佐賀大学 肥前セラミック研究センター 国際セミナー
このたび、佐賀大学 肥前セラミック研究センターは、2022 年度国際セミナー『やきもの産地の
対策を講じてきました。今回の国際セミナーでは、中国の景徳鎮陶瓷大学 黄弘(Hong Huang)教
授と李超(Chao Li)准教授、韓国の慶熙大学校 方敞鉉(ChangHyun Bang)教授、佐賀大学 本田
皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。記だいやまーく日時: 令和 4 年 9 月 27 日(火曜日)13 時 00 分〜16 時 00 分
だいやまーく場所: オンライン Web 配信(Zoom)
(注記) お申込みいただいた際に、接続用 URL 等をお送りさせていただきます。
だいやまーく主催: 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター
だいやまーく発表言語: 英語/日本語(同時通訳)
だいやまーく参加方法: 参加費無料(事前申込みが必要です。こちらからお申し込みください。)
申込み Forms: https://forms.office.com/r/hKhM4z7JvZ
司会: 有馬隆文 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター・副センター長,教授
13:00-13:05 開会挨拶
矢田光徳 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター・センター長,教授
13:05-13:45 講演 1 「景徳鎮におけるセラミック産業の戦略の方向性と窯業発展」
黄弘 (Hong Huang) 景徳鎮陶瓷大学管理与経済学院・教授
13:45-14:25 講演 2 「韓国のセラミックの中心地:陶芸のまち―利川」
方敞鉉(ChangHyun Bang) 慶熙大学芸術デザイン学院・教授
14:25-14:30 休憩 5 分
14:30-15:10 講演 3 「景徳鎮における国際展示会と産学研究連携によるまちづくりの推進」
李超(Chao Li) 景徳鎮陶瓷大学美術学院・准教授
15:10-15:40 講演 4 ×ばつSOGETSU の事例から〜」
本田智子 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター・准教授
15:40-15:45 閉会挨拶
有馬隆文 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター・副センター長,教授
(注記) 各講演後、質疑応答 10 分
佐賀大学 肥前セラミック研究センター 助教 HAO DONG (ハオ ドン)
電話: 0955-29-8718 FAX: 0955-43-3033
E-mail:h-center (at) mail.admin.saga-u.ac.jp
Strategic Positioning and Development of Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry
Hong Huang
School of Management and Economics, Jingdezhen Ceramics University, China
1. The background of Jingdezhen ceramic industry positioning
(1) Strategic positioning of other ceramic producing areas in China
(2) Jingdezhen Ceramic Industrial Basic
2. The connotation of Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry Strategic Positioning
"Two places One center"
(1) Building Ceramic Culture Inheritance and Innovation Base
(2) World famous ceramic culture tourism destination
(3) International Ceramics Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Trading Center
3. The practice of Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry Strategic Positioning
(1) Protection and inheritance of ceramic culture
(2) Ceramic cultural exchange and cooperation
(3) Innovation and development of ceramic industry
(4) Ceramic Industry Measures and Guarantee
4. International Cooperation Required by Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry Strategy
(1) Cultural exchange and cooperation
(2) Scientific and technological innovation cooperation
(3) Personnel cultivation Cooperation
(4) Ceramic Standards Cooperation
Hong Huang, Doctor of Management, Professor, Master
Supervisor. Professor Huang pays close attention to the development
of domestic and foreign ceramic industry for a long time. He has
presided over or participated in the completion of more than 20
ceramic industry development plans and strategic studies among the
national ceramic production areas.
The textbooks edited by Professor Huang include Marketing,
Production Management, Introduction of Ceramic Development
Economy and so on. Meanwhile, he is writing a monograph on
Research on the Development Mode of Emerging Architectural
Ceramics Industry. Since 2017, Professor Huang has served as the editor-in-chief of Domestic
Ceramic Yearbook. He has published more than 50 academic papers which formed a strong
academic influence and leadership in the ceramic industry.
Korea’s Pottery Hub: City of Ceramic Art, Icheon
Chang-hyun Bang
College of Art & Design, Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi-do, 17104, Republic of Korea
Since its designation as UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Art, Icheon has consolidated itself as a
reference of the Korean crafts industry. Icheon plays a key role in developing modern ceramics and in
handing down traditional Korean ceramics, an ancient art going back over 1,000 years, from one
generation to the next.
Housing all of the necessary infrastructures in the ceramics process such as industrial enterprises,
educational institutes and craft-related support facilities, Icheon has been designated as the only crafts
specialized zone in Korea. The ceramic belt around Icheon accounts for 55% of the domestic ceramic
industry. The 320 ceramic studios located in the area make Icheon Korea’s largest center of the craft
Events such as the Icheon Ceramic Festival, Icheon International Sculpture Symposium, and
Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale illustrate the city’s status as a place of exchange, mutual
understanding and creative activities.
