JEIC学術情報 Produced by電磁界情報センター



表示順 :
  • Stress-Responsive MAPK Signaling Pathway with Proliferation and Apoptosis in the Rat Testis After 2100 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure

    2100 MHz高周波放射ばく露後のラット精巣における増殖およびアポトーシスを伴うストレス応答性MAPKシグナル伝達経路
    Er H, Tas GG, Soygur B, Ozen S, Sati L
    Department of Medical Imaging Techniques, Vocational School of Health Services, Akdeniz University (Turkiye)
    Eur J Ther 2024; Online

  • The Distribution of Boars Spermatozoa in Morphometrically Distinct Subpopulations after In Vitro Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation at 2500 MHz and Their Motility

    2500 MHzの高周波電磁放射へのイン・ビトロばく露後の形態計測的に異なる亜集団におけるイノシシ精子の分布とその運動性
    Žaja IŽ, Vince S, Butković I, Senaši K, Milas NP, Malarić K, Lojkić M, Folnožić I, Tur SM, Kreszinger M, Samardžija M, Čipčić S, Žura N, Ostović M, Vilić M
    Department of Physiology and Radiobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
    Animals 2024; 14 (6): 828

  • Terahertz Radiation Modulates Neuronal Morphology and Dynamics Properties

    Ma S, Ding P, Zhou Z, Jin H, Li X, Li Y
    School of Information Science and Engineering, Yanshan University (China)
    Brain Sci 2024; 14 (3): 279

  • Impact of specific electromagnetic radiation on wakefulness in mice

    Deng H, Liu L, Tang X, Lu Y, Wang X, Zhao Y, Shi Y
    Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structural Biology & Frontier Research Center for Biological Structure, Tsinghua-Peking Joint Center for Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University (China)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2024; 121 (15): e2313903121

  • Effect of Mobile Phone Usage During Pregnancy on Total Oxidant and Antioxidant Levels in Cord Blood

    Özen G, Kahvecioğlu D, Bulut I, Erel O, Neşelioğlu S, Üstün Y, Taşar MA
    University of Health Sciences Turkey, Ankara Atatürk Sanatoryum Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Pediatrics (Turkiye)
    J Behcet Uz Child Hosp 2023; 13 (3): 177-184

  • Biocompatibility assessment of bovine serum albumin conjugated manganese dioxide nanoparticle and their therapeutic role against microwave radiation induced haematological toxicity in male Wistar rats

    Pardhiya S, Gaharwar US, Parambil AM, Nirala JP, Rajamani P
    School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)
    Free Radic Res 2024; Online

  • The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on human self-reported symptoms: A systematic review of human experimental studies

    Bosch-Capblanch X, Esu E, Oringanje CM, Dongus S, Jalilian H, Eyers J, Auer C, Meremikwu M, Röösli M
    Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Switzerland)
    Environ Int 2024; 108612

  • Evaluation of Road User Radio-Frequency Exposure Levels in an Urban Environment from Vehicular Antennas and the Infrastructure in ITS-G5 5.9 GHz Communication

    ITS-G5 5.9 GHz通信の車載アンテナとインフラからの都市環境における道路利用者の高周波ばく露レベルの評価
    Benini M, Gallucci S, Bonato M, Parazzini M, Tognola G
    Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
    IEEE Access 2024; Online

  • Measuring the EMF exposure from mobile network antennas: experience from Luxembourg

    Roth U, Selmane L, Faye S
    Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) (Luxembourg )
    IEEE Access 2024; Online

  • Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk. Seventeenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2022

    SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, Dasenbrock C, Poulsen AH, Danker-Hopfe H, Huss A, Poulletier de Gannes F, Scarfi MR, Röösli M, van Rongen E
    記載なし (Sweden)
    Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) 2024; 2024:05: 1-122

  • Knowledge, risk perception and information needs of general practitioners regarding potential health effects of electromagnetic fields: A scoping review of the scientific literature

    Forster F, Ermel L, Riesmeyer C, Jung R, Luethy K, Wullinger P, Weinmann T
    Institute and Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, LMU University Hospital (Germany)
    Radioprotect 2024; 59 (1): 55-64

  • Risk factors of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT): Exposure to mobile phones during pregnancy

    Celegen K, Ozgul E, Yesildag Z, Camirci EY, Celegen M, Bukulmez A
    Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University Faculty of Medicine (Turkiye)
    Turk J Med Sci 2024; 54 (1)

  • The Effect of a Rotating Magnetic Field on the Regenerative Potential of Platelets

    Cecerska-Heryć E, Goszka M, Gliźniewicz M, Grygorcewicz B, Serwin N, Stodolak P, Słodzińska W, Birger R, Polikowska A, Budkowska M, Rakoczy R, Dołęgowska B
    Department of Laboratory Medicine, Pomeranian Medical University of Szczecin (Poland)
    Int J Mol Sci 2024; 25 (7): 3644

  • Environmental Factors as the Main Hormonal Disruptors of Male Fertility

    Wdowiak N, Wójtowicz K, Wdowiak-Filip A, Pucek W, Wróbel A, Wróbel J, Wdowiak A
    Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin (Poland)
    J Clin Med 2024; 13 (7): 1986

  • Intestinal microbiota via NLRP3 inflammasome dependent neuronal pyroptosis mediates anxiety-like behaviour in mice exposed to 3.5 GHz radiofrequency radiation

    3.5 GHzの高周波放射にばく露したマウスにおけるNLRP3インフラマソーム依存性神経細胞パイロプトーシスを介した腸内微生物叢が不安様行動を媒介する
    Zhou GQ, Wang X, Gao P, Qin TZ, Guo L, Zhang ZW, Huang ZF, Lin JJ, Jing YT, Wang HN, Wang CP, Ding GR
    Department of Radiation Protection Medicine, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University (China)
    Sci Total Environ 2024; 927: 172391

  • Common misconceptions and myths about ovarian cancer causation: a national cross-sectional study from palestine

    Elshami M, Jaber I, Alser M, Al-Slaibi I, Jabr H, Ubaiat S, Tuffaha A, Khader S, Khraishi R, Arafeh ZA, Al-Madhoun S, Alqattaa A, Yaseen A, El Hadi AA, Barhoush O, Hijazy M, Eleyan T, Alser A, Hziema AA, Shatat A, Almakhtoob F, Mohamad B, Farhat W, Abuamra Y, Mousa H, Adawi R, Musallam A, Albarqi SI, Abu-El-Noor N, Bottcher B
    Division of Surgical Oncology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (USA)
    BMC Public Health 2024; 24: 1027









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