このたび、佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センターによる「2021 年度国際セミナー 伝統
講師に景徳鎮陶瓷大学芸術文博学院の Junming Wu 教授と韓国窯業技術院(KICET)
利川分院の Jaegyeom Kim 氏とを招き、伝統的磁器に関する研究について講演を行ってい
韓国窯業技術院と当センターとは平成 31 年 1 月に国際研究交流 MOU を締結して研究
皆様、奮ってご参加いただきますようお願い申し上げます。記日 時:令和 3 年 7 月 30 日(金曜日)16 時 00 分〜17 時 30 分
場 所:Web 配信(Webex を利用予定)
主 催:佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター
発 表 言 語:英語
参 加 方 法:参加費無料(事前申込みが必要です。こちらからお申し込みください。)
16:00-16:05 開会挨拶
16:05-16:45 講演 1 「リートベルト法による磁器の相組成と強度の関係に関する研究」
金宰谦 (Jaegyeom Kim) 韓国窯業技術院利川分院 博士研究員
16:45-17:25 講演 2 「景徳鎮の伝統的な磁器の生産工程におけるサイエンス」
呉軍明 (Junming Wu) 景徳鎮陶瓷大学芸術文博学院 教授
17:25-17:30 閉会挨拶
郝棟 (Dong Hao) 佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター 助教
(注記) 講演 30 分、質疑応答 10 分
佐賀大学肥前セラミック研究センター HAO DONG
電話: 0955-29-8718 FAX: 0955-43-3033
The relation between phase composition and strength of porcelain using the
Rietveld method
Jaegyeom KIM*, Jae-Hwan PEE, Hiroaki KATSUKI
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Icheon Branch, Icheon 17303, Republic of
Keywords: Porcelain, High strength, Rietveld method, Quantitative phase analysis
Powder X-ray diffraction is the best available technique for the identification and quantification of
crystalline mixture materials. Since H. Rietveld developed a whole pattern fitting structure refinement
based on the powder X-ray diffraction data in 1969, the refinement procedure is called "Rietveld
refinement". The Rietveld refinement method is currently the most useful tool to obtain direct quantitative
phase analysis of complex materials. Inherent advantages of this method have increased its application to
nearly all classes of crystalline materials. The Rietveld method is also useful to indirectly determine the
amorphous content by adding a suitable crystalline standard. Typical porcelain bodies are made from
materials collected from selected deposits using different mixing proportions of clay, feldspar and quartz,
which are heat-treated to form a mixture of glass and crystalline phases. The phase proportion is very
important factor to affect the physical properties of porcelains. Thus, phase determination and
quantification are of special importance in the study of porcelain materials. In this work, alumina, mullite,
and cordierite powder were added to a whiteware porcelain slurry and fired at 1280 °C to investigate the
correlation between porcelain composition and strength. A Rietveld quantitative analysis indicated that
the amorphous phase decreased with increasing additional alumina and mullite content, while the
amorphous content remained constant regardless of the additional cordierite content. The decrease in the
amorphous content increased the strength of the porcelain, which, in the case of the sample with 15 wt.%
alumina, increased by 57%. The dramatic increase in strength is attributed to the increase in residual
stress due to the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient between the alumina and the amorphous
phase, as well as the increased formation of mullite by the addition of alumina.
Jaegyeom Kim received the Ph.D. degree in applied chemistry from the Ajou
University in 2019. He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at Icheon
Branch of Korean Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET).
His research interests include energy storage materials, thermal conductive
materials and porcelain. He has published papers related to crystal structure
analysis. His research method combines crystal structure and material
properties (physical, electrical, chemical, etc). His research aims to design
crystal structures that exhibit desired properties.
Science of traditional porcelain making in Jingdezhen
Junming WU*
Art and Archabology School, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jiangxi Province333403, China
Jingdezhen, the centuries-old porcelain capital, not only has a long history of porcelain making,
aboveground and underground historical relics are rich, but also created a lot of excellent porcelain
making skills, and it has been preserved and used to this day. These excellent traditional porcelain making
skills are a group of precious and important historical and cultural heritage. At the same time, it also
contains rich scientific content, which is worth studying and revealing. Both in raw material preparation,
raw material processing or molding process firing process and other aspects, Jingdezhen still retains a lot
of traditional skills. So what sustains it for so long? What are the scientific implications? What is the
influence to the formation of porcelain capital status? (The scientific nature of lime ash preparation is
introduced emphatically, Scientific nature of water-borne porcelain stone raw materials, the scientific
nature of Zhenyao (firewood kiln invented by Jingdezhen)).
Junming Wu, PH.D., Professor, Master Supervisor, Leader of Jiangxi
Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Base, Leader of popular
science education base in Jiangxi province, Director of Jingdezhen
Science Popularization Education Base, Young Jing gang Scholar of
Jiangxi Province, reviewer expert of Journal Analytical Methods of the
Royal Society of Chemistry, review expert of National Natural Science
Foundation of China project, Member of the First Council of Ceramic
Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Science and Technology
Alliance. He is mainly engaged in the research and teaching of ceramic technology history,
ceramic archaeology, cultural heritage and ceramic cultural creative industry, Especially in
Jingdezhen ceramic intangible cultural heritage scientific connotation exploration, a great deal of
research work has been carried out on inheritance, protection, development and utilization, and
has made some stage research results, which includes the scientific principle of Jingdezhen
traditional lime ash preparation technology and the process simulation of the preparation
technology of ancient famous porcelain, and so on.

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