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Hokkaido Electric Power Co.,Inc.

About Hokkaido Electric Power Company Investor Relations Environment Employment Practice Procurement of Materials and Equipment Research And Development Links

In response to the legal separation of the transmission and distribution sector in April 2020, HEPCO separated Hokkaido Electric Power Network Co., Ltd. to ensure further neutrality in the power transmission and distribution sector.
The HEPCO website will continue to introduce the results of business activities that Hokkaido Electric Power has conducted as a single unit prior to the Company split and the initiatives that HEPCO and the HEPCO Network will jointly implement.

People from abroad staying in Hokkaido

We would like to offer our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience due to the recent power cuts in the whole area of Hokkaido as a result of the earthquake that happened at early dawn on Sept. 6, 2018.
We highly appreciate your cooperation in saving electricity consumption within your comfort zone.


Suspicious e-mail, text message etc. illegally using our company name and board of directors' name were broadly found these days.
We warn you that our company does NOT have any relation with the e-mail, text message etc.

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