Incheon Ceramic Utopia – also known as Cerapia – is a family-friendly theme park. The main
attraction, the Icheon World Ceramic Center, has a collection of over 2,000 contemporary ceramic works
and exhibits ceramic pieces from all around the world. In addition, it is an integrated cultural space
where visitors can observe, enjoy hands-on experiences, and communicate with artists directly.
Today the city of Icheon is developing creative policies and programs that are destined to put its
people at the center of the city’s transformation as a UNESCO Creative City. Icheon aims to preserve
its creative and cultural resources and share these values with other cities around the world.
Chang Hyun Bang is currently a professor and artist at Kyunghee
University. He studied English literature and ceramic art at Kyunghee
University, continued master’s degree in ceramics from the State University
of New York, New Paltz, and received his Ph.D in art criticism at Kyunghee
University. He has written about 50 critical essays and articles that were
published in the renowned journals and magazines such as Ceramic Art and
Perception, Monthly Ceramic Art, and Journal of Korea Convergence Society.
Recently his main concern is about Asakawa Takumi and Korean modern craft, the
convergence between 3D printers and ceramic crafts, and Yanagi Muneyoshi and non-dualistic
International Exhibitions and Industry- University-Research Ties Boosting
Urban Developments in Jingdezhen
Chao Li
School of Ceramic Art, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jiangxi Province333403, China
Jingdezhen, the centuries-old porcelain capital, not only has a long history of craft making and
exhibitions but also rich in contemporary cultures and multi-media contemporary art events. The famed
Jingdezhen Ceramic University is the only one in China that trained generations of ceramic professionals
since it was first founded in 1910. In addition to the annual hosted Jingdezhen International Ceramics
Fair, more and more contemporary art exhibitions have also emerged in Jingdezhen, attracting a large
number of audiences and the attentions from both domestic and international art circles. These bizarre
exhibitions appear alternately in Taocichuan Art Museum, Royal Kiln Museum, Jingdezhen Ceramic
University Art Museum, Sanbao Art Museum, etc. and other landmark areas of the city, which greatly
enriches the leisure life of citizens and greatly promotes urban taste and stimulates tourism consumptions.
Improve the city image of Jingdezhen. The author starts from several major exhibitions he participated
and helped recently, such as Art Fuliang and the Jingdezhen International Ceramics Biennale to
introduce and lead you to explore a brand-new Jingdezhen.
Li Chao, MA/Art History, West Virginia University, MFA/ Sculpture,
Jingdezhen Ceramic University; Associate Professor of Art, MFA Supervisor,
Secretary-general of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Association
Ceramics Branch; Director of the Jingdezhen Ceramic University Int’l Culture
Exchange Center. Member of the China Academy of Sculpture. Art
Curatorial team member of the 2021 Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art
Biennale; Contract curator of Taikang Space for Contemporary Art;
Contracted curator of North Carolina Potters Conference; Visiting Professor of Dickinson
Li Chao is an internationally well-recognized ceramic artist. His ceramic sculpture works
have been exhibited both in China and internationally and were collected by many art
museums, institutions, and individual collectors at home and abroad. He has published many
professional papers in art magazines such as Literary and Art Contention, China Culture News,
World Art, Ceramics Art & Perception. He has curated many international art exhibitions such
as 2012’ From the Dragon Fire - Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art Invitational Exhibition,
2015’ Pull Left- Chinese Contemporary Art Touring Exhibition in the United States and 2021’
the Spirit of Ceramics—Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale. Chao has conducted
many international workshops and guest teaching. As a professor, he is mainly engaged in the
research and teaching of ceramic art, art history (graduate level), sculpture and curatorial
Industrial and Regional Development through Collaboration between
the Ceramics and the Arts
~from the Example of ×ばつSOGETSU~
Tomoko Honda
Ceramic Research Center, Saga University, Saga, 8440013, Japan
In this research, we focus on the high-technological and artistic qualities features of Arita-yaki and
aims to clarify what synergies can be generated through practical research, in which we not only use the
conventional industrial promotion measures, but also use the new artistic creation, human resource
development as the new foundation to conduct the practical collaboration between the ceramic industry
(Arita-yaki) and the art field (Ikebana Sogetsu).
Tomoko Honda is currently an associate professor at Ceramic
Research Center of Saga University from May of 2020. Until now, she
gained practical experience in product design and landscape design in
non-government organizations and has been engaged in a wide range of
operations from planning to sales.
Design is often regard in a narrow sense as the work of thinking about
graphics and the shape of things. However, it is important to start by
considering the role of the thing in society, and to work extensively, always keeping in mind
how the final product will be accepted by human beings.
In addition, we carry out research activities every day, believing that design in the future will
not only have a role in supporting economic activities, but will also be required to contribute to
society and the community in a variety of ways.
Ceramic Research Center of Saga University, of which I belong, aims to revitalize the Hizen
ceramic industry area, i.e., Saga and Nagasaki prefecture. Making use of my previous practical
experience in design, I would like to collaborate with the local people, and to explore ways of
promoting the industrial and regional development in Hizen area based on the historical local
asset, Yakimono.

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