2021 年度第 2 回国際セミナー『科学と芸術の融合による、磁器の美しさ』
このたび、佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センターによる 2021 年度第 2 回国際セミナー
代表的な陶磁器の産地である中国の景徳鎮とイタリアのファエンツァから 2 名の講師を招待し
ます。景徳鎮陶瓷大学陶瓷芸術学院の Jingjing Zhang 教授とイタリア国家研究院セラミック
科学技術研究所(ISTEC, CNR)の Michele Dondi 教授には芸術とサイエンスの視点から伝統
皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。記日 時:令和 3 年 12 月 8 日(水曜日)16 時 00 分〜17 時 30 分
場 所:Web 配信(Zoom を利用予定)
主 催:佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター
発 表 言 語:英語/日本語(同時通訳)
参 加 方 法:参加費無料(事前申込みが必要です。こちらからお申し込みください。)
16:00-16:05 開会挨拶
矢田光徳 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター長
16:05-16:45 講演 1 「磁器と空間」
講師: 張婧婧(Jingjing Zhang) 景徳鎮陶瓷大学陶瓷美術学院 教授
司会: 三木悦子 佐賀大学芸術地域デザイン学部 准教授
16:45-17:25 講演 2 「磁器と炻器:近くて遠い存在
―焼結のダイナミックス, 相転移および溶融」
講師: ミケーレ ドンディ (Michele Dondi)
イタリアセラミック科学技術研究所 教授
司会: 郝棟(HAO DONG) 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター 助教
17:25-17:30 閉会挨拶
赤津隆 佐賀大学芸術地域デザイン学部 教授
(注記) 講演 30 分、質疑応答 10 分
佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター HAO DONG
電話: 0955-29-8718 FAX: 0955-43-3033
Ceramic and Space
Jingjing Zhang
School of Ceramic art, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jiangxi Province 333403, China
By the analysis of the traditional qualities and modern characteristics of the ceramic media, the history
of ceramic applications in space is reviewed, and the diversity, possibilities, and significance of ceramic
applications in modern space are analyzed. Through case analysis and introduction, the bright prospects
and diverse future of ceramics in modern space design applications are presented. The presentation contains
the following four parts.
1. History of ceramics in space application
2. The significance of ceramics use in modern space
3. The diversity of ceramics use in modern space design
4. Types and cases of ceramics in modern space design
Introduction of Prof. J. Zhang
Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. Director of the International School & International Ceramic Studio,
Jingdezhen Ceramic University. Representative of the 13th National Congress of China. IAC member.
Executive director of Youth Artists Association, Vice president of Youth Committee of Provincial
Federation of Overseas Chinese, Special expert of Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese Federation,
President of Jingdezhen Women Ceramic Artists Association.
She successively obtained many honorary titles. Such as advanced individual of National Overseas
Chinese Federation, innovative talent of National Overseas Chinese Federation, the May 4th youth medal
of Jiangxi, advanced individual of Jiangxi Overseas Chinese Federation, one of the Key talents of Jiangxi,
the Young Core Instructor of Jiangxi, one of the talents of Jiangxi publicizing culture, The Red Flag of
Jiangxi Province, and so on. Won various awards, such as the Bronze Award of the 11th National Art
Exhibition, Golden Award of the 6th Jiangxi Art Exhibition. Art Works were collected by museums such
as the National Art Museum of China, National Museum of China.
Porcelain vs. porcelain stoneware: so close, so different. Sintering kinetics,
phase transformations, and melt properties
Michele Dondi
Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, National Research Council (ISTEC-CNR), Via
Granarolo 64-48018 Faenza, Italy
The speech will focus on sintering kinetics, evolution of phase composition and of melt properties during
the vitrification path of four representative industrial ceramic formulations (soft porcelain, vitreous china,
porcelain stoneware, glass-bearing stoneware). These batches were designed with the same ingredients in
different ratios and processed at the lab scale (main characterization: optical thermo-dilatometric analysis,
XRPD-Rietveld, melt properties by predictive models). Different vitrification paths were observed
(involving dissolution/precipitation kinetics of mullite, feldspar and quartz). Such remarkable differences,
especially when primary or secondary mullite occurred, clearly reflect a distinctive evolution of chemical
features and pseudo-structural parameters of liquid phase.
Introduction of Prof. M. Dondi
Michele Dondi is head researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (ISTEC-
CNR Faenza, Italy) where he coordinates the research group on innovation in traditional ceramics. His
activity is especially dealing with technological transfer, technical consultancy, and services to industries,
bringing about numerous R&D contracts with ceramic companies as well as many international scientific
and technological collaborations. Dondi’s scientific production consists of about 400 papers, 175 of which
are publications on ISI international journals (H-index 48) along with 51 invited lectures. His research
topics focus, among others, on the dependence of ceramic products performances on process conditions
and composition of raw materials.

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