
Members of RatingEye ("Members") have comprehensive access to JCR’ s rating
information. The main contents of RatingEye are the "Issuer Report"
"Issuer Report" which
details the credit analysis information about issuers,"ESG Credit Outlook"
"ESG Credit Outlook"
which explains the impact of ESG factors on credit ratings, and the "Report
relating to Rating"
relating to Rating" which compiles various sorts of information related to
rating such as industry analysis and rating list.
JCR also comprehensively covers extensive categories through the "Rating
Outlook" report which explicates the features of a particular industry and
rating aspects in each report and the "Financial Results Highlights"
"Financial Results Highlights" which
explores the βinancial result trends of companies and industries as well as
describes our rating perspective.
Members can view any volume
can view any volume of JCR’s daily updated "News Release" from our
vast amount of back issues.
One of the distinctive features of RatingEye is its nimble and stress-free
nimble and stress-free
operation, in addition to its compatibility with a wide range of Operating
Systems and browsers for both PCs and mobile devices. Its structure is simple
which enables users to operate comfortably and intuitively. The handy search
functions make it easy for users to quickly βind, display, view, print out, and
store the reports related to an issuer they seek not only by keywords, the
name of issuer and security code but also by category and industry, etc.
Integrated Service of Credit Rating and Issuers’ Information1RatingEye is a membership service of Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. ("JCR"),
an expert in credit risk analysis, and provides credit information through its website.1234 2"Issuer Report" provides in-depth insight and analysis on
the credit worthiness of an individual issuer, elaborating
the issuer’s business environment, business risks, what the
βinancial statements imply, as well as the current and
future rating viewpoints, rating judgments and outlook, in
addition to the information covered by our regular News
Release. It also presents such data as rating trends since
JCR βirst assigned the rating of the issuer, key βinancial
indicators and individual bonds.
This report provides a detailed explanation of how ESG
factors affect credit ratings. In terms of environmental and
social factors, JCR selects key issues many companies
commonly emphasize, and explains them by presenting the
degree of impact on its business and βinancial bases in the
form of scoring. Scores for each company are presented from
the perspectives of opportunity and risk, in two time
horizons, present and future. As necessary, JCR mentions
industry-wide initiatives and issues to address. Governance
factors are also evaluated from analysts' viewpoint.
Issuer Report
ESG Credit Outlook *1
"Industry Analysis" is a comprehensive report that describes
information of an industry as a whole, which is not thoroughly
covered by our regular News Release and the Issuer Report.
Industry Analysis reports the industrial structure, features,
changes in external environment, market positions of issuers
and changes thereto, aspects incorporated in the ratings and
the rating methodology and so on in an easy to understand
manner. JCR updates the report on a regular basis, aiming to
always provide fresh information. Meanwhile, referring to
back issues will help you analytically compare the trends of
industrial environment.
Industry Analysis *1
*1; These services are currently available in Japanese only
Main contents
Main contents
"Rating Outlook" covers more than 100 business sectors in
extensive industries and business types, including niche
industries which are barely found elsewhere. It presents
industrial attributes, trends, our rating viewpoint, and
direction in a well-organized, one-page report. A latest
version of Rating Outlook will provide a prompt view of
the current status and outlook of extensive industries of
entities which JCR covers.3Rating Outlook *1
"Global Report" mainly focuses on the emerging markets
and is updated by analysts at the International Department
of JCR. The report provides political information which is
seldom taken up by general newspapers, etc. and other
unpublished information, in addition to key economic
indicators. It also clearly describes positive factors and
negative factors in rating viewpoint and political and
economic trends, and makes it easy to view the transitions
and future prospects.
Global Report *1
JCR, as a part of our globalization strategy, endeavors to
expand the coverage area in terms of overseas issuers to
cover noteworthy industries and entities, in addition to
sovereign issuers from the G7 to emerging countries. JCR
also provides Members with its exclusive value-added
information such as "Q&A" which answers to questions
related to special βields from Members and "Rating List"
which lists issuers and individual bonds under our
coverage, all of which are requisite tools for credit analysis
Others *1
Members can access all the News Release (original Japanese PDF βile) issued by JCR in and after January 1998.
The stress-free search and display functions give Members instant access to the News Release from the βirst
number to the latest one.
News Release
*1; These services are currently available in Japanese only 4Members may access assistance from JCR’ s credit analysts by phone or in person to clarify questions related
to the contents of the News Release, Issuer Report and other reports JCR issued and rating methodologies,
etc. Receiving information about analysis aspects, remarkable factors and outlook, etc. directly from the
relevant analyst, combined with written information, would deepen Member’s understanding.
JCR frequently holds RatingEye Seminars, exclusive to Members. Members are all welcome to join the seminars
for free. In the RatingEye seminars, analysts discuss a wide variety of topics that meet the needs of Members
such as a particular industry, etc., giving insights into trends, surrounding environment, opinion, outlook and
Additional Services
Additional Services
System Requirements
System Requirements
Analyst Contact
RatingEye Seminar *1
Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS and other major Operating Systems
Operating System
Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox and other major browsers
Web Browser
Adobe Reader is required for βiles to display.
Other Software, etc.
* Website and βiles may not be displayed properly, in case the version of the user’s software is old.
*1; These services are currently available in Japanese only
Service Fees, etc.5RatingEye is a fee-based service that is provided exclusively for RatingEye members through our website.
To use RatingEye, you need to agree to the RatingEye Terms of Use (the "Terms") and sign up for membership.
sign up for membership.
For more information and application, please contact:
Information Services Department
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.
Jiji Press Building 5-15-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 Japan
Phone: +81-3-3544-7013
Email : ratingeye1@jcra.com
Service Fees, etc.
Service Fees, etc.
Contact Information
Contact Information
JCR will issue a User ID and Password to the Member once the registration process completes.
In compliance with the Terms, no person other than those in the department/division stated in the
no person other than those in the department/division stated in the
Application Form as a Member of RatingEye shall use the service.
Application Form as a Member of RatingEye shall use the service. Simultaneous access by more than one
personnel of a department/division requires the corresponding number of IDs.
650,000 yen (excluding tax) per annum
Additional ID in a department (division) : 325,000 yen (excluding tax) per annum per additional ID
The initial membership term shall be one year from the date speciβied by JCR.
The membership is automatically renewed for successive one-year terms thereafter unless the respective
Member provides written notice to JCR of its intent to terminate use of RatingEye no later than one month
before the expiration date.
* In the event of cancellation or termination of the RatingEye before its expiration date, no refunds of fees will be made.
[Payment method]
Payments shall be made via bank transfer to the bank account designated by JCR based on JCR’s invoice.

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