure that EMF levels are below those producing adverse consequences in the
The following references provide a more in-depth treatment of this subject:
ƒ Matthes R., Bernhardt J., Repacholi M., editors: Proceedings of the International
Seminar on Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Living Environment, Ismaning,
Germany, ICNIRP, 2000 (ICNIRP 10/2000).
Information sheet:
effects of EMF on the environment3 ƒ Foster K. and Repacholi M. Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields From
Major Electrical Technologies. EMF Project report:
ƒ Matthes R., Bernhardt J., McKinlay A., editors: Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to
Non-Ionizing Radiation, ICNIRP, 1999 (ICNIRP 7/99).
ƒ All WHO Fact Sheets are available at
Information sheet:
effects of EMF on the environment4

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